Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Children of Loss 52

Chapter 52

Getting out and actually seeing Berlin had been an incredible experience. He got a few souvenirs to take back, mainly for Bianca and Daedalus. But it had been even better that Percy had been the one to show him around. The one problem had been with Luke, who had pretty much kept to himself the entire time. Really, it seemed like the blond had a lot on his mind. Considering the events that had happened earlier that day, Nico could only assume they had to do with Eros.

Nico let out a sigh and sank further down on the couch, his body pressed firmly against Percy's as they sat on the couch in Percy's entertainment room. Without saying anything, Nico reached over and scooped out some popcorn from the bowl that rested in Percy's lap.

Taking the night off, Percy let Nico pick out some movies for them to watch. And, well, Nico was not about to let a night with Percy go to waste. Their talk from last night came to mind. Once they left Berlin, Nico really would not get Percy to himself like this. Really, they would not get to be a real couple again until halfway through the month of May. Which, in reality, did not sound so bad when Nico said it out loud. It was just a month, the brown-eyed boy could deal with that.

Their movie eventually got interrupted by Percy's phone. Nico groaned as Percy got up from the couch, handing the Lost Boy the bowl. “Sorry,” Percy apologized, delivering a quick kiss to Nico's temple.

Nico pouted to himself before he sat up and paused the movie. He tossed a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth as Percy answered the phone. Nico was not looking forward to going back home, to be honest. Going back meant his life would become a war zone.

The smallest issue was probably going to be talking to Bianca about him moving to Berlin. That was one thing, but from there it got worse. Not only was he going to have to tell her that, but Nico was also going to have to confess that he and Percy were having sex. He could not really see his sister taking the news that his boss was having sex with her little brother that well.

Next was was the media. Europe's media did not seem that bad, but Nico doubted things would go this smoothly back home. Really, Nico was just glad that he didn't have his phone on him. Because, if he had, the Lost Boy was scared that his sister might have seen an article or photo by now. Was he going to be harassed at school? Nico had to tell Bianca about his relationship with Percy before it got out. But he did not want the attention, he did not even think about it when he chose Percy. Would they uncover what he did for a living?

No, surely not.

But then there was the biggest issue of all. Annabeth. There was no telling what she had been up to while Nico was away, but as long as she did not suspect him of fighting back, there was no need to worry. She probably did not even consider Nico a threat, which would probably be his biggest advantage. The most important thing was getting Percy to replace himself as branch manager with Annabeth.

“Leo, calm down,” Percy chuckled as he plopped back onto the couch. Nico gave him a curious look, but Percy didn't notice. “I am listening, but you are talking very fast. And you're sort of swapping back and forth between English and Spanish, just so you know.” Percy let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead. “And why is that an issue? Yes, I know the situation. I think you're being a little overly dramatic, Leo.” The green-eyed young man let his head fall back with a small laugh. “It'll be fine, stop worrying about things. No, I don't think this is just a game. Yes.” Percy rolled his eyes, a smile still on his lips. “Goodnight, Leo.”

As Percy hung up the phone, Nico settled back against the young man. “What was that about?”

Percy started the movie back up and took the bowl of popcorn back from Nico. “Nothing to worry about, just something amusing that came up back at home.” But the look in Percy's eyes as he stared back at Nico made the boy wonder just what Leo had said. “Nico, if I wasn't an option, who do you think you'd be happy with?”

“What?” Nico's brow furrowed. “Why are you even asking?”

“Just curious,” Percy replied, his face unreadable.

Letting out a sigh, Nico looked away for a brief second. “Um, I don't know. I thought Will once upon a time, but I don't think he's quite over his past yet.” Nico's eyes scanned Percy's face again, though the results did not improve. “I guess, if I had to pick someone that wasn't you, I'd go with Jason.”


Really, what was Percy's game with this? “I don't know...we just get along really well.” Nico's brow furrowed. He just wished Percy would tell him the reason behind this sudden question. “I think, once he works past his issues, Jason will be a great guy. I just... I think I'd have a hard time being around the Lotus and not being able to be with you, though.”

Percy just blinked once. “So, you'd leave?”

“Percy, I don't like where this is going,” Nico replied, slightly irritated. “Just tell me what this is about?”

Leaning in, Percy kissed Nico's cheek. “It's nothing to worry about, I promise. I figured you'd pick Jason out of the Lost Kids.”

“Why did you think that?”

Percy shrugged. “Well, there was a time that I was actually hoping you'd pick Jason. I thought he might be good for you.” Percy smiled at the irritated look on Nico's face. “I thought he'd be healthier for you.”

“I-” Nico let out a groan of frustration. “Why not Will, though? I said I wouldn't go with him simply because I already knew the truth. But it sounds like Jason was your choice for me for some time now.” More than a little frustrated, Nico attempted to get off the couch.

Reaching out, Percy took Nico's hand. “Sit back down,” Percy said softly. Nico huffed, but let Percy pull him into his lap. “I figured Will was imprinting his feelings on you. Don't forget that I know my Lost Kids, I know their issues. Luke? You remind him too much of a younger Octavian. Apollo ruined your trust, plus he's not over Robert. Not to mention that he has unresolved feelings towards Leo. Jason was the only logical choice that I saw.” He squeezed Nico around the waist. “I just wanted you to be happy.”

