Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Children of Loss 33

Chapter 33

“All right, ladies and gentlemen,” came Apollo's voice from in front of where Nico was hunched over, attempting to catch his breath, “as you all know, Gaea is expected to be here somewhere between ten and thirteen days.” The blond began pacing as he walked in front of the Lost Kids that were occupying the stage. “So, as most of you know, we put on big numbers during that time. That also means that we will have group nights on Christmas and New Years.”

Luke smirked over at Annabeth. “Just tell the two of us what big number you have planned.”

Apollo clicked his tongue as his blue eyes shifted between Luke and Annabeth. “Actually.” Both blondes frowned as soon as the word left Apollo's mouth. “Actually,” the curly haired blond glanced at Nico, “Percy and I decided that Nico would be performing with Annabeth.”

That seemed to break the dam. The rest of the Lost Kids exploded in an uproar. “What do you mean? I always perform with Luke on these shows!” Annabeth shouted. The others were being just as vocal.

“The new kid gets a big number and I don't?”

“This isn't fair!”

“How can you agree to this?”

Apollo held his hands up in defense. He glanced at Nico, who shifted his weight. No one had told, or even asked, Nico if he wanted to do a big performance. “He did a good job on Halloween, so I wanted to give him another chance.” He narrowed his eyes when Luke opened his mouth. “It's just one number. I don't care if you and Annabeth decide to do your own performance.”

Luke grunted. “Fine, whatever.” He pointed a finger towards Nico, glaring hatefully. “You better not screw up.”

Annabeth seemed to be studying Nico through all of this. “He's not really strong enough to pick me up, like Luke usually does, though.”

Apollo raked his fingers through his blond curls. “He's not going to.” The Lost Boy flashed his pearly white smile. “Just trust me, I have ideas.” He spun on his heel and went back to pacing. “Actually, it's a group number, so we'll have everyone that's upstairs. And I do mean everyone. That will include those waiting tables up here.”

“Like what?” Travis asked, placing a hand on his hip.

“That is for later.” Apollo held up a finger with a smile. “We'll start practicing it in a few days, I just need to work a few more things out. It'll be the closing number for the night.”

Nico pressed his hands against his knees again, still working to catch his breath. Ever since he had gotten back from school, Apollo had been working him to the bone. Decorating and organizing were clearly not the only things that were going to be hectic around here during the days leading up to Gaea's arrival. Apollo had said that everything needed to be perfect during the woman's time here.

As soon as Apollo cleared his throat, Nico knew there was more coming that would only make things more exhausting. “And remember, no mistakes. No slip ups.”

“No sabotaging numbers,” Hazel mumbled.

Apollo shot the girl a glare. He paused for a moment before motioning towards the stairs. “Go get ready for tonight, everyone.” As Nico went to leave with the others, the blond reached out and grabbed the back of his sweaty shirt. “Hold on a second, Nico.”

The younger Lost Boy let out a sigh, wiping sweat from his forehead. “What's up?”

Whatever it was, Nico was going to guess it was serious. Apollo wore a serious look as he rubbed his hands together. “As you know, you'll be working again tonight.” Nico nodded. Apollo nodded as well, but gave Nico a look to let him know there was more. “Your full job. And you'll still be doing that when Gaea arrives.”

“Is there a point to this?”

“No freaking out.” Apollo reached out to rest a hand on Nico's shoulder. “When I said no mistakes, that means in everything you do. In the bar, up here waiting tables, stripping, or even pleasing a client; you have to be perfect.”

“Oh.” Nico looked down at his feet, scuffing them along the floor of the stage. “Maybe Percy shouldn't put me back there. What if I mess up?”

“You can't.” Apollo licked his lips. “He can't take you out of there.” Glancing over his shoulder, Apollo leaned closer. “You may not know this, but Percy took a huge bullet for you when he wasn't putting you to work up here, and another when he didn't make you work in the back rooms.”

“What do you mean?” Nico furrowed his brow.

“Gaea was not happy when she learned about how Percy was handling you. So expect her to watch you like a hawk.” Apollo ran his hand along Nico's arm. “Just stay calm. You can freak out all you want when you're in the comfort of your own room. But you can't mess up on stage, or freak out while with a client. No one is going to mess with you, especially not myself.” Apollo let out a nervous chuckle. “You think it was bad when Percy got mad about what I did? I would take ten angry Percys over an angry Gaea any day. Not only will you be in trouble, but whoever messed with you will share in your torture. And I don't use the word torture as a figure of speech.”

Nico gulped. “She tortures people?”

“Only those that get on her bad side.” Apollo flashed his smile. “So just don't mess up. You'll be fine. Hopefully.”

“That's so reassuring,” Nico mumbled as Apollo began moving towards the stairs.

They walked to the elevator, where Apollo pulled out his card and hit the button to their floor. “Just thought it would be a good idea to let you know.”

Nico was thankful, but also extremely nervous now. He had mostly been anxious for the woman's arrival. But he was just hoping she would not stay long. His mouth felt dry just thinking about it. What if he fell on stage? What if he dropped someone's drink? This was going to be a nightmare.

His imagination seemed to get carried away the whole time they were in the elevator, and it did not help that Apollo was not occupying Nico's attention with conversation. The silence only made it worse for Nico, as his eyes widened from the thought of being having his fingernails torn from his fingers. Apollo raised a brow at him when he cringed.

When they were about to reach Nico's suite, the brown-eyed boy stopped and touched Apollo's arm. The blond stopped, turning to stare at Nico curiously. Nico chewed on his lips. “Have you ever had a bad run in with Gaea? When I first heard her name from Percy, he made her sound almost nice. I thought we were supposed to like her?”

The blond smiled and patted Nico on the head. “You're too cute when you're nervous. Like a blushing virgin, only you're not.” Nico scowled at him. Apollo chuckled. “Calm down. Gaea is...terrifying, but she is also a very interesting person to be around. Speaking for myself, I do enjoy her visits. But she has known me for a little over two years now, so maybe I'm being biased.”


Another chuckle from the blond. “Not really a 'but'. She can be very helpful when it comes to your problems.” The taller of the two Lost Boys reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “If it weren't for her, I'd probably be exactly where I was two years ago when it came to my crush on Percy. Still like him, but not quite as obsessive about it.”

Nico frowned. “I'm not sure if that makes me feel better about her visit or not.”

“Honestly, I'd be more concerned about Kronos than Gaea. At least with Gaea you can know how to behave and where to not cross the line. Kronos is...quite unpredictable.” Apollo's eyes flickered up to lock with Nico's brown ones. “If it weren't for Percy, we would all be at his mercy.” The blond shook his head. “Especially Luke. Just don't try not to be alone with him for too long.” Apollo moved to continue to his room, but stopped and turned back to Nico. “And just remember that he won't say anything too hurtful around Percy, if you're looking for safety.”

“Right,” Nico breathed out. “Thanks for the advice.”

Apollo gave him a nod before disappearing into his room. Nico let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping. This was not feeling like a good Christmas. Nico hit his head against the wall with a groan. The sound of a door opening caught his ear.

“I'm not sure that's how you open your door.” Nico turned to find Leo grinning at him. The boy came to stand beside Nico, leaning a shoulder against the wall. “What's got you all down, grumpy?”

“Our upcoming guests,” Nico mumbled.

“Oh.” Leo's smile vanished. “Kronos is not really anyone's favorite guest. Don't talk bad about him in front of Percy, though.”

“So I've heard.”

“Ah.” Leo's grin returned in full force as he dug in his jacket pocket. “I got what you asked for.” Nico's eyes brightened as Leo pulled out an old pocket watch. “There you go.”

Nico opened it, letting out a sigh. “It's cracked.”

Leo shrugged. “Percy didn't feel it was important enough to take care of. He said it reminded him of things that were better left forgotten.”

Nico chewed on his lip. Not what he had been hoping for, but he would take it. “And the other thing?” He asked, holding the watch up for inspection. Several fighter planes had been drawn over the front, flying high over an ocean sunset.

Leo grinned, placing his hands behind his head. “Rachel's on it. Trust.”

“And you're not going to tell Percy?”

“Nah, it's for Christmas. I'm no Grinch.” Leo pounded a fist to his chest. “I got your back, dude. Trust in the Leo.”

The raven-haired boy rolled his eyes, pocketing the newly acquired watch. “It's when you say things like that which makes me want to worry.”

Leo stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. “That's so hurtful, Nico,” Leo said dramatically. Nico groaned and rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on. “Calm down, you're solid.” The curly haired Latino boy grinned before moving to step away from Nico.


The boy in question raised his brow, his smile dissipating slightly. “What's up, buddy?”

“The night Percy found me...” Nico rubbed at his arm. It might have happened so long ago, but it was still seared into Nico's mind. It was the first time he had ever seen Percy's eyes, the same memory that haunted his dreams. “When Percy found me, you seemed hesitant about him bringing me in. Why?”

Leo let out a long breath. He placed his hand on his hip, tapping his lips with the other. “Well, I mean...” Leo motioned to Nico's body. “You look like that, man. I thought you might have been like just hitting puberty, or something?”

Nico narrowed his eyes to scowl at the other. “We are roughly the same height, and you look about as young as I am.” Leo flinched when Nico poked him in the chest. “You have no room to talk about looking young, baby face.”

“Hey,” Leo whined. “Respect your elders.”

Nico shot the boy an annoyed stare. “You're not even two years older than me.”

Leo waved him off. “I fail to see your point. I'm smart for my age, I'll have you know.”

Nico pulled his card out of his back pocket. “Too bad you don't have the maturity to match.”

Leo grinned and began walking backwards down the hall. “You're one to talk there, Mr. Thanksgiving drunk.”

Nico rolled his eyes as he pushed his door open, turning to go inside. “I” Nico nearly let his card fall out of his hand. He heard Leo chuckle and take off down the hall. Nico glared into his suite. “Can you please just put some sort of warnings on the doors?” Jason jumped off of Percy's lap from where they were occupying the couch. “Or maybe send me a text. Like: We're fucking, please don't come into this specific room right now.” Percy chuckled at him, not bothering to put a shirt back on. “I swear, I'm beginning to think you know I'm coming and are planning these encounters.”

“I wish you had better timing,” Jason grumbled.

Nico rolled his eyes. “At least it was before pants came off.”

Percy jumped off the couch and moved towards the hall, following behind Nico. “Don't sound so pouty,” he whispered into the boy's ear.

