Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Children of Loss 48

Chapter 48

Surprisingly, the hotel remained fairly quiet for nearly a month. It was definitely not what Nico had been expecting. In all honesty, Nico had expected Annabeth to come after him with a large knife, judging by the way she had looked at him on the night of her stage disaster. It had taken a full two weeks for the blonde's face to clear up from the skin rash, something that not even the twins had any knowledge about. But from what Apollo and Thalia told him, Nico was under the impression that Annabeth thought it was him.

It wasn't, though! But could he tell her that? No. Not that he was sure he wanted to, in all honesty. After seeing her metaphorical mask crack, Nico was hesitant to be near the blonde. It did help that his relationship with Percy had improved upon the manager's return, so Nico was able to try to keep his and Annabeth's schedule separate as much as possible.

Percy asked Nico about it often when the boy had first started, but eventually the questions had stopped. If Annabeth really did have a crush on Percy, the manager didn't seem to have any idea about it. Perhaps it was better to keep it that way, as to not poke the bear more than it already had been.

Speaking of the green-eyed manager, Nico had started to spend most of his free time in the afternoons in the young man's office. Part of the time, Nico was just getting his homework done, but the rest of his time was filled with trying to study the German language.

Spring break would be here in just a few weeks, yet Nico still had barely any understanding of the language. It was now approaching time for dinner, and Nico had barely moved from his spot on Percy's office couch since he got back from school an hour and a half ago.

The book was suddenly plucked from Nico's hand. The Lost Boy looked up with a pout. “I'm trying to study that,” he whined.

Percy rolled his eyes and tossed the book over his shoulder. “I don't know why you're focusing so hard on this, it's just for a week.”

“But I will be living there starting in the summer. Don't you think it's best to learn German?”
The young man shrugged. “I suppose, but there is time for that later.” He leaned forward and placed both of his hands of the couch, on either side of Nico's head. “For the week that you are there, you'll have me to translate for you. Or Luke, should I not be around.” With a grin, he maneuvered the Lost Boy onto his back, sliding in between Nico's legs. “So, it's not like you'll be lost the entire time. Isn't there anything else you'd rather be doing right now?”

Nico just rolled his eyes with a smile. “I thought you were a master at being subtle?”

Percy's grin only grew. “Oh, I am, but you need to leave soon.” A warm hand ran underneath Nico's shirt. “You know, I've been back a month, yet you and I haven't had sex in that time.”

The brown-eyed boy shrugged, wrapping his arms around Percy's neck. With the news that him and Percy could sort of settle down come the summer, Nico just hadn't really felt the need to go looking for it. Percy had been more physical with him in other ways, and that was really all Nico wanted right now. Perhaps the revelation that Percy would still be having sex with the other Lost Kids until he took over for Gaea did not help Nico's desires, though. It did bother the boy, not that he would tell Percy that.

What could he say? “Don't do your job?” Yeah, that would go over great. If anything, Nico had learned it was best to hold his tongue in most cases. If it ever came up in a conversation with them, Nico would not hesitate to let Percy know. Until that time, Nico did not really want to start an argument with the young man.

Nico was yanked from his thoughts when his shirt was pulled over his head. Pale fingers tangled into Percy's black locks as the manager kissed and sucked around his collarbone. With a moan, Nico bent his knee around Percy's waist, trying to pull the manager closer.

Changing position, Nico pushed himself up and placed himself in Percy's lap. The young man arched an eyebrow at him, smirking. Nico leaned down and sealed their lips together. Percy wasted no time at all in sliding his tongue into Nico's mouth, while the Lost Boy unbuttoned the young man's shirt. Nico let out a small moan as his fingers ran down Percy's bare chest.

Breaking the kiss, Nico slid out of Percy's lap and onto his knees. The young man placed his hands behind his head as Nico unbuttoned his pants. Percy lifted his hips to allow the Lost Boy to pull down his pants and underwear. As Nico took Percy's hardened member into his hand, his eyes flickered up to the young man's face. Leaning forward, Nico slid his tongue along the base, watching Percy's reaction.