Nico blinked a few times, still rather irritated. “So, what changed then?” He didn't touch Percy in any way, not really sure he wanted to at the moment. He was just scared that Percy was going to keep him in America, even after their talk. “Why change your mind? Why did you stop trying to hope I'd choose Jason?”

Percy let out a long breath. “I stopped wanting you to leave. I had every intention of getting you out of the hotel by this summer when you first arrived, I thought it would be best for you to be far away from me.” Reaching up, the young man brushed some of Nico's hair out of his eyes. “I realized that you do belong at the Lotus...just not how I imagined it. You're good for the others, and I realize that now. Even if they were hostile about it to begin with, I think they have realized this as well. You help and look after them, it's why I let you become a big sibling.”

Nico let his shoulders relax a little, but did not reach out for Percy. “That does not answer my question, not really anyways. You could have pushed me towards Jason and not wanted me to leave, you didn't have to reach out for me yourself. So, what changed?”

“We've had this discussion,” Percy chuckled. “I still don't think I'm what is best for you, but you make me happy. And I seem to make you happy, which makes me happy as well.” He let out a sigh, fiddling with them hem of Nico's shirt. “I'm like venom, Nico, and I constantly worry that you're going to get bitten one day. This is a dangerous life, one that I'd never pick out for you, if I was given the choice.”

Finally, Nico looked down at his lap. “I really wish you'd stop talking about yourself like some kind of monster.”

Percy smirked a little. Letting out a sigh, Nico leaned in and captured the young man's lips. Nico wrapped his arms around Percy's neck, letting the young man lean him back onto the couch. When they pulled back, Percy propped himself up on his elbows.

“I don't think you give yourself enough credit,” Nico continued. He reached up and ran a hand through Percy's dark locks. “Even living in this life, being groomed for running this business, I can still see the real you under all that. Maybe it's just glimpses from time to time, but I can still see you have a heart, I can still see that you care. I still see that lost, little boy that dwells in those sea-green eyes of yours, especially when you get that mischievous look in your eyes.”

Percy smiled back at him before burying his face into the crook of Nico's neck. Nico let out a sigh and reached up to run his fingers through Percy's hair, the movie long forgotten. This was what he had always wanted. Not the being with Percy part—even though that was a major plus—but because Percy was finally opening up to him. He wanted to see more of that mischievous boy that he knew still laid within Percy. He wanted to know everything that Percy was willing to share with him.

Thursday morning, Nico sat at the breakfast table with Gaea, Percy, and Kronos. He wasn't quite sure where Luke was, but Percy didn't seem that concerned by the lack of the blond's presence, so Nico did not bring it up. At least it put Luke far away from Kronos.

Unfortunately, this still left Kronos around Nico.

It could have been much worse, though. Kronos was being quiet, which actually did make Nico slightly nervous. For the longest time, Kronos just stared across the table at him, like he was contemplating all the different ways he could use a knife on Nico. It had been like this ever since Percy had sat down beside the Lost Boy.

But the silence could not last forever. After chewing some of her food, Gaea wiped her mouth. “Nico dear, I was wondering if you had given any thought as to what you were going to do with your life after Percy moved you out here.” She smiled when Percy looked over at her. “Will you be attending a university?”

“Well,” Nico glanced down at his food, “I was planning on continuing my education, but I don't exactly speak German, so I'm not sure how easily I could do that now. I guess I'm still trying to figure that out. Percy said I could learn German.” Glancing up at Percy from the corner of his eye, Nico chewed on his lip. “I suppose I'll figure something out.”

Percy smiled at him and squeezed Nico's hand. This, of course, did not sit so well with Kronos, who just had to contribute to the conversation. “He will probably just end up mooching off of Percy's money,” the pale young man added, cutting up a piece of sausage.

Nico's food turned sour in his mouth. He didn't like to think like Kronos just suggested, it made him feel like a burden to Percy. But that was exactly what he was going to be, wasn't it? Nico's brow furrowed as he looked down at his orange juice in his hand. What was he supposed to do with the rest of his life?

Percy grunted as he drank some coffee. “I already told Nico that he wouldn't be any kind of burden on me financially.” The young man shrugged. “He only buys things he needs, I don't think any of us at this table could really say the same.”

Kronos just rolled his eyes. “Since when have we ever cared about spending money?”

“I'm just saying that Nico can do whatever he wants,” Percy added. “If he wants to go to school, he can. I've already agreed to pay for his tuition, and I don't plan to back out on my agreement. But if he just wants to relax around here, I'm also fine with that.” Percy shrugged, biting off a piece of toast. “He's had a hard life, cut him some slack.”

“Whatever you say, Percy,” Kronos muttered, sipping at his coffee.

Later that night, Nico walked over to the booth that Percy had reserved for them tonight. He had fallen behind Luke and Percy to go to the bathroom, which left him feeling a little awkward when it came to walking around the floor that the Lost Kids' performed at. Nico got all sorts of looks, most likely due to the fact that he looked very young. But Nico really wasn't sure what to think about most of the stares. It was possible that some were just curious about why a kid was running around this floor, especially one that wasn't dressed like the Lost Kids.

“I was going to tell you.”