Nico shuddered. He turned to glare at the green-eyed manager. “I'm not.” He slid his hands into his jacket, paling when he heard the chain rattle. Shit, he thought.

Percy's eyes instantly flickered down, tilting his head to the side. Well this was not good. “What do you have there?” Percy asked, slowly moving forward until he had Nico pressed against the nearest wall. The manager bit down on his lip. “You seem nervous.”

“N-no reason.” Nico nearly squeaked when Percy reached forward. Within the blink of an eye, Nico had his jacket off and bunched up behind his back. Percy just grinned wider. “Behave. You're not allowed to see it until Christmas.”

The tall young man rested his arm above Nico's head, leaning forward. “But I do so hate waiting.” He slowly cupped Nico's cheek and tilted the boy's head up. “Don't you want to give it to me now?” Nico's heart was pounding. Percy was so close to him now, their lips a mere inch apart. “Come on, Nico, show me. I can always give you something that I know you'd like.”

Nico's eyes were blown wide with lust. It slowly began registering in some part of his brain that Percy's hand was sliding its way around Nico's back. He glared and pushed Percy back. “No. You'll just have to wait until Christmas.”

“Besides,” came Jason's annoyed voice, “you said you were making up for the other day.” The blond crossed his arms and glared between Percy and Nico. “So?”

Percy ran his fingers through his hair, smiling down at Nico. “Fine, have it your way. And calm down.” The manager winked over at Jason. “I haven't forgotten, I'm not going to leave you hanging again.”

Nico frowned. Before he could register what he was doing, he grabbed the front of Percy's shirt and pulled the other back to their earlier position. “But just because I don't want to spoil your present, doesn't mean I wouldn't like your company for a little while before work. You could sit with me in my room for a little bit.”

Glaring was an understatement on Jason's part. He was giving Nico a full on death glare. There was venom practically dripping from the boy's blue eyes. He was on Percy in an instant, turning the green-eyed young man's head to press their lips together. Nico's eyes darkened as he watched Jason slip his tongue into Percy's mouth.

Grabbing the back of Percy's head, Nico forced the young man's attention back on himself. He moved to kiss Percy as well, but Percy pushed his fingers to Nico's lips. “Only during sex,” Percy chuckled.

Nico's brow furrowed. “But-”

“Jason and I are, and were, going to have sex. You walked in on us...again.” Percy sighed and pushed some of Nico's hair from his face. “Calm down, perhaps another time.” A dark look appeared in Percy's eyes, his hand slowly sliding down towards Nico's ass. Nico's heart accelerated. “Unless...”

Jason frowned, holding onto Percy's arm. “Unless?”

Percy leaned in, bring his lips close enough to almost kiss Nico. “I'm open for a threesome.”

Nico's eyes widened, his jaw dropping. Was Percy being serious? He glanced over to Jason, expecting a similar reaction. Jason and Nico being involved in the same sexual encounter? Percy was joking, right?

But Jason did not seem annoyed, or even surprised. The blond just shrugged after glancing Nico over. “Sure, fine with me. He has a nice ass.”

The tips of Nico's ears felt like they were on fire. Was everyone insane in this place? “Are you two mentally insane?”

“Probably,” Percy interjected.

Nico rapidly shook his head. “No. No way. I'm not sure how I feel about a threesome.”

“Pity,” Jason sighed. “Oh well, I still get Percy.”

Percy chuckled as Jason began dragging him towards the blond's room. Nico frowned. The manager tossed Nico a wink before they disappeared into the room. Nico sighed and closed his eyes, slowly sliding down the wall. He let his jacket fall from his grasp, where it lay wadded up at his side.

A threesome. The thought kept running through his mind. Was he stupid for declining that invitation? He would have gotten to be with Percy again, even if it was sharing with someone else. And Jason was very attractive, if he were being honest with himself. If Percy were not in the picture, and perhaps they had met under different circumstances, Nico might have even ended up crushing on Jason. He would be lying to himself if he said he had never thought about Jason sexually.

But a threesome?

Nico raised an arm up to wipe away a single tear. He might have put on a face the other day to look like seeing Jason and Percy together did not bother him, but the truth was that it did. It still hurt. This time hurt. But the problem was he did not know how to get to a point where it wouldn't. Could he? If he really did care about Percy, then it should hurt, right? The best he could hope for was that he could keep managing an indifferent mask when he did have to deal with this.

“My eyes!” Nico nearly screamed backstage. His hands had been brought up to shield his eyes from the horror that stood before him. It had come out of nowhere. He had just been minding his own business, getting ready for the final performance of the night, and then all he saw was vagina.

Thalia cackled at him as she pulled her underwear down more. “Just preparing you for what lies ahead.” She motioned to her lady parts. “Now then, this is a vagina.”

Nico scowled at her from between his fingers. Luke rolled his eyes. “Shouldn't you be getting ready for another performance, or tending to a client?” The blond asked, straightening the tie he wore.

Thalia just laughed, pulling her underwear up. Nico finally dropped his hands, scowling at the Lost Girl. She could have at least given him a warning. The Stolls and Apollo snickered from somewhere behind him. He turned to frown at them, though paused after a second. The twins had threesomes, didn't they?

Thalia shrugged. She fixed Luke's tie for him before moving behind the blond to wrap her arms around his neck. Luke grunted and leaned forward, though Thalia simply held on as she was lifted off the ground. “I swear you're a child,” Luke mumbled.

“Swing me faster!” Thalia replied in a high-pitched voice.

Luke let out a sigh, leaning forward with a defeated look. “You're impossible, and I hate you.”

“You love me.”

“I don't know why I put up with you.” The blond managed detaching the short girl from his neck. Shooting her an annoyed look, he worked on fixing his clothes. Thalia grinned up at him before skipping off towards the door that led to the girls' side. “How is she older than Jason?”

Apollo moved over to help Luke straighten his clothes out. The curly haired blond grinned. Luke narrowed his eyes, but let Apollo help him. They were just out of earshot, but whatever they were talking about seemed to amuse Luke, judging by the playful role of the eyes and small smirk on his lips.

Perhaps this was the best time to talk to the twins. Nico blew out a breath, adjusting the fedora on his head, and stepped over a few feet to be able to have a private conversation. The twins blinked at him, stopping in the conversation they had been having. “Something we can help you with there, Neeks?” Travis asked, plopping down on the couch.

“I was, um...” Nico fumbled with his hands, his mouth not wanting to cooperate. “Well, you see, I sort of need help.” The twins glanced at each other before giving him an odd look. “It's just that...I know you two dabble in this sort of thing-”

“Jesus, Nico, just spit it out.” Connor rubbed his temple. “We have to go on soon.”

“Nico! Connor!” Apollo called from across the room.

Travis slapped his brother on the ass. “Have fun out there,” he chuckled. Connor grinned and winked down at his brother.

“Uh,” Nico started flailing his arms. “I need your help with having a threesome!”

The twins were silent, blinking at Nico with wide eyes. Travis's mouth hung open in disbelief of what had just come out of Nico's mouth. Nico was just thankful that Luke and Apollo did not seem to have heard him. The pale Lost Boy let out a groan and turned back to the twins.

“I-” Nico began.

“Hurry up, we've got a performance to do,” Luke grumbled.

The twins looked at each other, glancing at Nico from the corners of their eyes. Nico squirmed as they watched him. He was not sure, but he was almost certain his face was bright red. If not for the little bit of makeup that Drew had been making him wear during performances, Nico would have probably been very noticeable on the stage in a second.

Nico's stomach plummeted the second matching grins appeared on the twins' lips. What had he gotten himself into? Connor moved past him, running his hand along Nico's cheek as he went. The younger twin circled around to stand over Nico's shoulder, letting out a small chuckle.

“Don't worry, Nico,” Connor purred into his ear, “we can help you.”

Travis leaned back on the couch, sweat still glistening on his bare chest. “Feel free to come by our room to get a first hand lesson.”

Nico's eyes widened, his ears now burning. “Wait, that's not what I-”

“Showtime!” Apollo called, tapping his foot in annoyance.

Connor hummed to himself as he moved to join Luke and Apollo. Nico's mouth fumbled for a few seconds before his shoulders slumped and he dragged his feet over towards the others, the sound of Travis laughing following him. Apollo eyed him funny.

“Everything all right there?”

Nico could not bring himself to meet the blond's eyes. Makeup or not, he was still too embarrassed to look up. “M'fine,” he mumbled.

Apollo arched a brow. He turned to look at Luke for a second, who shrugged. The curly haired Lost Boy chanced a glance at Connor. “Private conversation,” came the brunet's short reply.

Apollo shook his head. “Whatever. Let's just focus.”

Nico was shoved forward by Luke, which caused the boy to have to stumble onto the dark stage. The curtains were still closed, so they could move freely without the watchful eyes of the customers. Nico raised his hand to flip Luke off as he took his place next to the blond. Apollo and Connor took their places a few feet away on the other side of the stage.

Turning so that his back was faced towards the audience, Nico spread his legs apart. Luke reached out and placed his hands on Nico's shoulder in the darkness before all four Lost Boys lowered their heads. The curtains slowly opened, revealing the dark stage to the audience. The infectious whistling and guitar intro to Maroon 5's “Moves Like Jagger” began blaring across the room.

As the lights slowly brightened, the boys began to lift their heads and move their hips and a single leg each. The second the first line of the song was sang, Nico and Connor spun around. Luke and Apollo moved their hands to rest on Nico and Connor's lower backs. It sort of reminded Nico of a tango as they moved. Luke took his hand and dipped him quickly before swinging him back up.

Nico jerked away, only to be tugged back by the blond. As he came back towards Luke, the blond ducked as Nico swung his leg over Luke's head. Nico slowly moved his hips back and forth, slowly lowering his body to the ground. Apollo and Luke moved to the front, where both Lost Boys thrust their hips while facing the side.

Stepping in front of them, Nico and Connor grabbed their respective partners' ties and yanked them away from each other. Jumping behind Luke, Nico brought his hands under Luke's shoulder and slid them down Luke's chest. After a short pause, Nico snapped Luke's shirt open and jerked the shirt from the blond's body.

Moving back to stand in a straight line along the stage, the Lost Boys tipped their hats at the audience. They quickly swayed their hips before spinning on their heels in a complete circle. Once they faced the audience again, all of them crisscrossed their arms as they were brought above their heads. All four of them slowly pulled their balled fists down until they hands were level with their heads, posing for the audience.