The young man bit down on his lip, letting his head fall back against the couch. Nico smirked and took the head of Percy's cock into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down on the shaft. He had done this to other people, but Nico could only recall giving Percy head once or twice before this. When they first started being sexual, Percy didn't even let Nico try it.

Yet, now here he was, between Percy's legs and the guy's dick in his mouth. He wondered how much he could keep Percy to their room when they got to Germany. Perhaps not that long, because Nico really did want to go out and see the city, or at least explore the hotel. Judging by what he had heard, the German hotel was supposed to be more of a resort.

Nico slid his tongue around the shaft, while his head continued to bob on it. Percy's fingers eventually wound their way into Nico's messy hair, gripping tightly at the black locks. With a smirk, Nico began to hum lightly, which drew a moan from Percy.

There was just something magical about staring at Percy Jackson completely naked. While Nico now had an understanding that Percy wasn't perfect, it didn't mean his body wasn't. From the top of his head, to the bottom of his feet, the young man was gorgeous. Every inch. Even the seven or eight inches in front of his face.

Percy pulled the Lost Boy back into his lap, removing Nico's pants in the process. Nico cupped Percy's face as they shared a deep kiss, though something did occur to the boy. “Condom?” He panted.

Percy let out a grunt before gripping Nico tightly around the waist. Nico's eyes widened in surprise as Percy stood up and walked over to the desk. He placed Nico on the corner of his desk, while using his other hand to move some things aside. Now that Nico had more room, he laid down on the desk, while Percy dug around in one of his drawers. After a second, Percy pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube.

Lifting Nico's legs, Percy applied some lube to his fingers and slid one inside. Nico bit down on his lip at the feeling of the initial penetration. There was just something so much more enjoyable when it came to sex with Percy.

After adding a second finger, Percy began to stretch Nico out. The boy let out a few moans, running his foot along Percy's side and back. The small curve of Percy's back was particularly fascinating to the Lost Boy. When Percy finally managed to draw a gasp from Nico, he pulled his fingers out.

Quickly sliding on the condom and putting some lube on his member, Percy raised Nico's legs onto his shoulders. It was kind of hot, having his boss fuck him on his desk. Percy leaned down and gave Nico a slow but brief kiss before sliding into the brown-eyed boy. Nico's nails dug into Percy's hips, though pulled him closer at the same time. Taking the hint, Percy buried himself to the hilt.

The manager leaned down and kissed Nico in the center of his chest, waiting for the boy to adjust. Not that Nico wanted to wait. He might not have been seeking out sex from Percy, but that didn't mean he hadn't missed the feelings that came with it. And if there was one thing to say about Percy Jackson, it was that he was damned good at sex.

Percy's face hovered ever so closely to Nico's as he slid in and out of the boy on his desk. Nico let out a few quiet moans as his hands raked across Percy's torso. Percy took a firm grip on his hips and jerked Nico back at the same time that he slammed into the Lost Boy.

After a few minutes of this, Percy bent Nico over the desk and began to pick up the pace. Due to this, Nico found it extremely hard to remain quiet. The office felt stuffy now and both of their bodies was beginning to show the signs of sweat. The desk began to shake as Percy rapidly thrust in and out of Nico.

As Nico got louder with his moaning, Percy chuckled and placed a hand over the boy's mouth. “I love it when you're loud, but I don't think Leo and Rachel really want to hear your colorful Italian.”

Nico's face turned red. Well, more than it already was from his current activities. He really needed to control when he did that. Although, as far as he could tell, he had only done it with Percy. However, it was kind of hot to have Percy silencing him like that. Nico moaned rather loudly into Percy's hand as the green-eyed young man slid in agonizingly slow.

A good ten or fifteen minutes went by with Nico getting pounded into Percy's desk. The boy felt drenched in his sweat, not that he cared. If he could only have sex with Percy for the rest of his life, Nico could easily be certain that he would be more than satisfied.

Nico felt like a rag doll, his bones now mush. His hair clung to his face from all the sweat, which also made it very hard for Percy to get a good grip on him anymore. Not that it stopped the young man. Percy had yet to slow down in his pace in the past ten minutes, nor did Nico want him to. Percy leaned forward and bit lightly at Nico's neck. Nico let out a gasp, which quickly became a moan.