Nico slowed down until he came to a complete standstill at the sound of Percy's voice. As people walked by, Nico did his best to stay in place without being seen. Percy and Luke were talking at the booth, though the blond did not look that pleased by what was being said.

“When exactly were you going to do that?” Luke asked with a scowl, downing a glass of beer.

Percy let out a sigh, rubbing his temple. “I was going to wait until we got home, because I did not want to ruin your potential vacation time.” Pressing his lips together, the young man sank down in his seat. “It will only be for a day or two, you have my word.”

As Nico moved closer to sit down, Luke huffed and got up from the booth, nearly knocking his drink over in the process. Nico pursed his lips together and slid in beside Percy. “What was that about?”

Percy grunted and took a drink from his own beer. “Personal issues.” He hummed for a second before offering some beer to Nico. “Want some?”

Nico wrinkled his nose, but took the beer anyways. He had only taken a sip when his face contorted in disgust and he handed the glass back to the green-eyed young man. Percy smiled fondly and took another drink. “I don't see how you like that stuff,” Nico practically coughed.

“I should take you to Russia and have you try their vodka.”

“No thanks.” Nico glanced out at the tables, his brow furrowing. People were still staring in his direction. “Why is everyone staring at me?”

Percy just shrugged and took another drink. “Probably due to the fact that the photos from our dinner the other night were released across Europe today. I'm sure they will get out to the rest of the world within another day, two at the most.”


“Just stating the obvious,” Percy said with a smile. “They recognize you from the pictures, which means they probably realize that you are with me.”

For a moment, Nico just mulled that over in his head. He had never really imagined himself getting recognized by random strangers, yet now that was exactly what was happening. It really did not make him feel better about going back to work next week, since clients there would probably have seen the photographs. His only hope was that the special clients at the hotel would not make the connection that there was something actually going on between him and Percy.

Managers took Lost Kids with them places, right? Surely that was all people would think it was. At least, Nico seriously hoped it would be that way. The Lost Boy shuddered at the thought of what might happen if those customers were to figure out the truth.

As a little time passed, Nico began to get worried about Luke. His brow furrowed as he scanned the crowd, but found no trace of the blond. As two Lost Kids on the stage finished their performance, Nico slid out of the booth.

“Where are you going?” Percy called after him.

Nico leaned back into the booth. “I'm going to look for Luke.” Percy gave the boy a nod and Nico headed off in search of the blond.

There really weren't that many options. Luke wouldn't just go up to any of the customers and sit down with them, let alone allow them to pull him aside. So, it only stood to reason that Luke was with the few Lost Kids that he liked here, or he had just gone back to his room. Nico figured that he would start with the first option.

Favonius was delivering food and drink orders, so Nico figured he would start with him. “Hey,” the boy said, pulling the European Lost Boy to the side. “Have you seen Luke anywhere?”

Favonius was quiet for a moment, and then he tilted his head to the side. “Not for a while. I saw him go backstage earlier, he might still be back there.”

Nico gave a nod and a smile. “Thanks.”

It was not really hard to find Luke when he got backstage. Well, it was sort of hard to miss the guy with his pants undone and another guy on his knees in front of him. Luke stood behind some curtains, mostly out of view to the Lost Kids backstage, but it just so happened to leave him in view of anyone that came through the door.

Luke seemed to be enjoying himself, one of his hands pressed against the wall beside him, while the other was tangled deep into a mass of hair. It just so happened, though, that the hair belonged to Eros. The brunet opened his eyes, his mouth wrapped tightly around Luke, and stared up at the blond. Luke's head fell back as his body began to spasm. It took Nico a second, but he realized what was happening when he saw the Adam's apple in Eros's neck bob.

Nico's face reddened a little. Oh. As Eros pulled off of Luke, the blond zipped up his pants. Wiping his mouth, Eros stood up and winked at Luke. He leaned in and whispered something to the blond, giving Luke a final squeeze to the crotch before he went off to get ready.

Luke, watching Eros walk away, nearly tripped over Nico. The brown-eyed boy grinned up at him as Luke nearly stumbled backwards. “What are you doing back here, twerp?”

Nico tilted his head to the side. “I was looking for you, since you disappeared for a while.”

“I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself.”

Nico hummed and tapped a finger to his lips. “Looks more like Eros was taking care of you.”

Friday afternoon, Luke and Nico had lunch, while Percy went to some meeting that Nico didn't really ask about. By now, Nico was learning that Percy was pretty much just sparing him a few hours of boredom by not inviting him to these things.

Either way, it was perfect, because Nico seriously needed to talk to Luke before they went back to the United States. Tomorrow was their last full day here, and Nico really felt like there was so much left that needed to be done. And Luke just so happened to be at the center of most of those topics.

So, Nico took a chance and cleared his throat. “Luke?” He asked. The blond grunted at him, not really paying attention to Nico. The brown-eyed boy frowned and tried to spot what Luke was staring at, but was unsuccessful. “Luke, I need to talk to you about something.” He sighed when Luke still did not look at him. “Luke.”

“Let me guess, this is about Annabeth.” Luke finally turned to face Nico, his eyes dark as they bore into Nico. “Her and Thalia were my first friends at the hotel, so why would I want to tell you anything that you might turn around and use against her?” He narrowed his eyes, pressing his finger firmly against the table. “I know my brother put you up to this, I'm the one that told him to work with you. So, yeah, I figured he might turn around and have you seek out personal information about her. But me shielding you from your own blindness and me helping you sabotage Annabeth are two different things.”