Luke and Apollo stepped in front of the other two, yanking their shirts from their torsos. In the next instant, all four had leaned forward and stripped their pants from their bodies. Luke took Nico's hand again and spun him out, while taking his hat off to flip in his hand. Bringing Nico back in, the brown-eyed Lost Boy found himself pressed flush against the blond. Nico stared up into Luke's void-like blue eyes.

Nico's breath hitched as Luke's hands slipped beneath the fabric of his speedo and peeled back the top for the audience's viewing pleasure. It did not bother Nico as much as it might have a few months ago, but that might have been because he found it hard to do much besides breathe as he held Luke's sharp gaze.

As the song neared its end, Nico turned himself around and pressed his ass against Luke's crotch. His arms reached behind him to hold on to Luke's neck as he ground his hips against Luke to the music's fast pace. As the song whistled its end, Luke pushed him forward and Nico had to press his hands to the stage.

The applause filled the air, but Nico was still bent forward. He glanced over to where Connor was, still bent over like Nico. The brunet gave him a sly wink. Nico slowly worked on catching his breath, feeling Luke's sweaty hand run down his back. But that was not the only thing Nico felt pressing against his body.

When Nico was finally allowed to stand up after the curtains closed, he turned to receive a nod and grunt from Luke, the blond's silent way of telling him that he did a good job. Nico's eyes flickered down to Luke's crotch, where, sure enough, the blond was sporting an erection.

“Looks like you have a problem there,” Nico joked as he began to leave the stage. He yelped when he was jerked back, his arms being held above his head. Nico hit the floor roughly, the little breath he had being knocked out of him.

Luke's dark eyes stared down at him with a hungry stare. “You know, I did tell you not to stare. And don't make jokes if you're not going to help me out.”

“Not like you'd do anything anyways.” Nico rolled his eyes, leaning up to try and get back to his feet.

Nico gasped, his eyes dilating, as Luke bit down on his neck. The raven-haired boy's eyes met with Connor and Apollo, who were silently watching them. Luke tugged down the back of Nico's speedo and slid his hand between the boy's legs. Nico moaned into Luke's shoulder as he felt the blond's fingers press against him. The older Lost Boy's teeth pressed harder against his skin.

But just as quickly as it had begun, it ended. Nico panted as Luke climbed to his feet, leaving the breathless brown-eyed boy on the floor. Luke swiped a thumb across his lips. “Don't tell me what I will and won't do.”

Nico sat there for a moment, still panting. He reached up and rubbed his neck before climbing to his fee. Was it a bad thing that he had wanted Luke to continue? Luke was confusing. The problem was that Nico did not really know how he felt about the blond; let alone how Luke felt about him. Whether it was lust or real feelings, Nico did know that the feelings were intense.

By the time Nico got off the stage and changed clothes, most of the top floor was dispersing. A few customers were making last minute arrangements with Percy and Leo, so Nico sat down at a nearby table to await his fate. Would he get to go to his room, or was he doomed to spend another night in the backrooms?

The boy's dark brown eyes observed Percy as he chatted with one client, laughing at something the man said. Nico's heart pounded faster just staring at him. He looked so handsome in his long sleeve button up shirt. And the dark pants only accentuated his ass. Or perhaps it was the way Percy's black hair dusted over his sea-green eyes, which seemed to shine in the low lighting.

But something else managed catching the boy's attention. During decorations, Drew had hung up a branch of mistletoe at the front of the stage, to allow customers to get kissed by the Lost Kids. And where Percy was now standing was not far off from it. Nico chewed on his lip when Percy took a few steps towards the stairs from where he stood, which might end up taking him under the mistletoe. Without much more thought, Nico got out of his chair and went to lean against the stage.

Percy smiled and bid the client goodnight, closing his eyes to let out a breath as he walked. Nico fidgeted for a second before waving over to Percy.


The young man's green eyes found him and he smiled. Taking a few steps towards Nico, Percy now stood just a few inches away, still not under the mistletoe. “What can I do for you tonight, Nico? If it's about working, you can rest easy.”

Nico did breathe a sigh of relief. “That's not what it's about.” Nico took a step back, putting his back against the stage. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Percy's lips tilted up. “I'm happy to talk to you...from over here.”

Nico felt his face heat up. “Um, why over there?”

Without hesitating, Percy pointed above Nico's head. “I'm fairly certain that your line of conversation has to do with the mistletoe above your head,” he chuckled. Nico flailed his arms to deny the accusations, but Percy grabbed his arm and tugged him closer, away from the mistletoe. “You know my rule.” He winked down at Nico. “But maybe if you behave, you'll get a kiss for Christmas. And I won't even have to break that rule.”

Now Nico's face was red. He was fairly certain Percy had just told him that he would be having sex with Nico on Christmas. Which Nico was not going to complain about. “Are you sure I need to be good? Sounds like you have naughtier intentions in mind.”

Percy grinned and winked at him. “Perhaps. You know-”

One of the Lost Boys cleared their throat. Nico peered around Percy to find Octavian standing there. He raised an eyebrow at them. “I need to talk to you, Percy.”

The young man nodded. “Just a second.”

The blond narrowed his eyes. “It's sort of important. Perhaps I overheard about some arms dealing that slipped through Demeter's radar.”

That seemed to catch Percy's attention. “All the way from Australia? How is it going on here?”

Octavian shrugged. “Seems one of Demeter's clients was wanting to cut out the middle man.”

The manager nodded. Blowing out a breath, he turned to Nico. “I'll just be a moment,” he assured the boy before walking off with Octavian.

Nico let out a sigh and sat down at the nearest table, watching the two talk with his chin propped up on his palm. Why did it feel like it was so hard to get time with Percy? Perhaps he needed to play the Lost Kids' game and work on discussing his hours with Percy. He just wanted some time with Percy, but it felt like sex might be the easiest route to get it.

The Lost Boy jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. He whipped around to find Will sitting down beside him. “Don't look so jumpy,” the blond joked.

Nico narrowed his eyes and swiveled in his chair to face the other Lost Boy. “Maybe you shouldn't sneak up on people.”

“I like my way better.” Will wagged his eyebrows as he leaned forward. “So, I see you escaped the horrors of the backrooms for the night.”

Nico eyed the blond. Will had his chin in his palm, grinning wickedly at Nico. A sleeveless shirt clung to his tan form. One of the blond's nipples was peeking out from the armhole, which caught the raven-haired boy's attention for a moment. A pair of loose shorts hung from Will's hips, the blond's dark red speedo poking out from the top.

“I see you did as well,” Nico finally replied.

“Which is good for me, because now I can sit and enjoy your company.”

Nico rolled his eyes and looked away, smiling. Will was the charmer, he could not forget that. And that smile, it was infectious and sexy. “I'm surprised you're not bored of me by now.”

The blond Lost Boy scooted his chair closer, resting his arm on the back of Nico's chair. “I'm not going to get tired of you.” He cleared his throat. “Um, actually I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with me tomorrow?” Nico arched a brow at him. “I mean, we're both off, so I thought you and I could go do something. Maybe the beach?”

Nico could not help but smile. “Are you asking me on a date?”

Will gave a small smile. “Maybe. Depends on your answer.” Licking his lips, Will sat up straight in his chair. “Or maybe spend some time with me tonight? Unless you're busy.”

“Well-” Nico turned around to find Percy walking down the stairs with Octavian. Nico's shoulders slumped. He thought Percy was going to come back and talk with him, but it seemed some things were more important. And Nico doubted it was still business. He let out a sigh and nodded. “Yeah, tomorrow sounds fun.”

Will brightened. “So you'll go on a date with me then?”

“Yeah, sure,” Nico mumbled. His eyes flickered back over to the stairs. “What did you have in mind?”

Will jumped up, extending his hand down to help Nico to his feet. He slipped his hands into his pockets as they walked. “Well, how about lunch and we go down to the beach?” He grinned excitedly down at Nico. “I can teach you how to surf, if you don't already know.”

Nico shook his head. “Never learned, so I guess we can try.” The boy rubbed his arm. “Not sure how well that will go over.”

The blond bumped his shoulder against Nico's own as they got on the elevator. “Don't worry, I'll be right there the whole time.”

Nico nodded. Will smiled to himself as they rode down. Nico took the opportunity to stare at the blond from the corner of his eye. Why was he doing this? Was it the best idea? He was not sure, but perhaps Will had been right before. Perhaps Percy was too far out of reach. And Will was nice, handsome, and charming. There was no way that Nico could lie and say there was not any chemistry between them either.

So why was it bothering him so much?

When they reached their rooms, Will bid Nico goodnight. Nico shook his head with a smile as Will walked off. The blond still looked like a kid that had just woke up on Christmas morning. Letting out a sigh, Nico closed his door and headed for his room.

Figuring out that he was not meant to stand on a board did not take Nico and Will very long. The blond chuckled at him as he plummeted into the water for the umpteenth time. Nico coughed up some water upon reemerging from below the water's surface, splashing the blond upon locating him.

Lunch had been nice. Will had came and gotten him a little before noon, and taken Nico to a nice little place overlooking the beach. The blond had even requested that they sit outside. It was...nice. And the best part might have been that Will had kept it fairly innocent the entire time.

Will grinned over at him before climbing onto Nico's board and extending his hand down for Nico to take. The raven-haired boy frowned up at him for a moment before taking hold of the offered appendage. Once Nico was seated with his back to the blond, Will laced his hands around Nico's waist and rested his chin on the shorter boy's shoulder.

“So, are you at least enjoying yourself?” Will mumbled. “I mean, aside from the repeated failures at surfing.”

Nico elbowed the boy, receiving a chuckle in response. “I'm trying, so shut up. You-” Nico's eyes widened when Will's lips pressed against his cheek. Nico's heartbeat increased and his cheeks lit up. “Um, thanks?”

Will chuckled in his ear. “You look very cute in your wetsuit. Plus it lets me easily stare at your ass.”

Nico shook his head, rolling his eyes. “And here I was hoping we could get through this without a sexual comment.”

The blond tugged the pale boy against his firm chest. “Just had to get one in.” Nico tilted his head back and Will wagged his eyebrows. “I see your brain is in the gutter with that one as well.”

“You're a child.”

Will shrugged. “Isn't that what has you in the dog house with Percy right now? It only makes it more hurtful coming from you, Nico.” The corner of the blond's lips tilted up. He reached out and took Nico's hands from where they were resting on the board. “Now then, how about you let me into that pretty little head of yours?”

“Why?” Nico turned his head to stare at the Lost Boy that sat behind him.