Gripping Nico's hair, Percy yanked Nico's head back as he continued to plow into the Lost Boy. Nico wasn't sure how much longer his legs were going to hold up for him. And, as if to only torment Nico, there was a knock at the door. It was like they weren't allowed to have sex in the office, since this made the second time they got interrupted.

“What?” Percy called out, not even bothering to stop in what they were doing.

Nico opened his eyes, which had him staring directly at the door. As accustomed as he had got to this life, it still would have been awkward for him to have someone walk in on him in this situation. Here he was, completely naked and bent over his boss's desk, while said boss relentlessly fucked him in the ass.

While the door didn't open, Rachel did speak. “Annabeth is here to see you.”

Percy blew at his sweaty bangs. He paused for a second before continuing to slam into Nico. The brown-eyed boy's mouth fell open in a silent moan. Percy's hand slid down his chest, while the other continued to grip his hair. Slamming in as hard as he could, the young man finally replied. “I'm busy at the moment.”

There was a pause, and then, “She says it's important.”

“When you hear a loud scream or moan, I'll be done.”

Nico turned his head to give Percy a questioning look, but he didn't even manage to fully look at the young man before Percy began to piston in and out of him. Nico collapsed onto the desk, his nails scraping across the surface. Percy was slamming into him with such a force, yet he managed to hit Nico's prostate with every single fucking thrust.

A few minutes later, Nico couldn't hold it back anymore. He scrunched his eyes shut and climaxed on Percy's desk. Nico's body crumpled, though Percy held him up by the hips. With a few more thrusts, Percy seemed to finish as well. As he pulled out, he placed Nico in his chair while he deposited the used condom into the garbage. Percy slid on his underwear before tossing Nico his clothes.

Nico's bones felt like putty as he tried to get dressed. Percy wiped up Nico's seed with a paper towel before he too finished getting dressed. Once they were finished, Nico shakily got to his feet. Percy smiled down at him before leaning down and pecking the boy on the lips. Nico gave him a lazy smile as they walked to the door.

When Percy finally opened it, Annabeth glanced between them. She raised an eyebrow. “Charming,” she mumbled.

Percy let out a chuckle. “What can I do for you?”

Annabeth glanced at Nico for a moment before she stepped into the office. “It involves Nico, actually.”

Nico frowned. She wasn't going to accuse Nico of tampering with her makeup, was she? She didn't even have proof, not that he had done it. Either way, Nico had no desire to leave Annabeth and Percy alone with him being the topic.

“Oh?” Percy sat back down at his desk, attempting to fix his hair from the sweaty mess it was still in.

Annabeth closed the door, shooting her cold gaze over in Nico's direction. “Well, it's gotten out that you plan on taking him to Germany with you when you take over for Gaea.”

“What about it?”

“Are you sure that is wise?” Annabeth asked, placing her hands on the back of one of the chairs in front of Percy's desk. “I mean, the only real family that he has anymore is his sister, and you're just going to pack him up and ship him across the planet from her.”

Percy's eyes darted over to where Nico stood. Wait, he wasn't actually considering what she had said, was he? Nico frowned, narrowing his gaze at Annabeth. “I'm the one that chose to go,” the Lost Boy mumbled.

Annabeth's eyebrow shot up at that. “And that makes it better?” She sighed and turned back to Percy. “You have to admit, he hasn't had the best track record for making the right decisions. Bianca is graduating as well, she could take care of Nico.”

“I don't-”

Percy held up his hand, silencing Nico's protest. The Lost Boy huffed, but held his tongue. Percy sat back in his chair, lacing his hands together over his lap. “I get what you're saying.” Percy's lips pressed together until they formed a thin line. “I'll think about it.”

Ananbeth smiled sweetly and nodded. “That's all I wanted.”

Nico glared as the blonde took her leave. He glanced back at Percy. “You're not really-”

“I said that I'd think about it,” Percy mumbled, no longer looking at Nico. Instead, the manager was scribbling something down on a notepad.

