Sunday, June 1, 2014

Children of Loss 35

Chapter 35

Seeing a picture of Gaea had not really prepared Nico for seeing the woman in person for the first time. It felt so surreal, watching the tall woman walk through those doors in front of him. There was an air of grace and elegance about her as she walked, like she was so far out of reach, yet the true embodiment for the life Nico had been living for the past few months.

There was simply no distinguishing age just by looking at the woman, she could have been immortal for all Nico could tell. Her face was beautiful, more beautiful than any woman—even a model—that Nico had ever laid eyes on. She was tall and slender, with a thin back dress covering her figure. She walked with perfection in her heels, like she might have done it her whole life. Her hair was flowing freely behind her, as black as night itself. And then there were her green eyes, hard as stone and as green as freshly grown grass.

The woman had Percy on her arm, and the young man seemed happier and less stressful than Nico had seen him in quite a few days. Rachel tailed after them, spouting off details about what had been happening at the hotel as of late. But on Gaea's other side was a woman that Nico had yet to see.

Like Gaea, she had long, black hair, though she kept it in a tight bun. Her eyes were as grey and stormy as a raging thunderstorm, with the same hardness that Nico could often see in Percy's own green eyes. She wore a business suit and skirt, which showcased her long legs. Though she walked gracefully, the woman was busily reading over something on the tablet in her hands.

But the thing that Nico found himself thankful for was the lack of Kronos. There was absolutely no sign of the infamous young man as Gaea was brought inside.

Once Gaea was standing before them, the Lost Kids straightened their posture, though many of them still smiled. The only other person besides Nico that seemed uneasy about the woman's presence was Jason, who kept fidgeting nervously.

Gaea laced her fingers in front of her as she glanced them all over. For Nico, it was an uncomfortable silence, where he could distinguish nothing about what the woman was thinking. As hard as it was to figure Percy's thoughts at times, this woman took it to a whole new level.

“Hello, children,” came Gaea's almost harmonic voice. It was so soft, so captivating, that Nico could have mistaken her for a siren from myth. She moved to the end of the line that the Lost Kids had formed, thankfully opposite from Nico. Unfortunately, it also meant he would be last to be seen. “Annabeth, Thalia, Luke, Apollo, Octavian, Zoë, Silena, Charles, Butch, Piper, Calypso, Travis, Connor, Reyna, Hazel, Will, Leo, Clarisse, and Ethan.”

This now brought her in front of Drew and Juniper, which left the woman with only three Lost Kids until she reached him. To say his heart was going into overdrive would have been an understatement for him.

“Drew and Juniper, I trust the move has been pleasant for you both?” Gaea asked the two girls.

“Yes, ma'am,” both girls replied. It surprised Nico, to see Drew so polite to someone that was not a customer. Even to Percy, the girl could be irritable at times.

And then Gaea was on Jason. The blond clenched his hands at his sides, swallowing a lump in his throat as he stared back at the woman. Gaea narrowed her eyes slightly before opening her mouth. “You must be Jason, son of Zeus and Thalia's younger brother. I trust that you have been adjusting and that I won't have any trouble for you?”

Jason wasted no time in shaking his head. “N-no, ma'am,” he barely managed to whisper.

A beautiful smile sprung out across Gaea's full, perfect lips. “Good. Then I will enjoy having you as one of my employees, as I'm sure Percy has enjoyed having you here for the past two months. Don't cause any trouble and you won't have anything to fear from me.” Smiling again, she patted the blond's cheek and moved on.

Unlike Jason, Nico could not even manage to swallow the lump that had been forming in his throat. It felt as if his heart had decided to lodge itself there. The raven-haired boy stared up at the woman with wide eyes, trying his hardest not to shake. All traces of the woman's smile seemed to slip away as she laid eyes on him.

“And you,” she began, “you must be the Nico that I've been hearing so much about.” She gently reached out and grabbed hold of his chin, tilting it up so that she could get a better look at him. Her nails pressed against the boy's pale skin, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to cause a slight discomfort for Nico. “I've heard quite a good deal about you, my child.” The way her emerald green eyes pierced him, Nico could only hope that it had been nothing bad. “I must say, I don't believe I've had someone cause such chaos in my ranks since your boss found his way into my care.”

As Nico slowly opened his mouth to attempt to respond to the woman, someone burst through the door and practically jumped on Percy. Arms were wrapped tightly around the green-eyed manager's neck as a pale cheek was pressed against Percy's tan one.

A young man around Percy's age and height now stood at the green-eyed young man's side, nuzzling against Percy fondly. “Percy!” The newly arrived male exclaimed happily. “I have missed you so much!”

Percy chuckled and shook his head. “You've been seeing me since you arrived, Kronos.”

The lump in Nico's neck was gone. His heart had sank into his stomach, the color draining from his face. He had been hoping that Kronos was not going to arrive with his mother, but that did not seem to be the case after all.

And if to make matters worse, Kronos opened his eyes to reveal his light brown orbs. They shimmered in the light, reminding Nico of pure gold. He would have been drawn in by them, if they were not piercing him like a knife. The way the young man stared at him was like a predator stalking its prey, a lion hunting a weakened gazelle.

Still holding on to Percy, Kronos smirked. “So, this is the boy that you've been talking about, brother.”

Unlike Gaea's voice, Kronos sounded as cold as ice. The very sound of the young man's voice caused a chill to run down Nico's spine. And with a quick glance at the others, Nico could tell they felt the same. The happiness they had displayed at seeing Gaea was completely gone, replaced instead by an overwhelming tension. And many of the Lost Kids even refused to look up from the carpet.

Kronos let out a sigh, his head falling onto Percy's shoulder. The pale young man's lips tilted down into a frown as he picked at his shirt. “I must say, I'm a little disappointed. After hearing about you, I just expected more.” Nico's blood ran cold as the young man detached himself from Percy and bent forward to look Nico directly in the face. A manic grin slowly crept its way across Kronos's face. “But here you are, and you don't seem like much at all.”

“S-sorry,” Nico barely managed to get out, his eyes falling to the floor.

Kronos narrowed his eyes. Cold fingers touched Nico's chin and forced the boy to look up. Leaning in, Kronos lost his smile. “It's not nice to disappoint people,” he whispered.

“Already picking on the new kid?” Luke mumbled from down the line.

Kronos bit down on his lip, a look of excitement appearing in his eyes. Pulling away from Nico, the raven-haired young man opened his arms with a smile. “There he is. And a record time at that.” Kronos tapped his chin. “You know, it's been a while since I've seen you come to someone's defense so quickly.” Yet another grin appeared on his pale lips. “How's your mother doing these days, Luke?”

Percy rolled his eyes and shook his head. Glancing at Gaea, the green-eyed young man arched a brow. Gaea snapped her fingers in Kronos's direction. “That's enough,” she said softly, “let's settle in to our rooms.”

“Yes, mother,” Kronos said, still smirking at Luke.

Kronos headed for the elevator, Gaea and the woman that Nico still did not know following after him. Nico swallowed the lump in his throat as he turned to watch them board the elevator. When he noticed someone standing beside him, he looked up to find Percy smiling at him. Raising his hand, he patted Nico on the head.

“That wasn't so bad, was it?”

Nico wanted to say yes, but he figured it was not the best course of action. “Not at all,” Nico lied. “But who was that other woman?”

“Oh.” Percy smiled. “I guess I forgot to introduce her. I'll correct that later tonight then. But for now, that would be Athena, the European branch manager.”

Patting Nico on the head again, Percy, Leo, and Rachel headed for the elevator that Gaea, Kronos, and Athena had boarded. Once Percy was inside, Kronos attached himself to the green-eyed young man once again. Nico narrowed his eyes, feeling a surge of jealousy.

“You okay?”

Nico turned his head away, avoiding Luke's gaze. “I'm fine,” the boy mumbled.

Luke rolled his eyes. “Funny, because you didn't look fine. If you're going to act like a scared little girl, you might as well paint a target on your back for Kronos.” The blond let out a grunt. “Well, at least there's someone from the Middle East branch that I can stand.”