“Well, it could just be me, but you seem more eager to learn about us, and not so much about sharing your own problems.” Nico frowned. “I see I'm onto something,” Will chuckled. “Doesn't work that way I'm afraid.” Nico shivered when Will leaned in and whispered in his ear. “I'll make you a deal. You share something with me, and I'll let you ask me whatever you want.”

Nico let out a deep breath. He eyed the blue-eyed boy for a moment before nodding. “But let's get off this first,” Nico said, motioning to the board.

Will chuckled and nodded. The blond jumped off and glided the surfboard towards the beach. Nico swung his leg over and walked over to where their towels were stationed on the beach. Will jogged up to him as Nico was sitting down, carrying the surfboard under his tan arm. Dropping the board down and peeling the top of his wetsuit off, Will plopped down beside the raven-haired boy. A grin broke out across Will's lips when Nico's eyes flickered down to rake across the blond's wet torso.

Will placed his hands behind his head, willingly giving Nico a better view of his body. “Perhaps you would be more comfortable without that wetsuit.”

Nico narrowed his eyes. “So you can stare at me?”

“Like you are staring at me?” Will stuck out his tongue. “Come on, Nico, your body has developed very nicely over the past few months. Besides, it's just the two of us. It's not like you're having to show yourself off to a crowd of people.”

“No,” Nico mumbled, “that would just be horrible if I had to do that.” He rolled his eyes when Will grinned.

“Come on, Nico.” Will bit down on his lip and hooked his thumbs under the wetsuit, rolling his hips. “Take it off.”

“You're a horrible influence.” Letting out a sigh, Nico pulled the wetsuit from his torso and off his body, now sitting there in only his swim trunks. He licked his lips as he stared over at Will, who only wore the same as well. “So, what do you want to know about me?”

Instead of answering right away, Will just smiled and tugged on Nico's trunks until he had the boy sitting at his side. Nico rolled his eyes, but didn't bother moving away. The blond smiled as he began rubbing the brown-eyed boy's back.

“Well, what is it you want to do with your life?”

Nico arched a brow down at the blond, who just smiled up at him. Letting out a sigh, Nico lay down on his back. “I don't know.” Nico shrugged. Will reached out and draped an arm over Nico's stomach. “Hadn't put much thought on it.”

“I can take care of you,” Will whispered.

Nico rolled his head to the side to stare at the other Lost Boy. “In the hotel?”

“What, you don't want to stay there?” Will pulled Nico against him, tightening his grip on the boy's waist. “If you hated it, I think you'd have left by now.”

Nico remained silent, not meeting Will's eyes. Was he happy? Yes and no. He did not mind the others, and he was sure he would like them even more if they were around each other in different circumstances. And then he could probably even be with Percy. He would not be selling his body either.

Will frowned. “You have been thinking about it, haven't you?”

Nico shrugged, still not willing to look at the blond. He began drawing in the sand with his finger. “Maybe. Don't say anything.”

When Nico looked up, he found Will's face very close to his own. “Maybe I don't want you to leave,” the blond whispered. “I like your company, and the hotel seems like a more tolerable place with you around.”

“And I cause problems. I screw up. It would also mean that I wouldn't be reminding you guys of your issues.”

Will's eyes looked dull and he stayed quiet for a long time. Pursing his lips, he reached out and touched Nico's hair. “Maybe it's good for us. Before you came along, they were kind of just buried. But I'm trying to work on my problems, because I don't want to get annoyed with you. I don't want to feel disgusted when I look at you.”

Nico propped himself up on his shoulder. Will frowned and dropped his hand from Nico's hair. The younger of the two stared down at the tan blond. “I don't get why I have to be made to feel like the outcast simply because of who I am.”

The tan boy pursed his lips and shook his head. “It's not that, not entirely. It's a lot of reasons. You made it through the streets, and still came out with a good view of the world.” He poked Nico's chest. “You still see the good in people. That's one of the reasons you get under Percy's skin, because you keep seeing the good in him. Even when he can't see it himself.”

“Because there is good there.”

“But he doesn't see it, or doesn't want to.” Will's brow furrowed. “And for me...” He trailed off and shook his head. “Well, I just wish I was more like you. Though, I suppose you could do with taking a little after us.”

“I am trying to keep at least one deal I made,” Nico mumbled.

Will smiled. “The one Percy had you make?” He chuckled. Nico nodded. “I don't think being like us in certain ways is going to jeopardize that. You are growing up, but you need to mature.” The blond laughed at the scowl that Nico gave him. “Don't get mad, just being honest. You have a tendency to whine, especially when it concerns Percy. I'd work on that if I were you.”

“Yeah, well, I'm trying. It's like you guys expect me to just completely become someone else randomly.” He looked down to where his hand was resting on Will's chest. The faint beating of the blond's heart could be felt there. “So then, I answered your question.”

“Well you didn't really give me a good answer, but I'll let that slide. Can't blame you for not knowing what you want to do with your life yet. You're only sixteen.”

Nico combed his fingers through Will's hair. “Seventeen next month.”

“Ah, that's right.” The blond grinned. “I'll have to find you the best birthday present ever.” He wagged his eyebrows and Nico rolled his eyes. “So, what would you like to ask me? How big is my penis? I can show you, if you want?” He asked, tugging on the strings of his trunks.

Nico narrowed his eyes. “You know damn well that I'm not going to ask that.” He sighed when Will placed his arms behind his head. “I wanted to know why you hated the orphanage so much? You didn't want to talk about it the last time I asked.”

“Oh.” Will sounded sad, and his eyes only reflected it. His light blue eyes met with Nico's dark brown ones. Every time that he looked at them, Nico was always reminded of the sky on a sunny day. “Well, it wasn't exactly the nicest place. The people who worked there didn't really pay that much attention to the kids, and the only time we got disciplined was when we misbehaved while there were adults there to adopt. They were quite hateful at times, and barely saw to feeding us.”

The brown-eyed boy pulled his legs up to his chest. “And they didn't get in trouble? You didn't report them?”

The blond chuckled. “What exactly were we supposed to do? They wouldn't let us talk to any authorities, and when social workers dropped by, we were expected to keep quiet and out of the way.”

“I'm sorry,” Nico whispered.

Will shook his head. “No, that wasn't the worst part. The workers were neglectful, but it was some of the other kids that made the orphanage miserable for myself and the other kids staying there.” Will stared off into space, while the wind began to whip at the bangs that dusted over his forehead. “I didn't sleep a lot of nights.”

“Did they beat you?”

Will sat up and faced Nico. Nico's pulse quickened when Will's face came close to his own. But instead of moving in for a kiss, Will turned himself around, facing his back to Nico. “Not exactly,” Will whispered. He reached around and took Nico's hand, guiding it up to his shoulder blades.

Nico's breath hitched when his fingers ghosted over a thin white line that ran about five inches across Will's back, one end towards the neck and the other nearly running under his arm. It was barely noticeable, invisible until one was within Will's personal space, but there it was.

Will tugged on Nico's arm until Nico's chest was pressed to the blond's back. On the side of Will's wrist was another scar, another that would go unnoticeable until directed to it. The way the skin had grown back had left a blemish on the blond's near perfect body. Nico's breathing had become ragged as his fingers traced the scar. It was so hidden, yet the sunlight seemed to make it stand out. How could he have not noticed these before?

“Will,” Nico breathed out.

The blond turned his head to stare into Nico's dark eyes. Lacing his fingers through Nico's own, the blond ran Nico's index finger horizontally across his wrist. “Only two became permanent.” Nico's eyes drifted down as his finger continued to trace the blond's wrist. “Most disappeared. And some...well, not all the scars were left there by the other kids.”

Nico pulled his hand away, falling back onto the sand. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked up at the blond, who stared down at him with sad eyes. “Did you try to kill yourself?” Nico whispered.

Will let out a sigh and climbed to his feet. He gazed around them before brushing some of his hair from his face and extending his hand down for Nico to take. “Come on, we should get back to the hotel.”

Nico found himself frozen in place. Will had tried to commit suicide? Was he the one Luke had talked about? Or was this before? Either way, Nico kept thinking one thing: what if Will had succeeded? He would have never met the blond.

The next thing he knew, Nico was on his feet. Will's thumbs swept across his cheek, spreading a wet warmth across his cheek. Nico blinked and touched his face. He was crying. Will held Nico's shoulders for a few seconds, staring into the boy's brown orbs before gathering their things. Nico was handed his shirt, which he silently slipped on. The two slowly made their way across the beach.

Nico stood outside the surf shop while Will returned their gear. When he reemerged, Will had put his own shirt back on. His keys jingled in his tan hand as he made his way over to Nico. The raven-haired boy wrapped his arms around himself as they walked up the stairs from the beach. His eyes unconsciously drifted over to the ocean, watching as the waves crashed against the shore.

It was not until they got back to Will's car that the blond decided to break the silence. “I'm sorry I ruined the mood, but I did enjoy spending the day with you.”

Nico looked up at him from behind his bangs. Without saying anything, Nico wrapped his arms around Will and hugged him tightly. Will's arms wrapped around his back and fisted Nico's white sleeveless shirt. “I'm so sorry you had to go through that,” Nico mumbled into the Lost Boy's shoulder.

Nico felt himself being moved. And when he looked, he found that Will had sat them on the hood of his car. “Don't be.” He put on a smile and brushed some of Nico's bangs from his eyes. Will sighed and rubbed his wrist. “It was a very hard time during my stay there. But, the day I gave myself this is the same day I met Percy.” He let out a light chuckle. “And sometimes I'm glad I did, because I think that was what got him to notice me and get me out of the orphanage.”

Nico fingered his shirt, not looking up to meet Will's gaze. “Can you tell me about that?”

Letting out a sigh, Will stood up and pushed the button on his keychain to unlock his car. “Maybe another day. I think we've had enough depressing talk for one day.”

The car remained silent during their drive back to the hotel, though Will kept the music on to help drown it out. Nico, for his part, did his best to not turn and look at Will, opting instead to keep his eyes out the window.

Nico quietly tugged on a strand of his hair while he stared out the window. He just wished that he could have more moments like this. Not just with Will, but with all of the Lost Kids. Why couldn't they all be this easy to get along with, and this tolerable at all times? He also wished he could have moments like this with Percy.

Sure he had spent plenty of time with the green-eyed young man, and sure the two of them had shared several stories with each other, but today just felt deeper. He felt like Percy held back. Percy was honest, he wanted to believe that, but Nico also knew there was a difference between not lying and being honest.

And that was his main obstacle with the green-eyed young manager at the present time.