Nico frowned. “Whatever,” he mumbled. Pursing his lips, Nico opened the door and stormed after Annabeth. He was not going to let her do this, just because she thought he had sabotaged her.

Rachel and Leo both looked up in surprise as Nico slammed Percy's door closed. With his fists clenched tightly at his sides, Nico stormed out of the office and marched over to where Annabeth was waiting at the elevators. She turned around as he approached, arching an eyebrow at him.

“Can I help you?” She asked.

“Funny,” Nico replied, his eyes as cold as ice, “considering I feel like you've been sabotaging me from the beginning.”

“Like you did the other night?”

Nico pursed his lips. “I didn't do anything. But if I'm right, then I'm glad your performance got ruined.” He exhaled, blocking her entranced to the elevator when it opened. “I don't know what I ever did-”

“That's just it, you didn't do anything.” Annabeth's lips tilted down. “You didn't have to, but Percy took you in and clung to you like some wounded lamb. I've been there for him since he got here, but Percy barely spared me a glance beyond friendship. The way he looks at all of us, it's enough to make each of us feel special. But then there's you. His smile could light up a room whenever he looks at you. He offered you something that none of us ever got, yet you turned it down. But did that change anything? No.”

“Why are you mad at me then?” Nico practically yelled. “Why do you hate me?”

“I don't!” Annabeth let out a long breath. “I like you, okay? But I always thought that if anyone would have a chance with Percy, it would be me. You didn't even have to try, yet he became smitten with you. But did he even realize it? No, of course not. Like I said, Percy sucks at realizing feelings.”

Nico's shoulders slumped. “Then why did you try to ruin my chances with him? What did I do?”

“You trusted me,” Annabeth whispered. Her gray eyes hardened as they focused back on Nico. “That's what made it easy.” The blonde scoffed at him. “You practically jumped when I offered my help, even though Apollo had just scorned you.” She pushed past the stunned Lost Boy. “You'll stay here, because Percy will realize it's what is for the best. Once that is taken care of, I can convince Percy to let Octavian run the hotel. That's the thing about being there for Percy the longest, he trusts me. And maybe when he settles in with his new life, maybe then he will figure out that I do have feelings for him.”

Nico put his hand in the doorway of the elevator, preventing it from closing. “That's really fucked up.” Nico's jaw tightened.

The blonde rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, welcome to my world.”

“I've never done anything to you,” Nico practically whispered, a small pain growing in his chest. He didn't understand why she wanted to hurt him so much.

“I know.” Annabeth studied him a moment before she continued. “I'm sorry, but it's for the best. You'll thank me one day. You don't have what it takes to be by Percy's side at the top, Nico.” As if putting her mask back on, the blonde smiled at him. “Maybe we can be friends after it is over.”

Nico just glared at her as the elevator closed. He seriously doubted that. She was not going to win. Over his dead body. Nico took in a deep breath before pushing the button to summon another elevator. Why did this have to happen now? Things were supposed to wrap up, not spark out of control. Nico had been so close to the end, but then Annabeth had to come along and ruin it. No, not right now. She had been doing this for some time now. Nico had just been too blind to see it.

When the elevator arrived at his floor, Nico found Hazel and Octavian standing there, waiting. The Lost Girl's eyes widened a little at the sight of him. He must have looked pretty torn up, because Hazel wasted no time in wrapping him in a hug. “Nico, what's wrong?” She asked.

“Great, more tears,” Octavian muttered, which earned him a scowl from Hazel.

Nico let out a sigh. “I'm too trusting,” he muttered. “It makes me too blind, and then I just get hurt.”

“Nico, no.” Hazel squeezed him tighter. “That's one of your best qualities. Even after being here for so long, you still carry an optimistic outlook on things. You see the good in people. That is what keeps you even just a little innocent, and it's a great feature. It's refreshing, believe me.” She gave him a warm smile. “It's also what Percy admired about you, don't forget that. Even with the world crashing down on top of you, you still look at people and see the good in them. I think that's really awesome.”

Nico looked up from behind his dark bangs at the blond Lost Boy. Octavian arched an eyebrow at him. Nico frowned. “I need to talk to you.”