“I'm not-” Nico shut his mouth, his brow furrowing. “She is trying to keep me in Los Angeles, trying to get Percy to leave me behind.” Nico leaned a little closer, lowering his voice. “I just want to know what her story is, that's all.”

Luke pointed an accusing finger at Nico. “I haven't told her anything that she could use against you, so why would I do the same for you? I've known her longer. I haven't even told her that I had Octavian help you out. You're asking too much this time, kid.”

“She's going to tear me apart when we get back!” Nico hissed, his fist clenched tightly around his napkin. “All I need from you is her story. I need to understand why she's doing this.” Rubbing his face, Nico leaned on the table. “Luke, please, just this one favor, it's all I ask for. She won't find out that you told me, I swear.”

Luke never answered. He just looked off again, his chin propped up by his palm. Nico let out a sigh and followed Luke's gaze, not very surprised to find it to be on a very familiar brunet. Nico's brow furrowed as he looked back to the blond. They only had two more days after today, Luke needed to sort through whatever was going on with Eros.

It was a very intense stare that Luke gave the green-eyed Lost Boy, like he was observing Eros's every movement. Nico glanced over again. Eros chuckled as he ate with Lou and Favonius, nothing really out of the ordinary.

Finally, Nico let out another sigh. “Why don't you just go talk to him?”

Luke shot Nico a glare. “Shut up, you don't know what you are talking about,” the blond shot back. Nico opened his mouth to object, but Luke cut him off. “Look.” He motioned over to where Eros sat.

At first, Nico didn't really notice anything. He watched in silence as Eros listened to Lou talk, cutting up his food into small pieces. And then those small pieces became smaller pieces, though they did not go into Eros's mouth. The brunet just nudged them with his fork and moved them around on his plate. But it wasn't until Eros got up and went to the bathroom that it really clicked in Nico's mind as to what it was that Luke was trying to get him to notice.

Nico turned back to Luke with wide eyes. “Does he...?”

“Have an eating disorder?” Luke mumbled, eyeing the direction that Eros had just gone. “More than likely, anorexia. Not entirely uncommon with Lost Kids, but Percy has worked to treat any at his hotel that develop an eating disorder.” Luke's brow furrowed as he turned back to Nico. “We talked for a while the night we had sex, and it was just something that I noticed.”

“I'm sorry,” Nico whispered.

Luke arched a brow at him. “Why are you apologizing to me?”

Nico let out a sigh. “Because, you like him.” He didn't even let Luke open his mouth. “I mean, it's a little obvious. You stare at him a lot. I'm just not sure why you are pushing him away, because it's pretty clear that he likes you back, or at least desires you on a sexual level.”

“I do not like him.”

Nico held his hands up in defense. “It's fine if you don't want to admit it to me, but you shouldn't lie to yourself about it. You don't tell anyone, so why are you resisting this? Even if it's just for the sex, I don't see why this is bothering you. It doesn't make any sense, really.” Nico smiled a little, ignoring the glare from Luke. “You deserve to be happy, Luke.”

“It doesn't really matter, now does it?” Luke muttered, tossing a fry into his mouth. “If you haven't noticed, we sort of live on different continents.”

Nico had to smile a little in victory. He didn't bring it up, but he had gotten Luke to vaguely admit that he had some sort of feelings for Eros. It was a huge victory for Nico, considering who he was dealing with. Still...

“Well,” Nico began, “Percy might be considering allowing Lost Kids to transfer hotels.” Nico quickly picked up his drink and took a sip, looking innocently off to the side.

Luke frowned, though his attention was soon taken away by Eros's return. His blue eyes followed the French boy until he sat back down at his table. Lou leaned over and whispered something that made the brunet frown. Luke drummed his fingers on the table as he continued to watch the green-eyed Lost Boy.

“And why would Percy consider doing this?” He asked.

Nico chewed on his lip, doing his best to look innocent. “I might have suggested it to him,” the boy mumbled. He chuckled nervously when Luke narrowed his gaze in Nico's direction. “I mean, only if the Lost Kid wants to transfer, it's not like anyone is going to be forced to do it.”

Luke grunted, though his eyes did not return to Eros. For a moment, he just sat there, tapping his leg anxiously. “You realize that, if Annabeth doesn't get picked for branch manager, she will want to be transferred, right?”

“I'm aware,” Nico whispered with a nod. “I'll cross that bridge if we come to it.”

For a long time, Luke just sat there with his jaw clenched. His eyes briefly flickered over to Eros again before they focused on Nico's face. “Annabeth's parents divorced when she was little.”


“Shut up, or I won't continue my story.” Luke glared at Nico until he sat back in his seat and shut his mouth. “Her mother was a brilliant woman, someone that Annabeth has always aspired to be like. Her father was a smart man, a genius in his own trade. However, her father remarried. Her father and the new wife ended up having twins a few months after Annabeth's tenth birthday.” Blue eyes fell away from Nico, full of betrayal. “Annabeth's stepmother was insane, though Annabeth didn't really see it until it was too late. She was still young, what was she supposed to do?