Percy tended to be honest with his intentions, at least to some degree, but he did not like to open up about his emotions or his past. At least not the important parts. And because of this, Nico could not help but wonder if his feelings were real or not. What if he was just the same as Apollo, eternally hoping for something that was never going to happen?

“You okay?”

Nico took in a deep breath before turning to face Will. He smiled and nodded. “Just thinking.”

Will glanced at the boy as he drove. “Looked pretty serious. Is it your mom?”

And now Nico felt sick. How horrible was he? The past few days, he had been so busy or preoccupied that he had not given much thought to his deceased mother. Or most of his past life for that matter. Perhaps Dionysus was right. Perhaps he was becoming like the others. Whether he liked that thought or not, Nico was not sure.

He eyed Will as the blond pulled into the hotel's garage. Did the others sense this in him? Was that why they were acting nice to him? They still had their bitter moments, but they had all been relatively civil lately. Unless they were just being nice.

Nico groaned and ran a hand across his face, receiving an odd look from the blond next to him. This was all so confusing. He did not understand these people he lived with. What was the point in thinking about it, when he could not even begin to figure it out?

Or perhaps he was just over thinking it all and giving himself a headache in the process.

Once parked, Will and Nico climbed out of the blond's car. But when the reached the elevator, Will stopped the other boy. The blond fidgeted for a second before opening his mouth. “Thanks again, for spending the afternoon with me.”

A small smile graced Nico's lips. “I had fun. Well, aside from you laughing at me.”

The blond chuckled. He reached out and ran a hand down Nico's arm. “It was cute.” Blue eyes met with brown. “You were cute.”

With a sharp intake of breath, Nico froze. Will slowly leaned in. Nico's eyes went wide when their lips connected. He reached up to place hand on Will's chest, intending to push the blond away, but ended up fisting the Lost Boy's shirt. Will's hand touched his cheek and drew him closer.

Nico let his body relax with a small sigh. Perhaps it had not been his best idea, but Nico ended up kissing Will back. With his eyes now shut, Nico could feel Will smile into the kiss. At some point, Will had placed a hand on Nico's lower back, and was now using it to pull the boy closer.

The elevator dinged next to them and Will released Nico's lips. Nico cleared his throat and pulled away, his cheeks burning up. Reyna stood there, eyeing both of them. Will grinned sheepishly as he attempted to straighten out his clothing.

“Hey, Reyna,” Will chuckled. “We just got back from the beach.”

“I see that.” Her eyes bore into Nico, giving him a questioning look. “Your sister is in the lobby. You should probably go see what she wants.”

It took him a moment, but Nico nodded. “Thanks, I'll go right up.”

The two slipped around Reyna, who continued to frown at them. But she did not say anything else. The elevator closed and Will directed it towards the lobby. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Will smiled over at him, leaning in again.

“Not right now,” Nico mumbled, pushing a hand to Will's chest.

Giving the blond an apologetic glance, Nico turned his attention to his shoes. What was he doing? Just moments before, he had been thinking about Percy, and then he lets Will kiss him. It was just this little voice in Nico's head, telling him that at least he had a better chance with Will.

Brown eyes flickered up to glance at the tan blond. It would be easier if he chose Will, and he at least knew that the blond did have feelings for him. That was more than he seemed to get from Percy. But he was not going to be with Percy, Nico was not sure if it was the best idea to stay in the hotel. And he was not sure if Will intended to leave, not after asking Nico to stay.

There was now a pounding in Nico's head. He rubbed at his temple, hoping to alleviate some of the pain there. Why did he have to think so much? He put far too much thought into this stuff, and was now apparently jumping ship.

“This place gives me too many headaches,” Nico mumbled as the elevator stopped.

Will chuckled. “You get used to it.”

Sure enough, Bianca was waiting in the lobby. When she saw Nico, she rose from the couch she sat on with a smile. She hugged him as soon as he was within arm's reach. When they separated, Nico smiled and motioned to the blond standing beside them.

“Oh, um, Bianca, this is Will. Will, this is my sister.”

Will smiled and shook the girl's hand, drawing a blush from her. “Charmed.”

Bianca's eyes met with Nico's own, as if to say: he's cute. “I do hope you're taking care of my brother.”

The blond chuckled. “The best I can.” He slung his arm around Nico, the brown-eyed boy scowled up at him. “We just got back from the beach. Was trying to teach him how to surf, didn't go that well.”

Bianca smiled and nodded, patting Nico on the arm. “We barely got him to where he could swim growing up.” Nico frowned at his sister. “But I'm sure you're a great teacher.”

Will glanced at Nico and winked. “Well, I'll let you two have a moment,” he said before turning to walk off. Nico looked down as he felt Will's hand pull away. His cheeks turned pink. He had not even noticed they had been holding hands.

Bianca tapped a finger to her lips as she watched Will walk away. Once he had boarded the elevator, she turned to her brother with narrowed eyes. “Did you get yourself a boyfriend? Because I'm confused. The way Percy and you had been acting the first day I visited made me think there was something there as well.”

Nico sighed. “Nothing is going on between me and Percy,” Nico mumbled. “He's my boss. And Will...well, we were just hanging out.”

“Uh-huh.” Bianca did not seem convinced. “Whatever you say, little brother.” An annoying smile plastered across her face. “But he is cute, and seems nice.”

That was how they got people, Nico thought. Will just wanted on his sister's good side. “What are you doing here anyways?”

Bianca looked hurt by that, but Nico worried about her presence here. Glancing around, it did not take him long to find several people watching them. The twins sat in the restaurant, staring at them through a small, glass window that separated the lobby from the hotel's restaurant. And then there was Thalia and Apollo, who sat on couches in the lounge, glancing at Nico and Bianca from time to time.

But from the corner of his eye came the worst. Looking up, Nico found Percy and Annabeth watching them from the second floor. Percy's eyes were like some predatory animal, stalking its prey and waiting for it to make the wrong move. The blonde beside him leaned in and whispered something in his ear.

“I just wanted to see you,” Bianca said, drawing Nico's attention back to her. “Daedalus told me about the fight, but I never really got a chance to see how you were doing. And with the funeral, I didn't pay much attention.” Cupping Nico's chin, she tilted his face up. “You look pretty bad.”

Nico sighed. “It's been healing, but at least nothing was broken.” He rolled his eyes as she continued to stare at his face. “It's not that bad.”

“That's not what Daedalus said.”

“I'm fine, Bianca.” Nico rubbed his arm, chancing another glance up at Percy. The young man's lips were pressed into a thin line. “I don't think they are going to be a problem anymore. Percy took care of it.”

Bianca followed his line of sight. “Well, maybe I should thank him later.” She smiled and waved up at Percy, who nodded back at her. “He seems to be in a bad mood today.”

When was Percy not in a bad mood these days? Looking back at the young man, Nico's stomach dropped. What was he doing with himself anyways? What did he want? Or more importantly, who did he want?

Letting out a sigh, Nico turned back to Bianca. “So, how are things at home?”

His sister shrugged. “Fine. Dad took up drinking again.”

Nico slowly nodded. The last time their dad had become an alcoholic, Nico had ended up with several belt lashes to his back. “Has he done anything?”

Bianca shook her head. Nico let out a sigh of relief. “Not yet,” she replied. “But he only drinks when the woman doesn't come over.”

Nico's brow furrowed. “Woman?”

“Oh, I think she was married to the man that was in the other car involved in mom's accident.” Bianca shrugged. “They talk a lot, drink together some, and talk a lot about depressing things.”

Nico's expression darkened. “He's already seeing another woman?”

“No, no.” His sister shook her head, sending her long hair flying. “They just sit in his study and talk a lot.” It did little to make Nico feel better. “She's a nice woman, though. And at least she keeps him from drinking too much.”

“Has he said anything else about our encounter?”

“Um,” Bianca rubbed the back of her neck, “there were quite a few colorful words involved. He destroyed all of the pictures of you in the house.” That stung a little. “Well, he thinks he did, but I managed to save a few before he burned them.”

Nico's shoulders slumped ever so slightly as he stood before his sister. “But you're fine?”

She smiled and touched his arm, though Nico remained serious. A deep frown marred his features as he stared into his sister's dark brown eyes, the ones that practically mirrored his own. “Don't worry about me, Nico. I'm fine, and dad hasn't laid a hand on me.” She pulled him in for another hug.

Closing his eyes, Nico grasped his sister's hair. Her smell reminded him of home, of days long past with their mother. Were things better now that he was here and not with his father? That was up for debate. But at least back then he had his mother still alive and his sister around. “I miss you,” he whispered.

Nico's final performance for the night ended up being one that would live forever in his mind. It just so happened that there was a birthday in the audience, and the woman had requested Nico be the one to give her a lap dance. Did he want to? Hell no. But what was he supposed to do?

So he walked out on stage, nervously glancing around as he approached the thin woman in the chair. She looked to be slightly older than his now deceased mother, and nowhere near as pretty. In a way, she reminded him of an old librarian.

And the way she looked up at him as he straddled her lap. Nico had the sinking feeling that he knew where this was going to lead, and he was dreading every second that was going to pass between now and the moment he entered his suite.

Nico did not know the song that had been chosen for his performance, nor did he frankly care about it. He did not care about the people watching from the audience. All he wanted was for this woman to have not made it up to the top floor that night. If she hadn't, then he would not be in this oncoming predicament.

The Lost Boy grabbed her shoulders and he ground his hips into her. He was not sure if he was managing to hide the discomfort that he was feeling, but judging by the looks the woman was giving him, she did not really care or was not paying attention. And why would she? All she was there for was to feel good.

Nico was beginning to understand the conversation he and Connor had had what seemed like forever ago. These people were beginning to truly make him sick. To him, in this moment, they were the cause of all his problems.

Nico tilted his head back as he leaned back. The appeal of performing was lost entirely on him for the time being. His skin burned when her fingers touched his thighs. It took every bit of strength in him to not jerk away from the woman.

He brought his body off the woman's lap and slapped his own ass, biting down on his lip. While the lights flashed above his head, Nico ran a hand through his already messy hair. The woman tried to reach out and touch his chest, but he wagged a finger at her with a wink. As much as he simply wanted to shove her away, he still needed to act professional.

The second the song ended, Nico was out of the woman's lap. It could not have ended sooner, Nico thought. He was already backstage by the time the woman began to get out of her chair and the applause started. He felt like some animal on display to be eventually slaughtered.