Nico quirked a brow and looked up at the blond, only to find him staring at the front door again. Following Luke's gaze, Nico found a tall, lanky brunet directing some of the hotel's employees with some luggage. He had a small, wispy goatee on his chin and unruly curly hair.

“Grovie!” Juniper exclaimed excitedly as she latched herself onto the brunet's neck.

So that was Grover. Looking at the brunet now, Nico had to wonder how Grover managed to survive under Kronos. The way the guy smiled as he hugged Juniper back, he did not appear to able to harm a fly. How had Kronos not eaten him alive?

Before he knew what was going on, Luke was dragging Nico towards Grover and Juniper. Annabeth and Thalia were already hugging the brunet, and Nico got the feeling they Grover better than some of the other Lost Kids.

Smirking, Luke lifted a hand to clasp Grover's held out one. “Hey, man,” the blond greeted the brunet. “How was the flight?”

“Not too bad.” Grover smiled at Juniper as he finally managed to pry her off his neck. “A little relieved to be here finally. At least now Kronos has someone to distract him...not you of course.” Luke shot the brunet a dirty look. The brunet's eyes finally landed on Nico. “This the new kid?”

Thalia grinned and held Nico's shoulder, pushing him forward. “Yep. Grover, meet Nico. Nico, this is Grover, the most awesome person in Gaea's employment.”

Grover smirked and held out his hand, shaking Nico's pale one enthusiastically. “You know, I was originally going to get posted here, but Percy ended up finding Leo and Rachel.” He let out a sigh. “And Kronos requested me first anyways.” The smirk returned as he placed his hands behind his head. “I hope you're surviving okay. I know that these three can be a handful at times, not to mention you have Percy walking around. Nothing but trouble that one is.”

Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Please, like you weren't encouraging most of his stunts back in Germany. As I heard, you were the reason he ended up with a broken leg that one time, when you convinced him it would be perfectly safe to ski down the flight of stairs at Gaea's hotel.”

“You know,” Grover began, “there are a lot of versions of that story flying around these days. However, since Percy is not around to say otherwise, I'd like to say that mine is the honest one.”

“Uh-huh,” Annabeth replied, unconvinced.

Grover smiled innocently. “Anyways, I've got to get upstairs before Kronos has me hunted down.” The brunet nodded at Nico. “Nice to meet you, dude.”

Nico turned his head lightly to watch the brunet head to the elevators with Juniper attached to his arm. He frowned to himself. It must suck for Juniper, having to be so far away from the guy she liked. And Grover seemed like a pretty good guy, at least from Nico's first impression.

Nico quirked his brow as he entered the bar room on the top floor. Annabeth stood at his side, shaking her head. Nico tilted his head to the side. “Is he okay?” He whispered to the blonde.

“Hard to say,” she whispered back.

Luke was splayed out on the couch, his eyes narrowed at nothing in particular. In a way, he reminded Nico of a child that had just been put in timeout. Taking a chance, Nico poked the blond with his foot. Icy blue eyes instantly shot over to him in a murderous glare. The brown-eyed boy quickly held his hands up in defense.

Luke sat up, still glaring. “What do you want?” He growled.

Annabeth let out a sigh. “You need to get backstage. And I'd recommend going now, before Kronos gets up here.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Luke grumbled as he stumbled up from the couch. Had he been drinking?

Annabeth shook her head with another sigh as Luke managed to get himself out the door. “I'm already awaiting the end of this meeting. I don't mind seeing Gaea, but Luke does this to himself every time he has to see Kronos.”

A faint chuckle drew Nico's attention to Dionysus, who was already busy mixing drink. “I don't know what all the fuss is about. Ever since I met him, I have found Kronos nothing short of effective and quite the conversationalist.”

“That's because you're both despicable human beings,” Annabeth shot back.

Dionysus's beady, dark eyes sparked in amusement as they shot over to the blonde. “Careful, Annie, or some secrets might slip,” the man grinned. Annabeth narrowed her eyes. “Oh yes, I've known for quite some time now. You see, unlike our most esteemed manager,” he said in a mocking tone, “I actually do see everything that goes on in this hotel.”

The blonde continued to glare daggers at the man before she grabbed Nico's arm and dragged him out of the bar room. Once the door was shut, she let out a heavy sigh. “I truly wish that man would just leave. At least once a year, I beg Percy to send him somewhere else.”

“You okay?” Nico asked.

The Lost Girl nodded her head. “Never trust him, Nico. I know we've told you that before, but you need to hear it again. The man is a liar and a deceiver, who will stop at nothing until he's gotten under your skin. On numerous occasions, he's tried causing divides amongst us.”

Nico frowned. “Why does he even stay around?” Nodding his head to the door, Nico locked eyes with the grey eyes of the blonde in front of him. “He seems to like Kronos, so why doesn't he go work for him?”

Pursing her lips, Annabeth pushed herself off the wall she had propped herself against. “Because, he is waiting for something. And if I'm correct, may be something soon.” Her eyes were no longer staring at Nico, but rather the floor to the side of the boy. “He has always resented Percy, but is still hoping that something will come out of biding his time. And he thinks he knows what I want, but he's wrong.”

“And what do you want?”

Grey eyes flickered back over to Nico. Straightening herself, Annabeth patted his shoulder. “Time to get to work,” she said with a small smile.

Nico let out a sigh and followed after the blonde as she weaved her way around the tables. For the duration of Gaea's stay at the hotel, the wall had been taken down that separated the boys and the girls. Apollo had told him that it was for efficiency, which pretty much meant that they were doing it so that Gaea wouldn't have to move around so much. Thalia had mentioned that in Germany the boys and the girls all performed on one stage, like they did here on big weekends.

Out of nowhere, Nico was yanked away by his arm. Letting out a small yelp, he nearly fell on his face. Luckily, there was another hand that caught him. Looking up, he found Percy's smiling face. And it would have made him smile as well, if not for the other hand that had originally pulled him. Alongside Percy were Gaea and Kronos, the latter having yanked him.

“Just who I was looking for,” Kronos said, the hint of a smirk on his face. “Why don't you wait on our table tonight, Nico.” Placing his hand on the pale boy's back, he guided Nico towards the booth Percy always sat at. “After all, I've been so looking forward to meeting you.”

For some reason, Nico had the feeling that was not a good thing. “I'd be happy to,” Nico managed to reply. He felt cold all of a sudden, and he tried to look to Percy for support, but the young man was busy talking with Gaea.

A few of the other Lost Kids took notice of Nico being dragged to Percy's booth, but they did not look upset like they did on the first night Nico managed getting Percy's table. They looked a little worried, as well as relieved. Not that Nico could really blame them for the last part, as he himself wished more than anything right now that he was not the one serving Percy's table.

Placing Nico in front of the table, Kronos slid into the booth and stretched his arms out across the back of it. Nico glanced at Percy with panic in his eyes as the young man came up beside him. His were not answered, though, as Percy just smiled and ruffled Nico's hair before sliding in beside Kronos.

After Gaea was seated, Nico pulled out the pen and pad he kept tucked in the waistband of his speedo. “So, what can I get for you three?”

Inspecting his nails, Kronos quirked a brow. “What kind of greeting is that? I do hope you try harder with the customers.”

“I do.” Nico swallowed a lump in his throat. “I just didn't think it would matter as much at this table, since I'm not soliciting business.”

“Now that you're working the back rooms,” Gaea interjected, though she was not bothering to look in Nico's direction.

Nico bit down on his lip and glanced at Percy, who just shrugged. He was now understanding what he had been told recently: Gaea really was not happy about Percy's original decision concerning Nico's employment.

Finally coming to Nico's rescue, Percy smiled. “I'll just have some water for now, Nico, and maybe have some salsa chips sent up from the kitchen.”