“The new Mrs. Chase wanted Annabeth to refer to her as 'mother', even though Annabeth was very adamant that she would do no such thing. She was a very jealous woman, one that pretty much hated Annabeth's real mother. The woman blew up whenever Annabeth's father even spoke to her, even though they never took their relationship beyond platonic again.” Luke took a breath, glancing over at Eros again. “Her parents liked talking about their trades, discussing architecture and science, or anything else that might interest them on that given day. But it didn't really seem that way to the crazy bitch.

“Annabeth woke up one particular night to two gunshots. Her father came up the stairs, yelling, and then she says that there was another gunshot. When she came out of her room, she found her stepmother standing over her father's body, while the twins had been shot in their bed.” Luke pressed his lips firmly together, somehow appearing more vulnerable than Nico had really ever seen him.

“Oh my god,” Nico whispered. “And the stepmother didn't shoot her?”

“No,” Luke whispered, shaking his head. “She said that they could be a family now, in a place where Annabeth's 'bitch of a mother' could not interfere in their lives anymore.” Luke let out a long breath before he continued. “Annabeth was devastated, having to see her father and brothers murdered like that. But Mrs. Chase said that there was just one thing that needed to be done first. She waited, keeping Annabeth close to her the entire time. Annabeth says it was the last time she ever really felt afraid, but it was the worst she's ever experienced.

“That bitch waited until Annabeth's mother came to pick her up for the weekend, and then shot her. Annabeth bolted while her mother was dying. She's still alive, in some asylum.” Luke clenched his jaw again, squeezing his fist on the table. “Yeah, so, I'm sure you can imagine why she might not want to talk about her past. I'd also hope that you have enough human decency to not use any of this information against her.” He narrowed his icy blue eyes at Nico. “Because, if you won't make it to move to Germany, I'll make sure of that myself.”

Nico gulped and nodded his head. “Understood,” he replied quietly.

With a final glare, Luke got to his feet. He took a few steps before he turned back towards Nico. “I do not want to get dragged into the middle of whatever war is about to unfold between the two of you, and I'd suggest to keep it away from Percy's ears.” He glanced Nico over for a second. “Don't think I wouldn't make the same threat to her. In case you've forgotten, I was the one that made that deal to try and keep you out of our life.”

“You're also the one that tried to bully me into it by calling me a baby.”

“If the shoe fits.” Luke smirked at the irritated look on Nico's face. As the smile faded, he nodded his head and tapped his hand against the back of the chair he had been using. “But you have done a lot of growing up, and I honestly did not think you could handled all that you have. We're supposed to look after our own, remember that.” He rolled his eyes at the smile that made its way across Nico's lips. “Do not get mushy on me, twerp,” Luke sighed, slipping a piece of gum into his mouth, “you're still annoying.”

As Luke went to leave again, Nico stopped him. “Thank you.”

Luke popped his lips and turned back to face Nico. “Do not thank me, because this conversation never happened.”

Nico nodded, a small smile on his lips. As Luke turned to walk away a third time, Nico glanced over at Eros. Nico chewed on his lip. “Talk to Eros. Soon.” Luke stopped at Nico's words. “If you don't do it before we leave, you're going to regret it.”

Without saying anything, Luke left the restaurant. Nico frowned as the blond left, but did not pursue the older Lost Boy. Nico let out a long sigh before he got up and left the restaurant as well. As soon as he stepped out the door, the boy jerked back when snot flew across his face and chest.

A young boy stood before him, his nose dripping in snot. Nico looked shocked and a little disgusted as a woman, most likely the mother, came over and pulled the boy away by his arm, lecturing him about covering his nose as they went.

“Tissue?” Came Percy's voice. Nico looked up, wiping some of the boy's snot off of his shirt. “Perhaps a change of clothes as well?”

Nico slowly nodded, accepting the box of tissues from Percy. “How was the meeting?” He asked as he dabbed at his face.

“It was okay. How was lunch?”

“Well, it was going fine, until I decided to leave.” Nico made a face as he dropped the snot-filled tissue into the nearest trashcan. “I need to be sanitized.”

Percy chuckled. “I'm sure you'll be fine.”

On their last full day in Germany, Percy pretty much had them take the day off. Which was fine with Nico, because they ended up at the pool, and that meant that Percy was shirtless. Nico sat on the edge of the pool as Percy did a few laps, watching Percy's muscles in the water very intently. Maybe it was a little sad, since Nico could pretty much seen Percy naked whenever he wanted, but the Lost Boy really did not care.

Percy emerged from the water, directly between Nico's legs. He smirked up at the pale boy, resting his arms across Nico's legs. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Enjoying the view,” Nico teased. Smiling, Nico ran his fingers through Percy's wet hair. “Can't we just stay here?”

Percy took Nico's hand and kissed the boy's knuckles. “Very soon.” Winking up at Nico, Percy moved slightly to the left and climbed out of the pool. Nico bit down on his lip as he watched Percy's arm muscles tighten. Percy walked over to a chaise lounge chair.

Percy did not even have to say anything to get Nico to come over to him, he just simply patted the space between his legs. Nico jumped up and walked over, pulling his relatively small swim trunks down around his thighs. Nico's face flushed as Percy unabashedly looked his body over. Eros had given them to him after their last pool day, and Nico was not sure how comfortable he felt in them. They were basically boxer-briefs that gave his ass a nice lift. But Percy seemed to like them, so Nico would gladly wear them whenever the young man wanted.