Nico remained backstage until most of the customers had filtered out of the top floor. When he peeked out, he did not see the woman anywhere. But a single look from Percy let him know not to get excited just yet. He let out a sigh, knowing his fate was already sealed.

He pushed open the door to the bar, where Luke and Reyna were taking up the couch. Sitting himself down in the chair beside the couch, Nico slumped down. “What are you guys doing?” He asked.

Reyna was inspecting herself in a compact mirror, touching up her makeup every now and then. “I've got to deal with a customer shortly, he's just being lazy.”

Luke grunted. “I want to enjoy my night off from dealing with those assholes,” the blond mumbled. His eyes flickered over to where Nico sat, and Nico could clearly see that the blond had started drinking. “Or I might come watch the horror movie that will clearly be going on in your room.” He snorted and picked up a short glass from between his legs, downing the clear liquid inside. “It could only be better if you ever watched that movie about vaginas with teeth.”

Reyna elbowed the Lost Boy. “You're not helping.”

“Not trying to,” Luke mumbled while downing the rest of his drink. He rubbed at his face while sitting his empty glass down. “I wonder if I have time to go get some popcorn.”

Nico shot him a death glare. “And this coming from the person who nearly dislocated my last client's arm.”

Luke gave him an amused look, clearly giving in to the alcohol's effects. “I tripped, and even apologized to the guy,” he replied with a drunken smile.

The brown-eyed boy rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Reyna. At least she could act like a mature adult and carry on a proper conversation. “What went on in your mind the first time you went back there? Was it a man? A woman?”

Reyna's dark eyes flickered up to him, staring at him for a long time. She eventually shut her compact with a sigh, placing it in her lap. “It was a man.” She slowly nodded, as if thinking about something. “Percy is at least nice enough to make our first times working to be with the gender we are more comfortable with. Unless you're like this guy,” she said, motioning to the blond beside her.

Luke smirked. That was right, Luke had been bisexual before he came here. The blond's blue eyes locked on to Nico, making the shorter boy squirm.

Clearing his throat, Nico glanced back at Reyna. “And what about your first time with another female?”

“Well, to be honest, it's not like the thought had never crossed my mind.” She shrugged with a small smile. “But it's really not surprising for girls. I think it's far more common for girls to think about at least kissing another female, more so than guys.” Luke opened his mouth, but Reyna cut him off. “Not counting the Lost Boys.”

Luke snorted. Nico glared over at him. “I'm sorry, I keep forgetting you're incapable of being compassionate,” Nico mumbled.

That only seemed to amuse Luke more. “And I keep forgetting what a whiny girl you are. Why don't you grow some balls and go show that woman a good time? It has never bothered me which gender I get, because they all pay the same.” An annoyed look filled the blond's eyes as he watched Nico. “Because, in all honesty, it's just sex. Love and romance are dead, and pointless. I have absolutely no interest in degrading myself to date someone. Just pay me some cash and we can talk sexual needs.”

Reyna snorted. Luke turned to glare at her before picking up his empty glass and taking it over for Dionysus to clean. It was surprising, seeing the man remain quiet throughout their entire conversation. Whether that was good or bad, Nico was not sure, but he was leaning closer to the latter.

The door opened behind Nico. The raven-haired boy turned to find Leo peering around the room. The Latino boy took notice of him and frowned. “Sorry, Nico, but you've got work to do.”

There was a deafening silence in the room as Nico slowly climbed to his feet. His heart was in his throat and his stomach had plummeted. He stumbled a few times as he approached the door, his legs feeling weak. It was just like the other night, Nico tried to tell himself. It just did not help, though. This was different; there was no way he could get around that.

His hair was standing on end by the time he got to the dark hallway that would lead him to his doom. But unlike last time, Percy was nowhere to be seen. He turned back to Leo, who gave him a small smile. “Just ask for some water,” Leo whispered before closing the door.

What had that been about? Nico gulped and took a small step forward. The sooner he got this over with, the faster he could go back to his room and try to wash off the feel of this woman.

When he entered the room, his heart nearly stopped. There she was, the woman that he had given the lap dance to. “Hi,” Nico said meekly.

The woman just smiled and patted the bed beside her. “Why don't you come join me, dear?”

Because he would rather jump into a pool of broken glass, Nico thought. But he did as he was told anyways. What choice did he really have? Her hand instantly touched his cheek, sending a cold surge through his blood vessels. Nico just wanted to smack her hand away and leave the room, but he couldn't.

“You are just so handsome. Those dark features, you must get a lot of attention from the ladies.”

“Yeah,” Nico smiled. He took her hand in his own and placed it on his leg. It might have been a bad idea, as she started rubbing his leg, but he really did not want her touching his face. He needed to block this out. There was no way he would not throw up on this woman if he did not.

His stomach was already starting to lurch.

“You're so pale,” the woman continued, pushing Nico's bangs out of his face with one of her well-manicured nails.

If Nico had to guess, his lack of color probably had to do more with feeling sick at the moment, rather than his naturally pale skin tone. This was something he was not prepared for. Waiting tables, walking around in a speedo, and even stripping; he could deal with those things. The others had prepared him for all of that. But this? He was not ready.

And so, closing his eyes, Nico climbed up on his knees and pushed the woman on her back. She just chuckled at him. “My, you are eager tonight, aren't you?” She asked in amusement.

Nico just stared down at her, a dark look in his eyes. He found his hand on her neck, probably from when he pushed her on the bed. But how it was just sitting there, pressing against her fragile neck, drew him in. It would be so easy to just snap it, part of his brain voiced. When he found the woman staring at him questionably, he smirked. “Been looking forward to this all night.”

Instead of continuing, Nico just sort of hovered over her. He had no clue what he was doing. There were so many things running through his head, things he knew he needed to do for her, but none of them sounded appealing. And his dick? As flaccid as could be. This was not going to work, he thought.

He leaned back and let out a breath. “Um, is there any water in here?” He asked suddenly.

The woman blinked up at him, like he had grown a second head. Slowly, she pointed across the room. “They usually keep things like that stocked up. Get the lube and condoms while you're over there, dear.”

The words made Nico's stomach do a flip. But he got up from the bed, his legs wobbling. Across from the bed were two dark cabinets with a white counter top. On the counter were two glass bowls: one with assorted condoms and the other with different varieties of lube.

Letting out another breath, Nico crouched down and opened the cabinet. He blinked a few times, reaching out. On the back of the door was a white post-it note. Thankfully, there was a light that had turned on inside the cabinet when Nico had opened the small door..

In case of you're having 'performance issues', grab the white, unmarked medicine bottle. You're welcome in advance.


Nico glared down at Percy's handwriting. Wadding up the piece of paper and tossing it aside, Nico reached into the cabinet and began his search for the bottle. Not that it was hard. It was at the very back, in the corner and out of sight. When he opened it, Nico found small pills. Grabbing one for himself, Nico grabbed a bottle of water. Without hesitation, Nico popped the pill in his mouth and swallowed it with a mouthful of water.

Sighing and climbing back to his feet, Nico pilfered through the bowls on the counter. Grabbing one of each that he thought would work, Nico walked back over to the bed. “Well come on, dear, I haven't got all night.” While the woman's voice was sweet, her tone was grating on Nico's nerves.

She should go get herself a dildo and go fuck herself with it if she's so impatient, Nico thought. As he pulled his shirt over his head, Nico rolled his eyes. He wondered if it was possible for him to make her keep her bra on? Perhaps if he were the one undressing her.

So, when he saw her moving to undo her shirt, Nico stopped her. “Let me,” he said with a sly smile. She offered no resistance as he stripped her of her garments, leaving her only in a bra and panties. Unfortunately, she took that time to yank down Nico's track shorts.

She reached out and groped his crotch immediately. Nico felt violated and nearly gagged. Thankfully, she was too preoccupied with his manhood to notice. It was during this moment that Nico took a moment to thank modern medicine for their fast acting drugs, already seeing it take effect. As long as she thought it was her doing, Nico thought. But he felt so sick, his stomach twisting far worse than he had felt in a very long time. Not since the night he was kicked out of his house.

During his mental struggle to not hurl, the woman had taken the opportunity to rid him of his briefs. And by this time, the pill had taken its full effect. He focused back on his client and shoved her back on the bed. “Let's get started then,” he practically growled.

Blindly, Nico pulled her panties from her body, tossing them over his shoulder. He ground his teeth as he stared down at her with his dark eyes. This could not end quickly enough. Taking in a deep breath, Nico ripped open the condom.

After rolling it onto his shaft, Nico spread the woman's legs. At least he had the general gist of what he needed to be doing. It was just going to be like sex with a man, he tried to reassure himself. A man with boobs and a death trap between their legs, another voice countered. He grunted when he finished lubing up his shaft.

Spreading and lifting the woman's legs, Nico put himself into position. However, he could not bring himself to insert his erection. Pill or no pill, his brain was still functioning properly. And this was not him. This made him want to throw up, and he had not even started.

Nico's body practically spasmed when the woman took the initiative and pulled him forward, forcing his dick to penetrate her. Nico's eyes shut on instinct. He hovered over the middle-aged woman, frozen in place. His face contorted like it was in pain. There was a wet warmth around his manhood. Nico could barely think. He could not even figure out how to adequately describe what he was feeling down there. It was just not to his liking.

“Honey, you're going to have to move at some point. We don't have all night.”

Nico's dark eyes flickered open to stare down at her, his dark bangs falling into his eyes. Whatever she saw when looking at him, the woman shut up. He slowly began rocking his hips, the feeling of a knife cutting into him with each thrust.

But unlike the last time, this encounter was not so easily shut out. He actually had to move and do things this time around. And it was the movements that kept drawing him back to reality. This sick feeling kept building up in his stomach each time he thrust into the woman. He needed this to end, before he threw up on this poor woman.

The woman let out a sharp hiss. Nico opened his eyes to find his nails digging into her legs. That did not stop him, though. She could deal with a little pain, for what he had to be put through. Not that she seemed to complain about it. If anything, it only seemed to turn her on more.

Going five minutes, Nico did not understand how guys enjoyed being tops, especially in a gay relationship. There was so much stamina involved, and so much work. Nico was already sweating and exhausted. But, unfortunately, the woman did not seem to be close to her climax.

And so he kept thrusting, simply wishing for this experience to end. He was beginning to think he had done something wrong to have Percy put him through this. How did Apollo ever get used to this? That was a conversation he needed to have. Soon.

Nico's eyes scrunched shut as the woman dug her nails into his back. Unlike her, he was not enjoying the feeling. “More,” she breathed beneath him.