Nico nodded, scribbling it down on the pad. Propping his chin up with his palm, Kronos stared at Nico with a bored expression. “I'll have a Black Russian, and make sure Dionysus adds an extra shot of vodka,” the young man ordered. “Oh, and get some cheese dip for those chips Percy ordered. Salsa is good, but I'm craving some cheese dip.”

Nodding his head quickly and scribbling down Kronos's order, Nico glanced up at Gaea. The woman had her fingers laced under her chin as she watched Nico with an unreadable expression. Nico's whole body tensed on instinct. “A-and what can I get for you, ma'am?”

In silence, Gaea continued to stare at him for a few long seconds. She finally smiled and relaxed into the booth. “Well, at least he has manners.” Waving a hand casually, she continued. “Just call me Gaea, dear. I'm not old enough yet to let people like you call me ma'am.”

Nico glanced at Percy in question. The manager chuckled. “She means working as a Lost Kid, you're one of the few people she'll let call you by her name.”

“I gave the Lost Kids their name,” Gaea continued. “I started this business before Percy or Kronos were even born, so the kids I took in were essentially just that, my children.” Nico was uncertain if he should be relieved or not by hearing that. It was a nice sentiment, but the woman still made him nervous. “I'll just have a martini, sweetie.”

Nodding, Nico headed for the bar room, scribbling down Gaea's order as he went. Pushing the door open, Nico tore of the piece of paper and slipped it across the counter to Dionysus. The man grabbed it and lifted it to his face, where he nodded and placed it back on the counter.

“I see you haven't been eaten alive yet,” Dionysus said, keeping his eyes on the drinks.

Nico scrunched his lips. “Disappointed?”

The man pouted his lips, placing his hand on the bar as he turned to face Nico. “Now, Nico, I'm offended. I would be very dismayed if some form of harm were to come to you.” The man went back to his drinks, while Nico typed in the order for the chips to be sent up from the kitchen. “Besides, it's inevitable that at least one of the two of them will eat you alive before they leave.”

As much as he hated to admit it, the comment managed to get under his skin. Nico paused, his finger hovering over one of the buttons on the small computer. “You're not going to get to me,” he whispered.

“Run all you like, the hotel always claims its victim.”

As he poured Percy's water, Nico's fingers tightened on the pitcher. “Well, maybe one day you'll have that satisfaction. However, for now, I'm still surviving.” Putting the pitcher of ice water back in the fridge, Nico grabbed a tray and put all the drinks on it. “You're not going to get to me, Dionysus.”

There was a smirk on the man's lips as Nico balanced the tray. “You say that like I'm intentionally trying to sabotage you, Nico. If I do recall, I'm not the one who did anything to you, that would be your latest 'family'.” As Nico headed for the door, the man sat down in his chair. “Besides, trying to ruin all of you would be too much work, and isn't necessary anyways. Everyone in this hotel ends up destroying themselves eventually.”

Nico headed back to Percy's booth, where he dropped off the drinks. “The salsa chips and dip should be up shortly,” he informed them.

“Do hurry, I'm hungry,” Kronos mumbled.

Percy arched a brow at him. “You just ate an hour ago.”

Kronos shrugged. “And now I want chips.” Raising his drink to his lips, he made a face. “You call this a drink?” Rather roughly, the pale young man shoved the drink back in Nico's direction. “Take it back, and have me another made.”

“I'm sorry,” Nico mumbled, picking the drink back up. Chewing on his lip, he headed back to the bar room. Sighing as he opened the door, he walked over and deposited the drink on the counter. “Kronos didn't like it.”

Dionysus nodded, though he simply filled the drink back up. “There you go.”

Nico arched a brow as he held the refilled drink in his hand. “Aren't you going to redo it?”

Turning to the boy, Dionysus blinked at him. “And why would I do that? It's not that Kronos didn't like the drink, it's because he doesn't like you. Sadly for you, you've got the worst time to serve Percy's table. The Lost Kids avoid it like the plague when Kronos is here.” Nodding to the drink, Dionysus went back to work on more drinks. “Now go on, tell him I put more alcohol in it this time to make him happy.”

Letting out a sigh, Nico slowly made his way back to Percy's table...again. He was getting the feeling that this was going to become routine as the night went on. As long as he did not have to do this every night for the rest of Kronos's visit, Nico could probably survive. Hopefully.

As the night went on, Nico was only proven right in his assumption. It seemed like Kronos went out of his way just to torment Nico in every way he could, and get away with it without making it seem like he was doing it intentionally. First it was the drink, then he complained about the cheese dip. And then when they finished the chips, Kronos complained about not having enough. Towards the end of the night, it seemed like Kronos was just trying to be an ass when he said the color of Nico's speedo didn't suit him.

Nico narrowed his eyes over at the raven-haired young man, who had somehow managed to corner Luke near the stage. The room was mostly empty now, save for a few customers trying to talk with Gaea, but were being blocked by Clarisse and Ethan.

Smiling warmly, Juniper patted Nico's shoulder. He sat at a table with the girl and Grover, waiting to be dismissed. Nico frowned as he watched Kronos and Luke. The blond narrowed his eyes at something Kronos said to him, which only made the brown-eyed young man grin wider. Before walking away from the blond, Kronos patted Luke's cheek rather harshly and laughed lightly. Octavian hurried over to his brother, placing his hand on Luke's shoulder before the other blond could go after the smug manager.

“You know,” Juniper began, “if I didn't know what a sadistic bastard Kronos was, I'd say he has a thing for Luke.” When she received odd looks from the two boys at the table, she rolled her eyes. “Like boys when they are younger, and they pick on girls that they like, since they aren't intelligent enough to know how properly act on their feelings.”

“Hey!” Nico and Grover replied, slightly offended.

“Don't get mad over the truth.” Juniper smiled. “But, as we all know, Kronos is not the affectionate type.”

“He actually might be getting engaged soon,” Grover mumbled around a sandwich he had brought up from the kitchen. “Rhea.”

Juniper's eyebrows rose. “Oh really? Well, she's a nice girl, so maybe she can straighten him out.”

“Good luck to her,” Grover muttered under his breath.

“Grover!” Kronos shouted from the stairs.

The brunet stiffened and scarfed down the rest of his food. “Got to go,” he said quickly, pecking Juniper on the cheek as he dashed off.

Juniper sighed and rolled her eyes, attempting to clean up the mess that Grover had left behind. “I worry that Kronos is going to send Grover to an early one way or the other.”

Nico scrunched his lips as he let his face fall onto the table, resting his cheek on the surface. “How do you do it?” He asked. Juniper arched a brow at him. “Being with Grover, I mean. Are you two dating?”

“Um, it's complicated.” Juniper let out a sigh. “The distance is rough, and I'm not sure we'll ever get to be near each other. Grover owes a lot to the hotel, and Gaea, so he's sort of bound to it for life. Unlike the rest of us, he doesn't have as much of a choice in the matter.” Slouching in her chair, Juniper laced her hands across her stomach. “I've asked Percy to transfer him here, and I asked Athena when I was back in Europe, but they both said there's nowhere to really put him at the moment. He's a good secretary, and good at keeping things organized, so they don't want to just put him anywhere.”

“And no one wants to send Leo or Rachel over there.”

Juniper nodded. “Exactly. Percy says if he finds an opening, he'll talk to Kronos about it.” Running through her fingers through her hair, Juniper let out another sigh. “It's just not exactly what a girl dreams about when she's growing up.”

“I'd imagine not.” Nico sat up and grabbed the bottle of water he had grabbed before leaving the bar room for the night. Yawning, he took a swig. He was so exhausted, but he knew it would be another hour or two before he got any sleep. Nico had managed reading over a great deal of the material Rachel had given him, but he still had a huge pile sitting beside his bed. Though, to say the least, he was learning a great deal about the hotel.

Juniper smiled at him. “So, what did you always dream up for your prince charming?”

Nico barely managed to smile, feeling his eyes beginning to droop. “Well, after I came to admit to myself I was gay, I would imagine up these insanely hot guys that would come along and say all the right things to make me melt.”