Taking in a breath, Nico turned around and slid in between Percy's legs, humming lightly as Percy wrapped his arms around Nico's waist. He let his head rest against the green-eyed young man's torso. It was so relaxing...until Luke came in.

Nico didn't even notice that the blond was there, until he shoved Eros, who had been following behind him, into the pool. Nico shot up when water splashed across his face. Eros surfaced with a pout, while Luke just narrowed his eyes down at the brunet. Eros climbed out and sat down in the empty lounge chair beside Percy and Nico. Percy handed the boy a towel, while Luke sat down on the opposite side of Percy and Nico.

“Is there a problem?” Percy finally asked.

“He is accusing me of vile things,” Luke replied, nodding over to where Eros sat. “And, now, he's being ridiculous, pestering me about coming to his room.”

“Tu es un sale menteur,” Eros mumbled. He cut his green eyes over to Percy. “This one was already in my room. He just freaked out when Cecil came in and found us cu-”

“We were doing no such thing!”

Eros let out a breath. “Cuddling,” he continued. Eros stuck out his tongue when Luke glared at him. “I do not see why you are ashamed.” Huffing, Eros got up and dove into the pool.

Nico scowled over at Luke. “Really? You got upset because someone caught you cuddling with Eros?”

“We were not cuddling!” Luke hissed.

“Were so,” Eros called from the pool. “After sex, you and I were cuddling.”

Luke's body tensed. “Shut up, stop announcing such things to the world.”

Nico stared at the blond in disbelief. “Luke, you realize we are leaving tomorrow.” He glanced at Percy before he continued. “I thought we talked about this?”

“About what?” Percy kissed Nico's shoulder blade.

“Nothing,” Luke mumbled. “He's been following me around for the past ten minutes.”

Nico let out a sigh. “Maybe because he wants to spend time with you on your last night here.” He narrowed his eyes at the blond. “I saw you eating dinner with him last night.”

“Cecil was there.” Luke let out a grunt. “It wasn't like a date or anything.” He glanced at Eros, who was watching them from the edge of the pool. “Maybe someone should lock their door.”

Eros just stuck his tongue out at the blond. “You were the one that came to my room last night.” Eros smirked as Luke's ears turned pink. “You were also the one that initiated sex with me the past two times, also asking me to give you head backstage.”

Nico glanced at Percy, who was watching the entire thing from over the pale boy's shoulder. Percy looked rather amused, though it did not look like the manager was planning to intervene anytime soon. Nico leaned in and pressed a kiss to the young man's forehead.

“He has also not been complaining about my company,” Eros added. When Luke chose to not respond, Eros sighed and sank beneath the water.

Leaning over, Nico smacked Luke on the arm. “Ow!” Luke frowned, rubbing his arm. “What was that for, twerp?”

“For being an idiot,” Nico mumbled. “Go talk to him again. Stop trying to screw yourself up, Luke, just try and be happy.” He held up a finger when Luke opened his mouth. “I will not accept 'no' as an answer. We only have one more day here, and I know you like him. You glanced over at him when we were talking about that thing yesterday.”

“What thing?” Percy asked, his brow furrowed.

Nico shoved the young man back. “Nothing, don't worry about it.” Percy pouted, but Nico ignored him for now, focusing his attention on the blond instead. “Luke, I'm serious, this is ridiculous. Nobody back home has to know, and I doubt Cecil thinks less of you. Now,” Nico pointed to where the brunet was swimming, “go and enjoy the rest of your afternoon with him.”

Luke just glared at Nico for a long time. He glanced over at Percy, who just smiled and shrugged. Letting out a sigh, Luke got to his feet and stripped himself of his shirt. Without another word, Luke jumped into the pool. Eros eyed him warily as the blond swam over to him.

Nico let out a heavy sigh and fell back against Percy's chest. “Why must he be so difficult?”

“It's just the way Luke is.” Percy wrapped his arms around Nico's waist. “I don't think you need to worry, I'm sure Luke will get things sorted before we leave. He likes Eros more than I think he's willing to admit, probably because Eros doesn't actually put up with his bullshit. I'm sure they will be good for each other.”

Nico glanced up at the raven haired young man. “Maybe Luke could move to the German branch, then they could be together?”

Percy kissed Nico's forehead. “I'll see what I can do.”

“Goo-” Nico cut himself off with a sudden sneeze, which was followed soon after by another one. Nico batted Percy's hand away when the young man tried to feel his forehead. “I'm fine, I'm fine.”

Percy stared at him in amusement. “I do believe that kid from yesterday got you sick.”

Nico paused for a second and then scowled at Percy. “Don't be ridiculous, I'm the epitome of health.”

Nico sneezed into a wad of tissues that he had grabbed from Percy's room before they had left the hotel. It was time to go back home, but Nico really just wanted to go to sleep. He had felt awful when he first woke up, so Nico would probably just pass out for most of the plane ride back to Los Angeles.