“Do you?” Octavian shrugged. He rolled his eyes at the dark look Nico gave him. “Fine.” He grabbed Nico's arm, pulling him away from Hazel. “Let's go talk then.”

“But we were going to eat,” Hazel pointed out.

Octavian was already opening his suite. “I'll catch up to you.” With that, he tossed Nico inside and shut them both inside. Turning on the lights, Octavian regarded the other Lost Boy. “What?”

“You know what I want to talk about.” Nico took a few steps to his right, his eyes drifting around the room. “You messed with Annabeth's makeup.”

“Oh no, you caught me,” Octavian said dully, rolling his eyes. “It's not like you were going to see her for what she is any other way.”

Nico let out a sigh, looking down at his feet. “What is her problem anyways?”

Octavian inspected his nails. “Sorry, I'd rather not get into it.” He quirked a fine eyebrow at Nico. “And I would exactly go up to Annabeth and ask her yourself.” The blond rubbed his neck. “Talk to Luke while you are visiting Germany, perhaps he will tell you.”

Nico slowly nodded. “So, what, you've been helping me this whole time? I didn't think you liked me.”

“I have neutral feelings about you,” Octavian corrected him. The blond crossed his arms, keeping his cold eyes on Nico. “Besides, it wasn't my idea. Luke was the one that asked me to help you out. He was the one that wanted me to give you lessons, it wasn't my idea.” The Lost Boy placed a hand on his chest. “I thought it was a little amusing to watch you stumble around with Annabeth's advice, not realizing that she was setting you up.” He finally let out a sigh. “But even I had to admit that she would have crushed you to a pulp without any help. Besides, I always do enjoy a not-so-friendly competition with our girl genius.”

Nico frowned a little, unwilling to meet the blond's gaze. “Why are you so bothered about my friendship with your brother?”

For a moment, Nico thought he had asked the wrong question. The blond's gaze was like a sharp piece of ice, threatening to impale Nico through the chest. But then, right before Nico thought he was going to snap, Octavian let out a sigh. He ran a hand through his silky hair and scrunched his lips. “Because of what he calls you,” the blond said softly. Nico quirked a brow. “How many times has he even called you by your real name?”

Nico blinked. Had Luke ever referred to him by his real name? In all honesty, Nico couldn't recall a single time. “Um-”

“Exactly.” Octavian chewed lightly on his lip. “He used to call me those same names, you know. I used to be the twerp. He used to come home from school, ruffle my hair, and call me names like that.” The blond Lost Boy pursed his lips. “He only called me by name if I was in trouble or he was being sentimental. So, yeah, it kind of stung when I heard him calling you those names all the time.”

Nico just stood there, pursing his lips. He had never considered Luke calling him those things to be anything special, Nico usually got annoyed by the fact that Luke called him all of those names. Perhaps it all made just a little bit more sense now. “I didn't know,” he finally whispered.

Octavian shrugged. “I know.” He let out a sigh. “Stop worrying about what other people think, Nico, or stepping on toes.” Those blue eyes fixed him with such a stare that Nico found it hard to move. “If you don't stop, you'll never stand on equal ground with Annabeth. She might be right about what she said to you, but so is Hazel. Stop beating yourself up because you're trying to get along with everyone. Annabeth is going to be out for blood.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Do you want to screw up what is coming to you? I was just helping you see all of this.”

“Fantastic job,” Nico muttered. “You drove Annabeth into Percy's bed.”

“Can't win every battle.” Octavian blinked a few times. “If he is yours at the end of the day, that should be all that matters. Besides, it's only a few more months. Focus on the Annabeth situation, not about Percy doing his job.”

Eight days later, Nico found himself waiting in line at a movie theater with Clarisse, Chris, Will, Thalia, and Zoë. Clarisse and Thalia had picked out the movie. It was a hardcore action movie, no surprise there. Will had objected about all the violence, but the two girls quickly shut him down. And now said girls were trying to raid the concessions stand.

Nico arched an eyebrow at Will, who was slightly pouting beside him. Without saying anything, Nico held out his box of candy. “Thanks,” Will grumbled as he took some.