The Lost Girl let out a chuckle. “You know, just looking at you, people would think you're all doom and gloom. And, yet, underneath it all, you're just a big softie and romantic.”

The boy narrowed his eyes. “Don't repeat that!” He hissed. Letting out a sigh, he glanced over to where Percy was smiling and talking with Gaea. “I was younger, and I just wanted the fairytale ending that everyone got in those movies. As I got older, though, I went through a long phase where I thought simply because I was gay that I didn't deserve such an ending.”

“And then?”

“I realized that was just my father talking in my head.” Nico's eyes grew dull as he watched Percy walk in their direction. “And, sadly, I don't see myself getting an ending like that in my future anymore.”

Following Nico's gaze, Juniper smiled again. She reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “Don't say things like that. I think you'll end up happy, and with someone that really cares about you.”

“Just not Percy,” Nico mumbled.

“I never said that,” Juniper chuckled.

Nico stiffened when he felt something touch the back of his chair. His breath hitched when he felt lips press against his ear. “Don't go to sleep too early, I want to come see how you're doing with everything,” Percy whispered into his ear.

Nico shuddered. His eyes had closed as soon as Percy began speaking, and now he was feeling too tired to manage opening them again. Nico simply nodded, letting out a breath when he felt Percy let go of his chair.

Juniper smiled at him from across the table. Standing to her feet, she nudged him with her foot. “Come on, sleepyhead, we'll get you back to your room.”

Nico let out a groan, but managed standing up. His legs felt like lead as he dragged himself towards the stairs. “You mean so I can do more work.”

Taking Nico's arm, Juniper led the boy down the stairs. “Look on the bright side, Percy's going to be stopping by your room shortly, and I figure he'll be willing to help you if you're lost on anything.” Boarding the elevator, Juniper hit the button to their floor after sliding her card through the slot. “And you know, you'll have him all to yourself.”

“Percy and I actually haven't done anything since my mother's funeral,” Nico mumbled.

“A little fucked up way of looking at it, ain't it?”

Nico shrugged. “No more so than anything else in this hotel.”

When they arrived at their floor, Juniper was pleasantly surprised to find Grover standing outside her door. Nico smiled at her as she released his arm and headed down her hall. Once she was inside her suite with Grover, Nico's smile slowly fell off his face. At least they were open with their feelings with each other, and were able to see each other a few times a year. At this point, Nico would have given anything to be like that with Percy. Just not as far away from each other.

Upon entering his suite, Nico found the lights off, which meant that Jason was either not back yet or he was already asleep. Either was fine with Nico, as he was finding it hard to fully stare his roommate in the eye the past few days. Having to stand naked in the shower with an also naked Jason—while enjoyable for Nico—was also slightly uncomfortable.

Sure he had seen some of the Lost Kids naked by this point, and sure he was now technically a prostitute, but he was not yet fully comfortable being so vulnerable with the blond. Perhaps it was the blond's indifference while they were in the shower. Jason barely spoke, and rarely looked Nico in eye during the shower. He was so different from the other Lost Boys, who even now still made passes at Nico.

But it truly sucked for him in the regards of finding Jason appealing. Jason was attractive, there was no doubt about that. And perhaps, if put in a different situation where their lives had not been so fucked up—and Percy was not involved in the situation like he was—Nico might have found himself romantically interested in Jason. The blond was interesting and fun to talk to, at least when he opened up to Nico. And he was probably one of the more attractive guys at the hotel.

But, whereas Apollo felt like an older brother to Nico, Jason felt like a very close friend. A friend that some part of Nico's mind wanted to have benefits with. And having to see Jason naked on a daily basis now sort of made it hard to not try anything, even if he was being coerced into doing something by Percy. How fucked up was that anyways?

It was a little after three when Nico heard the door to his suite open. Footsteps drew closer, until they came to a stop outside of Nico's door. The brown-eyed boy rolled onto his side to look at the door when it opened.

There stood Percy, who walked inside and closed the door behind him before plopping down on the bed with Nico. The manager picked up a sheet of paper and looked it over, propping his chin up on his palm. “So, how goes it?” The young man asked.

Nico let his head fall onto his arm with a groan. “I've lost a lot of extra sleep, just trying to be prepared for this meeting. I'm still not sure if picking me was the best idea.”

Nico sighed when he felt fingers rake through his hair. “Maybe you should have faith in yourself.” Percy smiled at him. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

Nico shuffled through some pages, trying to remember any questions that he had. “Um, well, I didn't know that there were other hotels like this one in North America.”

“Yep,” the green-eyed manager replied. Nico's heart skipped a beat when Percy rested his head on Nico's back, the young man's fingers slipping up the back of Nico's shirt. “I mean, that would just be unfair that our clients had to come all the way out here just to see performances. But there are a lot of just normal hotels around.”

“And they outnumber the ones like this one?”

Nico felt Percy nod against his back. “Makes it a little harder for law enforcement or the federal government to crack down on the right one.” Percy's index finger trailed down Nico's spine. “Because, let's face it, none of the clients are brave enough to rat us out, and those that snoop around learn really quickly that they shouldn't go poking around Gaea's business.”

Finally finding the paper he was looking for, Nico scanned it over quickly. “And Gaea's funding a movie?”

Percy grinned and slid his hands around to wrap around Nico's stomach. “What, Gaea can't like movies?” The young man asked, sliding up so that his nose was buried in the crook of Nico's neck. “You know, Gaea is planning on dropping by the set. I could bring you along, if you'd like.”

Nico perked up slightly. “I could see a movie set, and meet the actors?”

“More than likely,” Percy mumbled. “I'm sure Gaea wouldn't mind if I asked her. It'll be shortly after the meeting, a few days before Gaea leaves to go back home.”

Nico opened his mouth to reply, but stopped and gasped when he felt Percy kiss and suck on his neck. The boy let his head fall onto the papers in front of him, his eyes fluttering closed. Percy's arms tightened around him, pulling the boy closer. Slowly, Percy slid a hand down the side of Nico's shorts, rubbing Nico's soft thigh.

“Percy,” Nico breathed out.

In response, Percy pulled Nico onto all fours and yanked Nico's butt into his crotch. With a hand still on Nico's stomach, Percy leaned forward and bit down on Nico's neck. A gasp escaped Nico's lips as the back of his shorts were pulled down.

Nico felt Percy grin against his throat. “You know, I didn't take you for the type to go commando,” Percy growled against his skin.

Nico's cheeks lit up. “I was just trying to get comfortable,” he mumbled.

Percy's fingers brushed lightly against Nico's entrance. “Aw, and here I was hoping you did it with the knowledge that I was dropping by.”

Nico maneuvered his upper body so that he could look at Percy. He narrowed his eyes. “Don't flatter yourself so much.”

Percy simply grinned and crashed their lips together. Nico let out a moan when Percy took his bottom lip into his own, rocking his hips roughly against the brown-eyed boy's butt. When Percy pulled away, he pushed between Nico's shoulders, pushing the boy upper body against the bed.

Nico frowned at seeing the paperwork he was supposed to be studying strewn about, some of it partially crumpled. “Percy, maybe we should-”

He was cut off when the green-eyed young man took hold of his balls. “I think it's kind of hot,” Percy whispered into Nico's ear. “In fact, you're more than welcome to come to my office at a later time and try out my desk.”

Percy chuckled when Nico just narrowed his eyes and ripped their shirts off. With a quick nip to Nico's bottom lip, Percy removed his pants and underwear before taking his place behind Nico once again. Nico frowned against the papers his face was pressed against when he heard a popping noise.

Turning his head, he found Percy with a thing of lube. Nico arched a brow. “And where did that come from?”

Percy stared back at Nico with raised eyebrows. “What? I figured you didn't have any lube and condoms yet.” Smirking, he applied some lube to his fingers. Nico let out a gasp as Percy's coated finger slowly slid inside of him. “You should really stock up on some, especially if I have to keep checking up on you like this.”

Some part of Nico wanted to be annoyed with what Percy had just said, but at the same time he was happy. He was happy because the young man was implying this might become a normal thing. And while Nico knew it was not what he was wanting, it was still more than he had when he first got to the hotel.