Kronos had left last night, much to Luke and Nico's relief. Not that Nico had seen much of Luke since they left the pool. In fact, when they left the hotel had been the first time that Nico had seen the blond in almost a day. It really did not take much to figure out where Luke had been, especially with the limp that Eros was sporting.

While Percy said goodbye to Gaea, Nico got pulled into a hug by Eros. “I will miss you, mon petit.” He refused to let Nico go, which made the brown-eyed boy smile a little. As loud of a personality that Eros had, Nico had actually come to enjoy the brunet's company. It was going to suck to not see him for a while. “Take care of yourself.” Grinning, Eros slid an arm around Nico's shoulder and had them face where Luke was standing. “And take care of him for me. Be sure he messages me, or I will jump on a plane and come hunt him down.”

Nico chuckled. “I'll do my best. “So, you two worked things out?”

Eros gave a small nod. “He told me what you told him.” Green eyes studied Nico's face carefully. “Is it true? He will be able to transfer here?”

“I'm hoping so,” Nico replied.

Eros pressed his lips together, though Nico could tell the brunet was happy. “I suppose we will see what happens in the summer then.” He winked at Nico. “And I will see you at the end of May.”

Nico's brow furrowed, titling his head to the side. “Wait, what?” He blinked twice. “Why will I be seeing you?”

Eros's eyes widened a little. “Oh. Apologizes, I thought Percy had already told you.” Eros popped his lips and placed a hand on his hips. “There is a political conference in Los Angeles at the end of May, and Gaea offered your hotel as its host. So, naturally, Gaea will be there, and I will tend to her while she is visiting.”

Nico was not that thrilled by this turn of events. It was not that he didn't want to see Eros again, it was just curious after what he overheard Luke and Percy argue. “Political,” Nico whispered. “Do you know if Luke's mother will be attending?”

Eros slowly shook his head. “I am sorry, but I do not know who his mother is.”

Nico let out a sigh and nodded. “It's fine, I'll ask Percy about it later.”

As they were getting ready to board their flight, Eros yanked Luke by his collar and pulled the blond down for a searing kiss. Nico coughed and acted like he wasn't paying attention. Luke seemed a little shocked, but he still kissed the brunet back. Though, when he remembered that people were staring, he quickly pulled away. Nico just grinned up at him when the blond glanced down at him.

“Not a word, twerp,” Luke growled as they entered the terminal.

“I wasn't going to say a word.” Nico sat down in his seat. “But I am happy that you worked things out with him. Did he tell you that he will be coming in for the conference next month?”

Luke tensed up at that, though Nico was not quite sure it was due to the news about Eros. “Yeah, he told me. He's going to be crashing in my suite.”

“More like your bed,” Percy teased as he took his seat as well. He grinned innocently when Luke scowled at him. “You realize that Eros will probably have no shame in sticking his hand down your public...regardless of who is watching, right?”

Nico did not really understand, but it seemed like Luke did. His eyebrows raised and he soon wandered into his own thoughts. Nico let out a yawn and slid down in his chair, letting his head rest against Percy's shoulder. It was going to be a long flight, and, if he was lucky, he would be able to sleep through the entirety of it.

And that was exactly what Nico did.

When he woke up, Percy was shaking him with a smile. Nico rubbed at his eyes and looked out the window. They had landed in Los Angeles, by the looks of it. Yawning, Nico got up and grabbed his carry-on bag.

Rachel picked them up from the airport and delivered them back to the hotel. Percy, true to his word, did not have as much physical contact with Nico as they had been back in Germany. It felt so weird being home after a week, though it was not necessarily a bad thing. Nico had really missed everyone.

However, it was a little awkward when Luke and Nico bumped into Annabeth upon arriving at their floor. She hugged Luke first, a genuine smile on her face. She kept smiling when she moved on to hug Nico, but the Lost Boy could see that it was not so authentic. It was confusing, because it did seem like she liked Nico, but saw him as a threat at the same time. From what he had pieced together, Nico felt he could understand why Annabeth had attached herself to Percy so strongly.

Percy had put her stepmother in that asylum, locked her away so that the woman could never hurt Annabeth or anyone else ever again. He honestly felt a little jealous of the blonde, being able to have been around Percy when he was a little younger. Nico wondered what Percy was really like back then.

“I'm so glad you guys are back,” Annabeth said as she released Nico from a hug.

Before Luke or Nico could respond, however, a door down the hall opened. The pure sight of it made the two Lost Boys that had just gotten back stare at each other in confusion. From Apollo's suite came Leo, limping heavily and adjusting his shirt.

When he spotted them, the Latino's eyes widened a little, like a child caught opening his presents on Christmas. “Hey, guys! When did you two get back?”

Luke arched a brow. “Just a moment ago.” He blinked a few times. “Were you...?” Luke couldn't even finish his sentence, too confused by the entire thing. Nico could easily relate.

As if on cue, a shirtless Apollo emerged from the suite. “Hey, Leo, you forgot your...” His cheeks flared up at being caught. Coughing, he held out his hand, handing Leo his wallet. “Um, you forgot this.”

Luke just arched an eyebrow at the other blond. “Yeah, whatever.” He let out a sigh and shoved Nico in Apollo's direction. “Percy wants the kid to see Will. Apparently, twerp here has caught a cold.”