Nico glared down at her while the woman's eyes were closed. Fine, he thought, let her have more. The faster he went, the sooner they could be done. So the Lost Boy slammed his hips into her, only managing to cause himself to nearly hurl. Thankfully, her eyes were still closed.

He closed his eyes, trying to picture a hot guy underneath him. Not that it would probably be going this way if it were a guy. Nico had accepted his preference as a bottom a long time ago. He thrust faster and faster, working his body into a deeper sweat.

And after ten more minutes of torture, Nico was given release from his hell. The woman cried out and latched onto his back, her nails digging into his skin. Not that he cared. Nico just sat there, his hair hanging in his face and his eyes empty.

Once the woman had caught her breath, she shifted out from under Nico. While she got dressed in silence, Nico sat on the edge of the bed. He stared down at himself. He never even got close to finishing, not that he minded. He did not care, nor did he want to get off to her. Nico did not want to give her the satisfaction.

He yanked the condom off and threw it into the trash. After she was dressed, the woman turned and smiled at him. “Thank you for that.”

Nico tilted his head up to look at her. The hateful look in his eyes made her draw back, pursing her lips. Without another word, she grabbed her purse and left the room. Nico raised a hand to wipe at his eyes. He would hate that woman the rest of his life. His stomach lurched again, and this time he could not stop it. Grabbing the trashcan, Nico lost the contents of his stomach.

After no more came up, he let out a long, loud sob. But he kept going, slowly transitioning it until he was yelling. He grabbed at his hair, his eyes tightly shut. He knocked over the table, shattering the small lamp that was kept there, tossing the room into near darkness.

His dark gaze turned upon the camera in the corner of the room. Letting out another yell, Nico grabbed the broken lamp, not caring that it was cutting his hand, and threw it directly at the camera. He hunched over and sobbed, falling to his knees. He felt disgusted with himself, at what he had done. But this was what he had damned himself to.

The door opened while Nico was still hunched over in the floor. And the second a hand made contact with him, Nico smacked it away. “Nico,” came a soft voice. Again, the hand tried to reach out for him.

Nico shot up and shoved the intruder against the wall, wrapping a hand around their throat. “Leave me alone,” he hissed.

Apollo stared back at him from the shadows of the room. Only a portion of the blond's face made it into the light. The way he looked at made him draw back. The blond looked hurt, simply reaching up to grab Nico's wrist.

“I get it,” the blond Lost Boy whispered. “It's okay.”

Nico stumbled back a few feet. “What's happening to me, Apollo?” He sobbed into his hands. When he was met with silence, he looked up to find the blond gathering up the glass from the lamp. “I'm sorry, I didn't-I shouldn't have done that.”

“It's fine.” Apollo was being surprisingly calm. Piece by piece, the blond picked up the shards of glass and deposited it into the trash. He glanced at the main part of the lamp, which Nico had used to knock the camera off the wall. It sat there in shards and wires, right next to the busted camera. “We'll clean that up later.” He gave the Lost Boy a small smile. “I'm going to take you back to your room, okay?”

Nico nodded. Apollo reached down and handed Nico something. Looking down, the brown-eyed boy realized it was his clothes. It had not even dawned on him that he was still naked. But at the moment, he really did not care that Apollo was seeing him like this. It was not like Apollo had never seen him naked anyways. And Apollo was not making it uncomfortable by staring or making some stupid sexual innuendo.

Nico rubbed at his nose, taking the offered clothes. He slowly slipped them on, keeping his head lowered. “Are you going to come check on me after every client?” He mumbled.

Apollo opened the door. Once they stepped out the door, the blond replied. “Just doing my job. You looked pretty upset.”

“You were watching?” Nico looked up to glare at the blond.

Apollo returned his gaze, not seeming bothered by the look he was receiving. “Until you are more comfortable with this, yes. Percy and Annabeth were in the room with me.”

“Where are they?”

“Percy said he needed to talk to Annabeth, so he sent me in to get you back to your room.” He reached out to touch Nico's shoulder, but stopped himself. The blond slipped his hands into his pockets as they headed for the elevators. “I'm not trying to baby you, I'm just trying to look after you. I know we had our fights and shit, but I tried to look out for you when you first got here, and I mean to do the same now.”

Once onboard the elevator, Nico stood in the corner with his arms around himself. He felt cold. The boy took in several deep breaths, Apollo looking on silently. Brown met with blue as the two Lost Boys stared at each other. Nico was scared. And even worse, he was scared of himself. What had come over him back in the room?

“You're going to be okay, Nico,” Apollo sighed.

Nico pursed his lips and stared down at his feet. He had to wonder how he got here. If he had not been such a stupid kid, he would have never gotten into this mess. This was not going to impress Percy, or make the young man think he was an adult.

Apollo's hand touched his arm, causing Nico to draw back. The blond sighed. “Come on, the elevator stopped.”

Once back in his suite, Nico fell on his couch. Apollo sat down at the island in the kitchen, rubbing his temple gently. It was quiet; probably meaning Jason was either asleep or not there yet. Nico had fallen on his side, watching the blond at the small island. At most, that was his fate, to become like them. That was how he was supposed to survive in this place, right?

“How do you do it?” Nico murmured into the cushion pressing against his face.

Apollo looked over at him. Raising a hand to rub his neck, the blond shrugged. “Get used to it, at least the best you can. You never truly feel good about it, though.” The curly-haired Lost Boy shifted in the chair. I cried a lot when I first started, drank a lot, too.” There was a brief pause, where the blond leaned his head back to stare up at the ceiling. “You just sort of endure, there is no enjoyment. It's money, a job, and a place to stay, but it's far from a perfect life.”

Nico's eyes resembled broken glass as he stared across the room at the blond. It did not make him feel any better, listening to the blond. “I just feel...I don't even know. Weak? All of you deal with this, go back in those rooms and do your job, and I can't even figure out how to cope with what I'm feeling.”

“It takes a lot,” Apollo chuckled dryly. “I think you should do what we talked about and leave. If you can't now, then definitely when you finish high school.” He shook his head and met Nico's eyes again. “I don't...” A broken smile found its way onto the blond's lips. “I don't want another version of myself walking around here. Seeing you, especially when you first got here, it was like seeing myself. I kept thinking about the boy that I was back then, and how optimistic I was trying to be. I knew everything was fucked up...I knew I was fucked up. But I just wanted to hope, hope that things would work out.

“And there was Percy.” Apollo wiped at his face, his eyes getting red. “He... That's what he is. Hope, in a way at least. You want to hope that he can make things better, that your life will improve in this place.” The blond Lost Boy let out a long breath and stood to his feet. “But in the end, you just find yourself disappointed. But then you came along,” Apollo said, motioning to Nico. A few tears streamed down the blond's cheeks. “And you just brought back this glimmer of hope in this dark place. Hope that there was still good out there in this world.”

“I-I'll miss you guys if I leave,” Nico nearly choked out. He sat up and stared down at his lap. “You all deserve an escape just as much as you claim I do.”

Apollo shook his head. “You really don't get it. Myself, the others, we're too damaged. I can't even form a healthy relationship with Leo because I'm too fucked up to think I deserve a committed relationship!”

There was a silence in the room. Nico stared at Apollo with wide eyes. It did not take long for Apollo to realize what he had said and clamped a hand over his mouth. Nico fumbled with his mouth. “Apollo, I-”

“Don't. Forget what I said.” Apollo's eyes had lost their sad quality, and were now as hard as sapphires. “It's not like it matters.” He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his messy curls. “Look, I think we both need some sleep. Get yourself a shower and then I suggest going to bed. You have tomorrow afternoon off, so sleep as late as you want.”

Nico quietly nodded. Apollo left, leaving the boy to his own thoughts. Apollo liked Leo? Matters for another time, Nico told himself. For now, Apollo was right, he needed rest. And a very, very long shower. He wanted to wash the feel of that woman's nails from his back, and the best way he could think of was with scalding hot water.

And so, when he emerged from the shower over twenty minutes later, most of the skin on his back and chest was a pinkish color. But it did not really bother him. At most, it felt like a dull ache. Not even bothering to look at himself in the mirror, Nico made his way into his room.

He had almost unfastened his towel to let it drop to the floor, when he looked up to find Percy sitting on his bed. The Lost Boy tightened his grip and let his eyes dull. What was he doing here? Nico let out a sigh and walked over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of cotton shorts.

Percy remained quiet, watching Nico slip on his shorts underneath his towel. Once the shorts were on, Nico let the towel drop to the floor. His hair was still wet, clinging to his forehead. Nico stretched his arms. “Can I help you?”

The manager arched a brow. “As you've told me before, cut the crap. You're not fine, so stop acting like you are.” Nico frowned as Percy stood up. The young man maneuvered closer, running his fingers along Nico's scalded back. When Nico turned his head to glance at Percy, he found a frown on the young man's face. Green eyes flickered up to stare into Nico's brown ones. “You looked pretty upset, so I thought I'd come and check on you.”

“Yet you couldn't be bothered to come get me from the room.”

Percy smirked. “I was afraid you might throw something at me,” he replied cheekily. The manager cleared his throat. “But in all seriousness, I had something important to discuss with Annabeth.” When he pointed a finger at Nico, the boy frowned. “And actually, that is part of why I'm here. You know Gaea will be here in a few short days?”

Nico nodded. “What of it?”

Percy ignored the lip Nico gave him. “We usually have a business meeting during her time here, with the other managers.” He smiled and moved some of Nico's wet bangs out of his eyes. “So, we usually have one of our Lost Kids or secretaries sit in on those meetings. Sort of to see to us during the meeting. Get us drinks, food, keep track of notes, and things like that.”

Nico bobbed his head up and down, not really following. “So, what does this have to do with me?”

“Oh.” Percy cleared his throat, placing his hand on Nico's dresser. “I was wanting you to attend me during the meeting.” Nico's eyes widened, his mouth feeling dry. He was going to have to sit in a room with Gaea and the other managers? What if he messed up? “Since you're taking some business courses, I thought it might be a good educational experience,” Percy continued.

Nico's eyes flickered to Percy's hand. Percy's pocket watch was in the top drawer. He really did not know where else to put it, so he just slid it under some of his underwear. The green-eyed young man cleared his throat, bringing Nico's dark eyes back to Percy. Nico pursed his lips, his eyes slightly wider than normal. “Um, yeah, if you really want me to.” His eyes flickered back to the drawer. “Are you sure you want me?”