By the time Percy was done stretching him out, Nico's face was flushed. Percy pulled him back onto all fours before pulling out a condom he had brought. Sliding it onto his member, Percy pressed it against Nico's entrance and slowly began to push in.

Nico bit down on his lip and scrunched his eyes shot as Percy's manhood slowly penetrated him. But, unlike his past few sexual experiences with people, Percy entering him did not bother Nico in the slightest. Well, save for the slight discomfort due to Percy's size.

Once fully embedded into Nico's ass, Percy pulled on the boy's shoulders, biding him into getting on his knees. Placing a hand on Nico's cheek, Percy pressed their lips together and took hold of the boy's hips. With a light thrust, Percy managed to draw a gasp out of Nico. Seizing the opportunity, Percy slipped his tongue into Nico's open mouth.

After a few more thrusts, Percy broke their kiss, letting Nico fall back onto his hands. Percy pressed a hand between Nico's shoulder blades, shoving him roughly into the paperwork and Nico's mattress. And while normally Nico might have objected to something like this, being treated like this sexually, he found it hot.

Percy's hands gripped roughly on Nico's hips, keeping the boy's ass securely in place as it jutted out for Percy to have his way with. One of Percy's hands reached up to grip Nico's shoulder, squeezing it tightly as the young man leaned his body forward to angle himself better. Nico let out a string of loud moans as the green-eyed young man quickened his pace, slamming his tan hips into Nico's pale ass.

Without warning, Percy flipped Nico onto his back and placed the boy's legs onto his shoulders. Nico stared up at the young man with wide eyes as Percy slowly slid back into Nico. Percy just stared down at him with dark, lust-filled eyes, briefly leaning down to claim Nico's lips. He pulled Nico more to the edge of the bed, lifting Nico's legs higher.

Nico's mouth fell open and he saw white when Percy began rapidly slamming into him. Every single time, Percy hit his prostrate dead on. Nico screamed out in pleasure as Percy gripped his legs tightly and slammed into him as hard as he could.

And as Nico's head rolled to the side, he suddenly became very thankful that he had left his closet door open. The door's mirror was opened just right, giving the brown-eyed boy the perfect view of Percy's tan and toned butt as the manager rolled his hips into Nico's ass.

It was kind of hot, being able to see himself get fucked like that.

It did not take long after that for the two raven-haired males to build up a sweat. Nico's eyes were drawn back to Percy's actual form, his eyes raking over the young man's sweat-covered chest. His brown eyes dilated as he took in Percy's sweaty, lean form , watching as Percy's abs tightened . He reached out and ran his hand down the manager's torso, which glistened from all of the sweat. From above him, Percy grinned, his eyes partially covered by his wet bangs.

Gripping Nico's legs again, Percy lifted Nico's lower body once again and rapidly thrust in and out of the Lost Boy. Nico's head fell back, his mouth agape. His vision turned white as Percy continued to pound into him relentlessly. And, without touching himself, Nico released himself across his stomach.

Percy slowed down until he was moving at a snail's pace. Readjusting Nico's legs, he wrapped them around his waist as he leaned in to press their lips together. Pushing Nico's sweat-covered bangs out of the boy's eyes, Percy smiled. One of Percy's hands rested around Nico's throat as he slowly continued to thrust in and out of the boy.

Nico's mouth fell open in a moan as Percy managed to brush against his prostate once again. In response, the young man smirked and took hold of Nico's still hard penis. With half-lidded eyes, Nico attempted to prop himself up, ultimately failing.

“I already came,” Nico barely managed to whisper.

Biting down on his lip, Percy continued with his thrusts, all the while still sliding his hand up and down Nico's shaft. “Which was hot, since you didn't touch yourself. I was just curious if I could get you off a second time before I finished.”

Nico's cheeks flared up again, but he did not stop Percy. Taking that as a sign to continue, Percy grinned wider and went on with his agonizingly slow thrusts. But when Nico went to open his mouth to ask Percy to go faster, the young man slammed against his prostate. Looking up at the young man, Nico caught Percy smirking again. That bastard was doing it on purpose!

But before Nico could object to anything, Percy leaned down and slid his tongue into Nico's mouth. Nico let out a moan as Percy's erection brushed against his prostate. It was so slow, and definitely not the pace Nico had been wanting, but it felt so good as Nico could feel every inch of Percy's arousal brushing against him.

With a last slow thrust into the boy, Nico released himself a second time onto his stomach and Percy's hand. Percy moaned into Nico's mouth, letting Nico know that he too was climaxing. With a cocky smirk on his face, Percy pulled back. And if not for the sight of Percy's long and lean torso in front of him, Nico might have been irritated. And then Percy did something that made Nico hard all over again.

With his smirk still in place, Percy raised his hand to his mouth and licked a portion of Nico's semen off him. Nico's mouth hung open as Percy removed himself from Nico and deposited the used condom in the nearby trashcan. Leaning back down, Percy pecked Nico on the lips.

Nico frowned as Percy began gathering his clothes. He knew there was no point in asking the young man to stay with him for the night, but he still wanted to try. But he didn't. Letting out a sigh, Nico stood to his feet, where his legs wobbled. Grabbing his shorts, Nico turned back to his bed, his eyes widening.

The material he had been given was everywhere. There were some crumpled up from where Nico had been laying, while some had been pressed inwards in the shape of fists from where Percy had hovered over him. And even worse, some had managed to tear during their activities. Some of the pages had even been knocked off the bed altogether!

“Fuck,” Nico hissed under his breath.

Percy pressed his lips to Nico's temple as he buttoned his jeans. “It's not a big deal, I can get you more copies. Or I can just run you through summaries of everything during our downtime.”

Nico buried his face into his palms. How could Percy be so calm about this? If Nico messed up, it would only make things worse with Gaea and Kronos. Kronos was obviously after him already, but he was uncertain of how Gaea was going to approach the situation. She was unhappy, Nico did know that much, which meant that he needed to tread carefully.

“As long as I get everything covered before the meeting,” Nico sighed.

Smiling, Percy kissed along Nico's neck, his hand squeezing Nico's ass through the boy's shorts. “Well then, you're more than welcome to drop by my office for a more...private session on the affairs of the hotel.”

“I feel like there's a joke about not dropping the soap in here somewhere,” Jason chuckled while Nico massaged his scalp.

Narrowing his eyes, Nico intentionally let some of the shampoo get in the blond's eyes. Nico smirked when Jason winced. “You're the one standing in front,” the boy reminded his roommate.

“This is true.” Jason shrugged. “And I'm sure you're enjoying the view from back there.”

“When will this torture be over?” Nico mumbled. Though, the blond was not wrong in his assumption. If he were being honest with himself, Nico would admit that he had taken to staring at Jason's perky, pale ass every time he had to get in the shower with the blond. And while he had not intentions of fucking Jason, it did not mean he could not admire the blond's backside.

Once Nico was done, Jason ran his head under the water, making sure to get all of the shampoo out. After that, the blond shook his head, slinging some water at Nico. Nico's roommate playfully stuck out his tongue at seeing the raven-haired Lost Boy's displeased expression. Grabbing some body wash, Jason began lathering his body up in front of Nico.

The raven-haired boy sighed and grabbed his own shampoo, swapping places with Jason so that he could wet his hair. He let out a yelp when he received a slap on the ass. Spinning around, he glared at his roommate. “I thought you didn't go for sex unless it was business or with Percy?”

The blond shrugged. “Yeah, but it's fun to watch your reaction. Besides, I thought we were supposed to be messing around. No offense, but I kind of like being alone during my showers.”

“You and me both,” Nico mumbled.

Jason reached around and washed his ass, which brought a small blush to Nico's cheeks. “Well, in response to your comment a second ago about torture, I'd like to point out that we are both in this mess because of your little stunt.”

As bad as it might have been to argue this point, Nico did so anyways. “Well how would you feel when a new Lost Kid comes along and does everything just right, when you messed up all the time and keep making mistakes?”