As it turned out, Thalia convinced Clarisse to make Chris carry the snacks they had acquired. Zoë seemed like she didn't really want to be there, though the girl never said anything. A day away from the hotel was always good, regardless of what they did.

Once they were in the theater, Nico sat down next to Will, who offered the brown-eyed boy some of his popcorn. Nico smiled and took a handful.

The movie wasn't that bad, not particularly Nico's taste, but it wasn't bad. It wasn't really hard to keep up with either. Clarisse seemed to be enjoying it. Nico also noticed that Chris put his arm around the Lost Girl halfway through the movie. Will had to keep telling Thalia to be quiet, because the girl was persisting that Zoë try some of her chocolate covered raisins.

“Just tell her to try some,” Thalia argued.

“They sound disgusting,” the other Lost Girl countered.

Will rolled his eyes and put a handful of popcorn into his mouth. Nico, who was still trying to watch the movie, reached over without paying attention. Their hands brushed for a moment. Nico blinked and looked over; Will just smiled sheepishly at him. The corners of Nico's lips tilted up. Will was pretty adorable at times, he could admit that.

It made him a little sad, because he didn't think Will needed to be at the hotel. True, Nico probably shouldn't be there either, but there were moments that Will just reminded him of a child. In a good and endearing way, not an immature way.

Nico wanted him to be happy, even if he couldn't give it to him.

Twenty minutes later resulted in an outburst from Clarisse. “What the fuck?” She was quickly shushed by several other people watching the movie. “You shut up!”

As it turned out, the end of the movie concluded with a sappy romance subplot. Clarisse hated it, apparently. Thalia just sat there and cackled, though Zoë quickly shoved some popcorn into the girl's mouth to shut her up.

Will finally seemed to be enjoying the movie. The blond just kept stuffing popcorn into his mouth, sitting on the edge of his seat as he watched the female lead untie some guy that she had liked for some time now. Nico just smirked at the other Lost Boy. “Enjoying it now?”

“Yeah, Mitch,” Will replied before stuffing more popcorn into his mouth.

Nico blinked in surprise. Will didn't even seem to catch himself. Had he just referred to Nico by Mitchell's name? It finally hit Nico what was bothering him about their whole situation. Was Will just trying to fill the void that Mitchell had left? Was Nico just some compensation? Did the blond even realize any of this?

Silently mulling this over, Nico sipped at his drink.

As the credits began to play, their group got up. Clarisse grumbled as she exited, while Chris tried to calm her down. Thalia slung an arm around Zoë, who quickly knocked it off her shoulder. When Nico didn't get up, Will turned and blinked at him.

“You okay there?”

Nico's eyes widened. “What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.” He smiled for a brief moment as he got up. “Just taking in the movie.”

Nico chewed on his lip as they walked out of the movie theater. Maybe it was just a slip. Those happened, right? Still, why did this bother Nico anyways? He was going to move to Germany with Percy, so why did it bother him? Perhaps some part of Nico seriously had considered what things would have been like with Will. And Jason. Nico's life was not simple, okay?

At dinner, Nico ran into Leo at the hotel restaurant. Originally, Nico had been planning on getting something and taking it up to his room, but the short Latino seemed rather distracted as he poked at his food. So, Nico just calmly sat down across from Leo.

Leo glanced up with a depressed look. “Yo,” he mumbled.

“You seem awfully down for someone about to have their boss go away for an entire week.”

Leo rolled his eyes. “Just sad that you'll be missing my awesome party.” He swirled his straw around in his drink. “Meanwhile, you will be relaxing by a massive pool and basking in some needed sun.”

Nico let out a chuckle. “If I wanted to freeze.”

“You only live once.”

Nico narrowed his eyes. “Please, do not use that phrase. I'm about ready to strangle half the kids at school because they decided to start using it.” A waiter came by and took Nico's order. After the young man had walked off, Nico turned back to the Latino Lost Boy with a serious look. “Now, really, what's bothering you?”

Leo just sat there, staring innocently down at his food. “Nothing in particular.”

“You're such a liar.” Nico rolled his eyes. “Does this have anything to do with Apollo?” Leo was about to open his mouth, but Nico cut him off. “You got irritated that one night that Apollo willingly went to the backrooms with Robert, so I can only assume it has to do with Mr. Sunshine.”