A wicked grin touched at Percy's lips. “Of course, Nico.” Why did Nico feel like he was missing something? Percy rested his hands on Nico's shoulders. “But you are doing okay, yes? You'll definitely need to at least hide your discomfort with your new line of work by the time Gaea gets here.”

“I'm fine,” Nico mumbled, rubbing at his arm.

Percy did not look convinced. There was a cold look in the young man's eyes, reminding Nico of a lake in the cold winter. “If you're sure.”

No, he was not, but he needed to at least try and act like he was. If what Apollo had told him yesterday was anything to go by, there was no time like the present to start acting like he needed to. Nico's eyes focused back on Percy as the young man moved to the door. Nico's hand shot out. “Wait.”

Percy turned back to face the Lost Boy. “Something else?”

“Um,” Nico chanced a glance at his dresser, “did you dislike your biological family?” Percy blinked at him. The manager had broken the watch, what if he hated Nico's gift? “I mean, you don't really talk about your mother or her family, and you didn't sound too fond of your father's family.”

“Well, he did cause the death Sally,” Percy whispered. Nico gave him an odd look. “My mother, her name was Sally.” Percy ran his tongue across his lips. “I never got to meet any of her family. From what I remember, her parents had died in a plane crash shortly before I was born.”

“I'm sorry.” Nico fiddled with his hands, not sure what to do with them. Why should he have expected anything happy to come out of someone in the hotel's past life?

Percy shook his head, an uncertain look in his eyes. “Which is ironic, considering my grandfather and great-grandfather were both pilots. My great-grandfather actually fought in World War II as a pilot, still have his jacket around here somewhere, I think.” He scratched the back of his head. “Don't really have an opinion of either of them, since I never met them. But my father?” His eyes locked with Nico's brown ones. “I hated that man until the day he died.”

The Lost Boy was quiet for nearly an entirely minute. What was he supposed to say to that? Finally, he glanced up at Percy from behind his dark bangs. “You remember that deal you offered me about my father?”

The green-eyed young man nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Yes. What about it?”

“Um, how many of the other Lost Kids did you make a similar deal with?”

Percy was quiet. He frowned before tapping his chin. “Let's see...quite a few. Most actually. Not many took the offer, though.”

“Do you wish any of them had accepted but didn't?”

The young man scrunched his lips. “Yes, pretty much all of them. I don't really care much for knowing that most did not get what they deserved. I care about my Lost Kids. Honestly, while I am happy you declined, part of me wished you hadn't.” There was a dark look in Percy's eyes, making them hard to distinguish between green or black. Percy slowly brushed some of Nico's hair behind his ear. “I would have made him suffer until he begged for death.”

Nico pulled away, feeling uncomfortable under Percy's touch. “He doesn't deserve to be tortured or killed.”

“I suppose that's where our opinions differ.” Percy let out a sigh. “I don't think you've seen the last of him either.”

Nico pursed his lips, looking away. “He doesn't know where I am, and Bianca isn't going to tell him anything.”

Percy slowly nodded. “I suppose we'll see. never know what surprises life might have in store for you.” He smiled and tilted Nico's chin up, forcing the boy to look at him. “I just want to protect you, and keep you away from him. You don't deserve to be trapped here, but you definitely don't deserve to have to be around that man.”

Nico didn't pull away this time. “And your brother? That was your own doing. Why kill him?”

“There were a few reasons.” Percy kept his voice quiet, yet almost soothing. It was calm while he spoke, like they were talking about something completely normal. “Apparently he had gotten himself into some financial situations. And after my father's death...well, his family was not left with much money.”

Nico's brow furrowed. “Your father was well off?”

“He did pretty well for himself.” Percy reached a hand up to rub his face. “But when Gaea had him killed, it was pretty much like pouring salt on a piece of ground to keep things from growing. And so, when he needed money, he worked on tracking me down.”

Nico shook his head, confused. “You mentioned it was your half brother?”

The corners of Percy's lips tilted down. “My father, Poseidon, had an affair on his wife. But unlike most wealthy people, he didn't pay to keep her quiet. He pretty much threatened and ruined her life.”

Nico leaned against his dresser. “So why would your brother think you would give him money?”

“Because he was going to blackmail me.” Percy sighed and took a seat on Nico's bed, his gaze on the floor. “Triton was dumb enough to walk into my hotel and threatening to expose me for murdering our father. He left the hotel in a garbage bag, no less than he deserved.” The young man shrugged. “I don't like being threatened. But I was also finishing what Gaea started, pouring more salt on the earth.”

The Lost Boy moved across the room to sit next to Percy. He glanced at the young man, who would not take his eyes off of the floor. “Why did it matter so much to do that?”

“Because I told her I didn't want to have to be reminded of my father's image. And it was always bad enough for me that I had to look like him.” Percy was clutching his pants tightly, jaw locked. “I hated the way I looked for years, and got harshly disciplined each time I tried to disfigure myself.”

Nico stared at the young man in disbelief. Why would Percy do that? Hating his father or not, Percy was beautiful. When Nico had first laid eyes on the young man, he had been reminded of the angels that his mother would always tell him about as a child. “Well,” Nico cleared his throat, “I'm glad you didn't.”

Percy shot him a dark look. “So you can stare at me. Because that was always what people cared about while I was growing up, save for Gaea and Kronos. I sometimes wonder if that's the only reason you think you like me.”

“I-I-No!” Nico was on his feet in an instant. “That's not it at all! I think you're beautiful inside and out, whether you choose to see it or not. You think you're a monster, but you're just doing what you need to in order to protect us. You're being protective over the things you care about.”

Percy's eyes were dull as they met with Nico's livid ones. He looked uncertain. Perhaps there had been a time where Nico's feelings were more based on his physical attraction to Percy, but those times were in the past. He had gotten to know Percy, and could honestly say that he cared for the young man. Even if it was to just remain as friends. But Nico still did not understand where this self-hatred for what he had to do bothered Percy so much. If this was what Gaea had raised him into, then why did he seem resilient to it at times?

“What do you think? About what I did, I mean.”

Nico was startled by Percy's calm voice. He stared down at his feet, an overwhelming feeling of sadness suddenly coursing through him. “I don't think anything. I'm not going to judge you based on it, if that's what you're wondering.” The boy shifted his weight, not wanting to meet the young man's eyes. He could already feel the intense gaze he was receiving, he was not sure he could handle actually staring into those deep green eyes. “It's not my place to judge.”

“Then who is to judge the wicked people like myself?”

Nico frowned. He hated when Percy talked like that. “I don't know. I gave up on believing in a god a long time ago. I could never understand how one could exist and let all of this suffering occur.” He gave Percy a quick glance, his heart pounding in his chest the moment he made contact with those green eyes. “But I don't think your soul or whatever deserves to be damned, if that's what you think.”

Percy had that predatory look in his eyes again. It made Nico worry that he was about to be eaten, and not in any sexual way. “Would you say the same about someone that gunned down a family?”

“Well, no-”

“I have, you know.” The two continued to hold eye contact, causing Nico's pulse to quicken. The boy's breathing was nearing a ragged state. “And yet I don't deserve the same punishment?”

“Stop,” Nico whispered. He frowned and broke eye contact, looking down sadly. “I don't care about what you had to do, because I know it was asked of you. You wouldn't have done it otherwise.” He gulped, his mouth feeling dry. “I don't think that whoever the family would have been innocent either.”

Percy took in a deep breath, sitting up straight. The room fell quiet, neither of the room's occupants looking at each other. When Percy finally spoke, it was barely above a whisper. “I wasn't told about the mother or child, I didn't know they would be there.”

“Why did you have to kill these people in the first place?”

“Loyalty.” Percy's eyes were no longer looking at him. Nico was not quite sure what they were staring at. “Gaea needed to know I was loyal to her, that she could trust me unquestionably.” Percy pursed his lips before meeting Nico's gaze again. “So she didn't tell me about the mother and child. She wanted to see what I would do.”

Nico swallowed a lump in his throat, dreading the question that he was about to ask. He already knew the answer by what Percy had already said. “And?”

Percy's brow furrowed. “And? And what? I pulled the trigger, three times.” The young man sighed and climbed to his feet. “Gaea saved my life, there's nothing I wouldn't do for that woman.”

The manager was almost to the door when Nico spoke. “And she killed your father for you? It didn't...bother you?”

“No,” Percy replied nonchalantly. He turned to face the brown-eyed boy again. “I watched the entire thing.” Percy motioned before him. “He was brought in front of me and forced to get on his knees, hands cuffed behind his back. I could see the fear and panic in the man's eyes the second the black bag was taken off of his head.” There was an animal-like quality in Percy's eyes, Nico noticed, as he spoke. “He recognized who I was. How could he not, considering I look just like him?”

It was hard for Nico to find the words, let alone get them out of his mouth. “Did he...say anything to you?”

“Pleaded with me.” Percy shrugged. “He started to cry and kept begging me to let him go. I don't even think he knew my mother had died. And so, when he wouldn't shut up, I put a bullet through his leg.”

“But I thought Gaea killed him?”

“She did.” Percy let out a long sigh. He seemed to be thinking about something. And considering their subject, Nico had a good idea of what it was. “She stood there beside me, running her fingers through my hair and whispered to me. All the while, I just kept staring down at my father in disgust. It made me sick just breathing the same air as that man. He begged me for mercy when Gaea began torturing him. And all the while, I just laughed.”

Nico felt sick. He could feel his stomach lurching again. “I'm not sure I want to know the rest.”

There was a frightening look in the young man's face when Nico looked up again. “Well you did ask. Might as well hear the rest,” Percy replied in a dry voice. It only served to make Nico fidget more. “She started with cutting out his pinky bone. And I mean literally cut it out, peeling the skin back and then cutting off the top portion of the finger bone.”

Nico's stomach twisted in a not. “Percy, please...” Nico practically sobbed. “Please stop.”

Percy stepped closer to him. “I tried to tell you, I'm not a good person.” Leaning in, he pressed his lips to Nico's forehead. Nico scrunched his eyes shut, tears threatening to spill out. “Get some sleep.”

 He sat down on his bed when Percy left, closing the door behind himself. Nico's eyes carried an empty look as he stared off into space. Nico buried his face in his hands as everything from that night hit him all at once. In the quiet of his room, Nico let out a single choked sob.


  1. I'm always impressed by your ability to captivate your audience I recently picked this up and have been speeding through ever sense. Hope you keep posteing. :-)

  2. Oh jeez posting not posteing. God I seem illiterate.