Jason's face deadpanned as his hand stopped. The blond rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his bare chest. “Oh yes, how dare I be good at something I've been forced to do since I was thirteen,” the blue-eyed Lost Boy said sarcastically. Shaking his head, the blond ran his fingers through his wet bangs. “In case you have forgotten, I was sort of put into this by my own father as soon as I hit puberty. And unlike you here, I got hit when I messed up under my father's business. That or he'd let my brother handle me.” The blond let out a dry chuckle. “Oh, and I guess I should mention that my brother always handled me by raping me when I tried to sleep at night. But you know, it's completely understandable to get upset for me being good after I come here.”

All of Nico's resentment seemed to instantly dissipate. Nico suddenly felt two inches tall as he fidgeted in front of the blond. And to make the boy feel even more vulnerable, they were still naked. “I'm sorry, I didn't know,” Nico mumbled. “I've been messing up a lot lately, I guess. Not sure I can do anything right at this rate.”

Letting out a sigh, the blond did something that surprised Nico a little. He wrapped an arm around Nico and pulled the boy to his chest. Opening the glass shower wall, Jason sat them down on the edge of the tub that bordered the shower, the shower head spraying their feet.

“You know, it doesn't make you stupid or a bad person for messing up. People make mistakes every day. We mess up, and it often costs us. And even sometimes we mess up and it is counterproductive to what we initially were trying to accomplish.” The blond squeezed Nico's shoulder. “But it doesn't make you a failure. You shouldn't worry so much about pleasing others either.”

“And what if I never fully get the hang of things? I'm being watched like a hawk.”

Jason shrugged. “Then maybe you should try to move on with your life. I'm not gonna tell you to leave or stay, but I do think everyone deserves to find there place, somewhere or something that makes them happy.”

Nico's lips tilted down in a frown. “And how do you separate what you want from all of that?”

“Who says they can't be the same thing?”

“Because life isn't so kind,” Nico mumbled. He glanced at the blond from the corner of his eye. “Why didn't you get mad at me after I did what I did?”

Jason shrugged with a sigh. “I guess I figured Percy had already tore you a new one, so you didn't need me adding onto your guilt trip that I'm sure you were inducing upon yourself.” Reaching up, the blond scratched at his cheek. “So, do you mind if we get things over with and do as Percy asked?”

Nico frowned and fidgeted. His eyes flickered over to Jason's crotch. While Jason was not currently hard, his cock was still impressive. Nico would also be lying if he said the thought had never crossed his mind. “Can't we just not do anything and tell Percy we did?”

Jason chuckled. “Do you think you are capable of getting away with lying to Percy?”

“Fair point,” Nico mumbled.

“It's not like it'll be that bad. It could just be like a handjob, if you're not comfortable with anything else yet.”

Nico slowly reached over, but stopped himself. “And why does it have to be me doing all the work?”

Jason shrugged, leaning back slightly. “Well, this is your punishment, not mine. Plus, I think it's more for you to get comfortable doing things with other people, rather than them doing stuff to you. But, if you want, I can return the favor.” Nico jumped when Jason reached over and grabbed his hand, placing it around the blond's cock. “And, besides, you've stared at my ass and crotch every time we've been in the shower, so I figure you wouldn't mind that much.”

Nico narrowed his eyes, but did not pull his hand away. Pursing his lips, he slowly began to stroke Jason. The blond placed his hands on either side of his hips, letting Nico take over. Blood slowly filled the shaft, filling it until it reached full size. While Nico did not have a ruler, he would estimate it to be a little over seven inches.

“I wish I could be more like you,” Jason whispered. “You know, still shy and hesitant when it came to sex.”

Still stroking the blond, Nico looked up at his roommate. “Well, you're not unlike me. I don't see you jumping into bed with everyone around here.”

With a flick of his head, Jason flung his short bangs out of his eyes. “Give it a few months, I'm sure you'll come to dislike sex as well.”

“So you hate this?”

Jason shrugged. “Not really. You're cute, and you're not really trying to do anything.” The blond stared down to where Nico was touching him. “I don't know, it just feels with Percy.”

Nico hummed in response, taking a more firm grip on the blond's shaft. Jason watched him with dull and unfocused eyes. The blond really was a sight, with his lean, wet body. The Lost Boy had a long and beautiful torso, the little 'V' shape included at the hips.

Nico blinked when he felt water hitting his back. Without realizing it, he must have gotten down between the blond's legs. And there Jason's cock was, sitting right in front of Nico's face. His mind seemed to be working on its own today as Nico leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the head.

Jason let his head fall back with a sigh of contentment. “For not doing this very long, you're not bad,” he breathed out.

Nico hummed around Jason's head, causing the blond to shiver. The water from the shower head beat against Nico's back as he took more of Jason's shaft into his mouth. Nico's eyes widened as Jason still up, his dick still in Nico's mouth. The blond reached over Nico and turned off the shower before picking Nico up and straddling the brown-eyed boy's legs around his waist. Carefully, the blond carried Nico into his bedroom and sat the boy down on his bed.

But, before Nico could really look around his roommate's room, Jason had his dick in Nico's face again. Leaning forward, Nico opened his mouth and let Jason slide his erection in. Nico's hands drifted around the blond, groping the blond's firm ass.

Jason's head fell back in a moan as Nico took the last inch into his mouth. The blond placed his hand behind his head, which Nico found very hot to look at. Pulling back until he only had the head in his mouth, Nico flicked his tongue against the erection's tip. Another moan was Nico's reward for his action.

Sliding out of Nico's mouth, Jason plopped down on the bed. When Nico arched a brow at him, Jason motioned to his crotch. Rolling his eyes, Nico slid down between the blond's legs. Jason laid down on his back, spreading his legs for Nico to get better access. Nico reached out and took hold of the blond's shaft, running his tongue down the bottom of the shaft.

Jason propped his head up by placing his arm under his head. He stared down at Nico with eyes filled with lust. In response, Nico simply stared back at him while sucking on the blond's head. Jason moaned again. “You look really hot like that.”

Nico let Jason's dick pop out of his mouth. “Like what?”

“Just with those dark eyes of yours, hiding behind your bangs, all the while having my cock in your mouth.”

Nico rolled his eyes and slid the erection back into his mouth. This was not exactly how he imagined things going when he found out he was going to have a roommate.

After several minutes, Jason's hips bucked up into Nico's mouth, nearly causing him to gag. Grabbing onto Nico's dark locks, Jason thrust into the boy's mouth a final time before shooting his load. Nico scrunched his eyes shut at feeling the hot liquid feel his mouth. He pulled back, which only got him hit in the face.

Jason fell back on the bed with a sigh, placing his arms beneath his head. “That was really good, dude.”

Nico rolled his eyes. He stuck his tongue out and smacked his lips at the taste. It was not bad exactly, just an odd taste. Noting this, Jason grabbed a bottle of water from beside his bed. Nico took a sip and washed Jason's seed down his throat. Reaching up, he swiped some of the white liquid off his cheek.

“That looks hot as well,” Jason said with a grin.

“Not sure I like swallowing,” Nico said before taking another swig of water.

The blond shrugged. “Some of the male customers might not give you a choice, so you might want to get used to it.”

Nico handed the water back to his roommate. “Yay,” he droned.

Jason collapsed on the bed again with a grin. “I could return the favor, but I think we both need to start getting ready for the day.”

With a glance at Jason's clock, Nico confirmed that they did indeed need to hurry and get dressed. Jason's room was not as messy as it usually was, Nico noted. The few times that Nico had been into the blond's room, it was usually a total disaster area. “Then I guess you need to get up.”

The blond chuckled. “My legs are a little shaky at the moment.”

“I thought you didn't like sex with other people?”

“Yeah, but that wasn't bad. Besides, like I said, you're not really trying to push it on me.” Nico's eyes trailed down the blond's nude form as he listened to his roommate talk. “Not really sure, I'm still trying to figure you out. You're different from everyone around here. Though, I also find it amusing that you see me as a threat that might stand between you and Percy.”