“He is rather cheerful, even in the morning.” Leo just shook his head with a sigh. “Rather annoying. Who could possibly like that?”

Nico narrowed his gaze. “You have the exact same energetic level, though you just have a tendency to make horrible jokes.”

Leo clutched his chest, slumping down in his chair like he was dying. “You wound me, Nico.”

The pale Lost Boy let out a sigh. “Yeah, he's used that line as well.” He arched an eyebrow. “Why don't you just talk to him?”

“There's nothing to talk about.”

“Liar,” Nico mumbled. “I saw you two getting along back when you were having him help you sort out that paperwork. Personally, I think he's beating himself up too much about the entire situation between you two to bring it up.” Nico scrunched his lips. “The hotel should be a little calm while we're gone, right? Primarily just regular families?” Leo gave a small nod. “So, use the down time to talk to him.”

Leo frowned, his eyes blazing. “Why should I even care?”

“Because, Robert is trying to take Apollo away from here and make him his 'mistress'. He was going through a rough time back then, but we both know that he's a sweetheart deep down.” Nico ran a hand through his hair. “Just try. If you don't, it might be too late.”

Leo did not comment further. Nico's food arrived soon after that, and Leo blatantly changed the topic. He made sure to remind Nico to pick him up a souvenir from Germany.

Today was the day. The weeks had flown by, and now spring break was finally here. Percy had let Nico miss school today, which was perfectly fine by the Lost Boy. Both Luke and Nico had slept in until close to ten. From there, Nico finished packing and ate a quick lunch before hopping into a limo to go to the airport.

Nico was a little more than nervous. Flying seemed a mixture of terrifying and exciting. He wasn't exactly sure which was the more dominant at the moment. Still, it would be awesome to be away from the hotel for an entire week. Not only that, but he would have Percy off the clock, which Nico hoped they could be more like the couple they planned to be in the near future. Not only that, but Nico and Luke would be staying in Gaea's personal house, which was behind the hotel. Nico was excited about it, but Luke wasn't.

It had taken a while, but Nico eventually remembered that Kronos was supposed to be there. No doubt that this little fact had not slipped Luke's mind. It would be an interesting week.

Rachel had accompanied them to the airport, finalizing some details with Percy before the young man departed. Nico leaned lightly against Percy's shoulder as he ran over those details with the Lost Girl. He watched Luke out of the corner of his eyes. Luke had barely said a word, and had now taken up staring out the window.

Nico had talked to Daedalus about the trip yesterday. He had told Bianca a few weeks ago, though his sister was iffy about the entire thing. In the end, she realized there wasn't much she could do about it. She had just asked that Nico take a lot of pictures for her. She also said they needed to talk when he got back. If anything, she probably had questions about why Nico was getting to go to Germany in the first place.

He would have to tell her eventually, but Nico was trying to put it off. When he got back, then they would have the talk. Bianca needed to know that he was leaving. In all honesty, Nico had no idea what his sister was going to say. More than likely, Bianca would get upset. Nico would be leaving her to move around the world. It would probably only get worse when Nico confessed that he'd be doing the move with Percy. That would be fun to explain.

Once they were at the airport, Rachel walked them inside to say goodbye. She wiped a fake tear from her eye. Nico and Luke rolled their eyes, while Percy just smirked at her. She adjusted the strap on Nico's carry on bag. “All of you better behave yourselves,” she said in her motherly voice. “Don't get abducted and sold into human trafficking.”

Nico looked up at Percy like it was some joke, but the young man gave him a look that told him that she was being pretty serious about that part. The young man leaned in as Nico's face paled. “You'll be fine, nobody is going to touch you at Gaea's hotel.”

Rachel beamed and waved at them. “Have a safe trip.” As they turned around, she called out to them. “Make good choices!”

Luke turned around and flipped her off.

They didn't have to wait in line, though they did have to drop off their luggage. All Percy had to do was flash some ID and the three of them were cleared to go past security. Percy dropped Luke and Nico off at a waiting area before heading for the bathroom.