Nico froze. “Wh-what are you talking about?”

Jason rolled his eyes. “Please, I know that's why you did what you did. I've seen the irritated looks you've given me.” He smirked up at Nico. “I think some friendly competition might be good for you.”

Nico crossed his arms. “So you do like Percy.”

“Who wouldn't? He's a great guy, and everyone that comes here eventually develops something for him. You know, even if it doesn't last long.” Jason pointed to his cheek. “You might want to clean that off before it dries.”

Nico grunted and went to wipe Jason's cum off with his arm, but Jason tossed a towel at him. Mumbling his thanks, Nico wiped at his face. Slightly annoyed by the blond's smirk, Nico faced away from his roommate. Though, that might not have been the best idea.

Jason surprised Nico by sitting up and grabbing both of Nico's ass cheeks in his hands. Spreading the boy's pale cheeks, Jason leaned in and ran his tongue along Nico's entrance. While Nico's eyes had shot open in surprise, the boy let them shut with a moan. And just like that, Jason pulled away, slapping Nico on the ass afterward.

Nico turned, ready to snap at Jason for teasing him like that, but the blond's serious expression caught him off-guard. Pushing his blond bangs out of his eyes, Jason glanced up at Nico. “You know, I was kind of attracted to you when I first met you. Well, I thought you were cute, I should say. And, while I think that if things might have been different, I might could have seen myself with you, I don't see things that way anymore.”

Nico simply nodded, sitting down beside the blond. “I've been thinking the same thing. Don't know, I just see you as more of a-”


Nico nodded. “Yeah,” he mumbled.

“Yeah.” Jason sat up, his hands propping him up behind him. “If my life hadn't been so fucked up before meeting you, and maybe if the hotel had of never become part of our lives.” Blue eyes glanced over at Nico. “And if Percy weren't involved.”

“You would have dated me?” Nico glanced at his roommate, pushing his dark bangs out of his eyes.

The blond Lost Boy nodded a single time. “Possibly. I think I could see myself with you. But, yeah, things have kind of been fucked up in my life. I'm not really... never mind.”

“I probably would have liked that,” Nico said with a smile, bumping shoulders with his roommate. Standing up with a sigh, he stared down at Jason. “But, I guess things weren't meant to work out that way. And I think, at least for now, I'd like to keep this a one time thing.”

Jason's lips tilted up. “Doesn't bother me. My sex drive is usually rather low anyways. You probably weren't the only one that was surprised that I got into it so much. You interest me a little bit, I'll just leave it at that.”

Standing in the doorway, Nico stopped and turned to look at his roommate again. “Thanks.”

Jason cocked his head to the side. “For what?”

Nico shrugged. “Just...being a friend. I think I really might need one right now, and one that I don't have to worry about trying to get into my pants.”

“Then we have a mutual understanding, that's good.” Jason stood up and grabbed a clean pair of boxer-briefs. “Just do me the favor of not becoming me. I think you're in a fragile state right now, Nico, and that could be bad. I don't think everything has fully set in for you yet.”

Nodding, Nico went to leave again, but stopped. “Just one thing, though,” he said. Jason glanced up at him. “Why did you just lick my ass then, if you're not really trying anything. I mean, I get that you were doing this because I don't bother you and Percy requested it, but why rim me?”

Jason simply shrugged, letting the waistband of his underwear pop against his hips. “What can I say, you have a really nice ass.”

Nico rolled his eyes and headed for his room to get dressed. That had certainly been interesting, Nico thought as he shut his door and tried to find some clothes. He did enjoy it, and part of him did kind of want to try it again, but he also doubted Jason would let him. Since the blond's arrival, other than customers, Nico had only seen Jason have sex with Percy. The blond just was not sexual like the other Lost Kids.

Nico frowned to himself as he slipped on some underwear. He felt bad for all that he had done to Jason, and even what he had simply thought about. The had been a worse life than Nico had originally thought. Did Thalia know about what their older brother had done to Jason? Surely she did, judging by some of those past conversations they had. It must have sucked for Jason after Thalia had left, not having anyone there to really lean on. No one to make him feel safe.

After getting dressed, Nico grabbed his wallet and his phone before exiting his room. Stretching his arms above his head, Nico contemplated making something to eat, but he would probably end up finding something with some of the other Lost Kids. With that in mind, Nico opened the door to his suite.

“I was just going to suggest-”

Nico quickly stepped back inside his room. During the split second that he had his head in the hall, he had caught sight of Percy and Rachel heading towards the elevators. While he did not know what was going on, Percy did not seem happy.

“Do not bring me into this, Rachel!” Percy shouted. Nico peered around the door frame to see if he could get a better look. Percy had stopped walking and had blocked Rachel's route as well, using his height to tower over the girl.


Percy slammed his fist against the wall. “I said 'no'!” With his nostrils flared, Percy stormed off to the elevators.

Nico gulped. He had never seen Percy angry like that with one of the Lost Kids, and he was not sure he wanted to know what it pertained to. He knew that asking Percy would definitely be out of the question. Quietly, Nico slipped out of his suite.

“Hey, Rachel,” he called out when he was nearly to the elevator.

Rachel looked dazed. She shook her head, realizing that she was no longer alone. Clearing her throat, she straightened herself out. “Hey there, Nico. Where you off to?”

Nico shrugged. “Not sure. I don't have to work until tonight, but Octavian wanted me to come see him before then.”

Which was true. At dinner last night, the blond had asked Nico to drop by his room again for another lesson in adapting to the ways of the hotel. And while his last lesson had not been very enjoyable, Nico also knew it was probably necessary. As much of an asshole as Octavian could be, he was still perceptive.

Rachel checked the time on her phone. “Well, I was just about to grab lunch with Zoë, if you want to tag along.”

The Lost Boy smiled. “That would be great, I'm pretty hungry.”

As the two Lost Kids rode the elevator down, Nico kept stealing glances at Rachel. Was she needing help? Why did Percy not want to help her? But it was probably best to stay out of it, he reminded himself. Look at all of the mistakes he had been making lately, and they were usually due to him not being able to keep his nose out of things.

When the elevator came to a stop, Rachel led Nico into the hotel's restaurant. Zoë was already waiting there by the time the two arrived. “I see you found Nico,” the dark haired girl stated.

Rachel sat down across from the other Lost Girl. “Yep, he caught me as I was boarding the elevator.”

“It seems we weren't the only ones wanting to eat down here,” Zoë mumbled with a nod behind her.

Rachel and Nico followed where the girl had nodded, finding Gaea and Athena sitting at a table nearby. Rachel chewed on her lip as she picked up the menu. “He'll probably be joining her shortly.”

The other Lost Girl nodded. “I was thinking the same. We can always go somewhere else, if you want.”

“Oh, don't leave on my account.”

All three Lost Kids froze. A chill ran down Nico's spine as he turned to find Kronos standing a few feet behind him. Nico's eyes drifted away as he caught sight of Percy heading over to Gaea's table. Returning his eyes to Kronos, the young man smirked down at Nico.

The raven-haired manager placed his pale hands on the chair next to Nico. And, unfortunately for Nico, Kronos was looking directly at him. “Still enjoying the sights around here?” He grinned down at the boy. “I've actually seen some pretty interesting things since I arrived,” he said in a mocking tone. And to Nico's great displeasure, Kronos leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Some very unpleasant things that need to learn where they belong, and when certain things are too good for them.”

“Kronos!” Percy called across the room. The green-eyed young man had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot. “Hurry up, we need to eat.”

Kronos stared down at Nico with a manic grin covering his face. Reaching a pale hand up, he brushed some of his dark curls out of his face. “Coming, Percy,” he called back. Patting Nico roughly on the head, the young man began to head over to his table, but stopped short and snapped his fingers. Rachel paled as the young man pointed to her. “Oh yes, that reminds me, Rachel, I got to have lunch with your father not long ago.”

“I don't care,” Rachel whispered.

Kronos tapped a finger to his chin. “You know, I tried bringing you up to let him know you were doing okay, but it was like he had no memory of you at all. In fact, he even went as far as to say he didn't have a daughter.” The pale young man's lips tilted up again. “Strange, don't you think?”

And with that, Kronos turned back around and went over to his table, having fully accomplished ruining the Lost Kids' moods. The more and more Nico got to be around Kronos, the more he was already beginning to see what a horrible person the guy really was. And that just made him all the more thankful that it was Percy's hotel he was at and not with Kronos.

Zoë let out a sigh as she looked through her menu. “Just ignore anything he says, Nico, he's just trying to get under your skin.”

Rachel cleared her throat, trying to recover from her own encounter with the young man. “And be thankful that you're not Luke or Annabeth. He singles them out a lot during visits.”

“And be thankful that you didn't have to live with him,” Zoë sighed. She put down her menu and propped her cheek up by her palm. “When I was living in Germany, he was a nightmare. I mean, he still is, but at least now I don't have to see him all the time.” She held a hand up to signal to a waiter that they were ready to order. “Back then, I did everything I could to avoid the son of a bitch.”

After they had all ordered, Rachel smirked. “You just essentially called Gaea a bitch.”

The other Lost Girl took a sip of water. “Well, someone needed to do a better job raising that asshole. I love Gaea, she's been good to me, but her son turned out to be horrible.”

The red-haired girl let out a sigh. “No argument there.”

Nico frowned, glancing over to where Percy and Kronos were talking to each other. How could the two of them be so close? Percy was a good person, even if the young man didn't want to admit it, so how was it that the two could hit it off so well? Scrunching his lips, the Lost Boy turned back to the girls. “Why is he like this?”

Zoë simply shrugged. “Nico, some people don't need a reason to be sick and twisted. There are some people out there that are just messed up in the head.” She stared at the glass of water in her hand, swirling it lightly. “And that would be Kronos. You don't need to give him a reason to be cruel to you, he'll just do it because it is fun for him. I've seen him do some very sick things to people that crossed his mother, some things I wish I could forget.” She let out a sigh. “However, I have also witnessed him show some genuine acts of kindness.”

Their waiter brought Nico and Rachel their drinks. After thanking the guy and he walked off, Rachel took a sip of her drink. “Well, I mean, we've all seen him be nice. And after all, he does keep Grover around, so he has to be nice to the guy sometimes.”

Zoë gave Nico a lopsided smile. “The point is that one never knows how Kronos might react. He's got a few screws loose in the worst way imaginable.” She cleared her throat and stared down at the table. “I never got to see what he was like as a child, but there were rumors that he brought half-dead animals in after playing. Like a baby bird after having broke its wings. That story I heard quite often. Apparently, when Athena told him to take the bird back outside and get rid of it, he simply broke its neck right there in the middle of the lobby.”

Well that had certainly helped Nico's appetite. A chill ran down his spine as he thought about what some of the Lost Kids had talked about before. What if Kronos did take over for his mother one day? Did he really want to be here when that happened?

When they were nearing the end of their lunch, Nico decided to voice his fear. “Does he...take over for Gaea, you know, if something were to ever happen to her?”

Rachel pursed her lips, surprisingly choosing not to say anything. Zoë wiped her mouth before shrugging. “We're not sure. He is a likely candidate, should it ever come to that, but before Kronos got old enough, I know that Athena was supposed to be the one to take over.”

Reaching out, Rachel took a sip of her drink. “And that will hopefully still be the case,” she mumbled, sounding slightly bitter.

Nico chewed on his lip for a second before speaking again. “What about Percy?”

The dark-haired Lost Girl shrugged. “As far as I'm aware, he doesn't want the job. Though, in his mind, I'm sure he thinks Gaea is going to live forever.”

Nico simply nodded. Wiping his mouth, he stood up. “Well, I guess I need to go see Octavian before I have to get ready for work.”

The two Lost Girls smiled and waved as Nico pushed his chair under the table and headed for the exit. His ride up the elevator was rather quiet and uneventful, since he was alone. When he reached their floor, he knocked on Luke and Octavian's door.

Usually, Luke was the one to answer, but today it was Octavian. “You're here early,” the blond mumbled.

Nico shrugged. “Had nothing better to do, so I thought I'd get an early start.”

Octavian motioned to the hallway. “We'll be going into my room. Luke had a long night, and he's still trying to get some sleep, so be quiet.”

Nico nodded and followed the blond back to his room, where Octavian shut the door. Pinching the bridge of his nose, the blond motioned for Nico to sit on the bed. Doing as he was instructed, Nico slipped out of his shoes and sat down.

“You look tired yourself,” Nico pointed out.

Octavian shrugged. “I didn't get to sleep until around six, so that might be why.” He sighed and began pacing. “As much as he hates showing it in public, my brother gets irritated very easily around Kronos. And the asshole that he is decided he wanted to talk to my brother last night.”

“About what?”

Octavian stared down at his feet. “Nothing,” he whispered. “Just our mother, which hopefully Percy will not agree with.”

“That Percy will disagree with your mother, or Kronos's wish?” Nico asked.

“The latter.” Octavian plopped down on his bed, rolling onto his stomach. “Percy already hates our mother, and I doubt he's going to go along with what Kronos was suggesting, but one can still worry.”

Nico frowned. By the sounds of it, Luke and Octavian's mother was someone important. Well, Piper's father was a movie star, so maybe he should not be as surprised by this if it was true. “Who is she?”

From behind blond bangs, Octavian's blue eyes narrowed at Nico. “No one that matters. I hated that woman from the day she made Luke run away.”

Nico pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his cheek on his knee. “Why does Kronos hate your brother so much? I mean, is it just because Luke stood up to him?”

Octavian let out a sigh and rolled onto his back. Some of his bangs slid off to the side as blue eyes stared up at the ceiling dully. “It's not like that. It's actually quite the opposite, really.” Octavian reached a hand up, like he were trying to touch the ceiling. “In Kronos's eyes, my brother, as well as Annabeth, are held higher than most other people. Myself, you, and the others, we're all just worthless excuses for living organisms. But my brother...he's a dog in Kronos's eyes.”

Nico quirked a brow. “A dog?”

“Dogs are capable of being trained, and dogs are protective of what they care about.” Octavian sat up and pushed himself against the headboard. “As much as Kronos would like, I don't see Luke being broken in to his wishes.”

“What would he even want from your brother?”

“Oh, there's quite a few things that I could think of.” Octavian glanced next to him, to where Nico was sitting. “For one thing, I think Kronos wants my brother to become like him or perhaps Ethan and Clarisse. My brother was very violent, or so I hear, when he first arrived here from the streets. Percy took to him easily enough, seeing as how Percy was also pretty savage when Gaea first found him, but Kronos just found him fascinating. And when Luke stood up to him, it only made Kronos more fascinated. And by stood up to, I mean Luke almost punched Kronos.”

Nico scratched his head. “Were you here by that point?”

“No,” Octavian whispered. “I didn't get to the hotel until a little over a year ago, where as Luke has been here for two full years now. I guess I should have stayed at home, though. Running away only made it harder for Percy to track me down.” Octavian looked down, some of his hair falling in his eyes. “I guess I should be thankful for what ended up happening, though.”

“What happened?”

Octavian remained silent for the longest time before he finally pushed himself off the bed and walked around the bed. “That really doesn't matter, it's in the past. The point is that you don't want to be like my brother, because ever since he stood up to Kronos, Kronos has gone out of his way to torment my brother at every turn.”

Nico swung his legs over the edge of the bed, staring up at the blond Lost Boy. “I'm sorry,” he whispered.

Octavian's eyes darted to the side, visually hardening. Pursing his lips, the blond turned back to Nico. “Sorry for what?” Clearing his throat, he motioned to Nico. “I have to sharpen your senses before work, and we have a lot of work to do.” He narrowed his eyes. “Now, how good are you at knowing when you're being lied to?”

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