“Excited?” Nico asked.

Luke shot him a dull look. “Ecstatic.”

Nico's lips tilted down. “It won't be that bad. I'm sure you won't run into Kronos that much.”

“As long as I stay away from Gaea's house and Percy as much as possible.”

That put a knot in Nico's stomach. How much would he be able to see Percy? The green-eyed young man had expressed his desire for Nico to stay away from Kronos as much as possible, but Luke was probably right, Kronos would be close to Percy a lot. That sucked.

Luke slouched in his seat. “Why did you even invite me to go?”

Nico rolled his eyes. “Because, you deserved something nice for your missed birthday.”

“Yay, so you got me a trip to see my least favorite person in the world.”

“A simple 'thank you' would suffice.”

Luke let out a sigh. “Oh, what poor manners I have. Thank you for having me be tortured for a week.” He leaned forward on the table. “I don't really care about any of the Lost Kids at the German branch, they get along worse than we do half the time.”

“They have a new Lost Boy, maybe you could-”

“Oh yay, another scared boy to take care of.” Luke rolled his eyes. “I don't give a shit about some prat that probably thinks he's better than most of the people around him.”

“I'm sure most of the Lost Kids there could say the same thing about you.”

“My point exactly,” Luke mumbled. “None of the European Lost Kids like us that much. We are 'stupid Americans'. The new kid can kiss my ass along with the rest of them.”

Nico huffed. “You know, it wouldn't kill you to-”

Percy dropped his carry on bag in the middle of the table. “I could hear you from halfway across the room.” His eyes darted between them. “Do I need to separate you two children?”

Luke dropped his cheek onto his palm. “Your boyfriend is getting on my nerves.”

Percy just glanced down at Nico and smiled. He ran his hands through Nico's hair before taking a seat. “Our flight will be boarding soon, so try not to kill each other until we land in Germany.” The young man pulled out his phone with a sigh. “Malcolm is picking us up.”

“Who?” Nico asked.

“Athena's secretary,” Luke mumbled.

When their flight started to board, the three of them got to go on first. They got to ride first class, something Nico never thought would happen in his life. Percy swapped tickets with him, so that Nico could sit by the window. But, judging by the slightly green complexion in Percy's face, Nico figured it was a little more than that.

Luke sat down on the other side of Percy, putting in some headphones. Nico frowned at the blond as Percy finished storing their carry on luggage. “How do you even know German anyways?” The brown-eyed boy asked.

Luke grunted as he pulled out one of his earbuds. “Because, I had a smart brother growing up, who thought it was a great idea to learn every language before starting his freshman year at high school.” Luke gave a shrug. “But also because I travel with Percy during the meetings.”

Percy gave Nico a smile as he sat down in between them. “Ready?”

“I suppose,” Nico replied.

The green-eyed manager pulled out his tablet and opened up one of his game apps. “Try to get some sleep on the flight. It'll be morning by the time we arrive, so try to go to sleep.”

Nico scrunched his lips. “When would be a good time.”

Percy smiled and rubbed the back of Nico's hand with his thumb. “I'll let you know.”

The most nerve wracking thing, Nico found out, was the liftoff. Nico had clenched his seat severely. Though, he felt much better after he looked over at Percy and found the young man with his eyes shut. Nico smiled at the young man when those sea-green eyes finally did open.

“Bad experiences with flying,” Percy explained. He let out a breath. “I'll be fine when we settle in the air.”

Nico wasn't particularly fond of heights himself, but even he was amazed by what he saw out the window. Once they were in the air, Nico couldn't look away from the view for over half an hour. It was so beautiful, yet terrifying.

However, Nico couldn't help but feel a little sad. He would only be gone a week, but somehow this felt like his real goodbye. Nico would have to say goodbye to not only his sister, but the people he had called a family for the past several months. All he would have would be Percy. It was enough, but it didn't make any of it less depressing. He would miss everyone. Sure, they could see each other, but it wouldn't be the same. Nothing would ever be the same once June arrived and he graduated.

Nico finally tore his eyes away to glance at Percy. He bit down on his lip as a thought popped into his head. Unless...

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