Nico glared, rubbing at his runny nose. Apollo chuckled and nodded. “Come on, Will can fix you up,” the blond said. Pouting as he sniffled, Nico let the blond guide him down the hall and into his suite.

Once the door was shut, Nico arched a brow at the curly haired blond. “I see things happened while I was gone.”

Apollo shook his head innocently. “I don't know what you're talking about.” He pushed Nico onto the couch. “Shut up, I don't want to hear it.” The blond let out a sigh. “We just worked things out a few days ago, and I really can't say what's going to happen. I do need to talk to you and catch you up, though. A lot happened for me while you were gone.”

Nico slowly nodded. “Okay.” Unable to hold it back any longer, Nico coughed a few times. “Can you just go get our resident doctor?”

Apollo chuckled and disappeared down the hall. Nico heard a door open and then hushed voices. A few seconds later, Will poked his head around the corner, a huge grin on his face.

“Nico!” He cried, practically jumping across the couch. However, the second Nico sneezed, Will lifted his shirt to cover his mouth and nose from Nico's germs. “Well, you look like crap.”

Nico pouted and slumped down. “Thanks a lot,” he mumbled. Well, at least he was home. It wouldn't be long now until his real life began, but there was so much that needed to be taken care of in that time. With another sneeze, Nico groaned. All of it could wait until he felt better.



Tu es un sale menteur (You are a dirty liar)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Children of Loss: Luke's Wild Night

Stupid. He was so stupid. Why was he so stupid? Did he really believe that he could have a good vacation and would be able to relax? And that stupid brat...did he really think that Luke would thank him for this, for bringing him here...with him of all people?

Everything was just so fucking perfect, wasn't it? This was just his life, though, and was something Luke had accepted long ago. Nothing would ever go his way. Every single time that he tried to let himself be happy, something always went wrong.

Of course, Kronos just had to always be there to remind Luke of this. But it wasn't the fact that Luke had to endure that asshole's presence, it was what the asshole had told him. It was something straight out of Luke's nightmares. He had always feared this day would come, but had let himself relax after his first year at the Lotus. But then the fear had became so real when Percy was gone for those few months. And now... Now it would soon be very real.

Luke would have to face his mother very soon.

Just count on Kronos to be the one to rub it in his face, dropping it like a bombshell. He had to really wonder when Percy was going to tell him, if he ever was going to. But that just had not been enough for Kronos, he had to go and then kick dirt in Luke's face while he was down.

It wasn't anything that Luke didn't usually remind himself of on a daily basis, but it still worked on his last nerve to hear it from that slimy bastard. Luke was a failure, he didn't need Kronos reminding him of that. He fucked up and let his brother down. Luke couldn't stand up to his mother and wasn't able to keep Octavian safe. He lost the only person that he could say that he had been in love with, simply because he was a coward and ran from his problems. Lost his boyfriend and brother, all in one day.

Octavian was not the same when he showed up at the Lotus several months after Luke did. The little boy that had once been his brother had died somewhere on his search for Luke. If Luke had just been there, none of that would have happened.

Luke clutched at his hair and bent over in a scream.

No! This was his parents' fault. They had both been failures at raising their children. Their mother was too consumed in her religion, too narrow-minded to see past her own ignorance. She had left him with a scar, so that he would always remember what had happened. His own failures could never be forgotten. Then there was his father, who had never been present in their lives. Luke and Octavian rarely saw their father, who usually locked himself away in his study when he was actually home. The man probably had no idea of what his wife put his children through.

But instead of going to his friends or boyfriend for help, he ran. Instead of taking Octavian with him, Luke left his brother at home with their bitch of a mother. Who really failed Octavian? Who was really to blame for it all?

Luke let out a breath as he dragged his feet up the path to the arcade. Why the arcade? Because it was far enough away from Kronos and that annoying brat, plus it was very late, so it wasn't like kids would be there to annoy him. More than likely, he would be alone with his thoughts.

Luke opened the door, rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand. His brow furrowed in the next instant when his ears picked up on music. Someone was playing DDR, which meant that he was not alone. Who the fuck was even awake and in the arcade at this hour? Usually, at the Lotus, the only people that were up this late were the people that worked at the...Lotus.

Luke let out a heavy sigh as his eyes landed on a familiar head of brown hair. Great, he thought to himself. He already had to deal with an asshole and a brat, now he was going to have to endure a French hellspawn. This was just not his night. Could he just not catch a break? If he actually believed in God, Luke might think the man upstairs actually had a vendetta against him.

Letting out a low growl, Luke shoved his hands into his pockets and tried to make his way over to the coin machine without being seen. Of course, it was just too much to ask for. It always was.

“Alors, on n'arrive pas à dormir?” Eros called over to him. Slamming his foot down on the last note, the brunet turned his head to grin at the blond. Tilting his head to the side, Eros seemed to remember that Luke couldn't understand French. “Trouble sleeping? Or perhaps you finally decided to try out my ass.”

Luke rolled his eyes and slid his debit card into the coin machine. As he waited for his coins to play his games, the blond became very aware of the fact that Eros was slowly making his way over to him. Luke narrowed his gaze at the machine. “Don't get your hopes up.”

With a grin, Eros leaned up and lightly touched the curve of Luke's ear with his fingertips. “Do not think I have forgotten who ruined perfectly good sex for me,” the brunet whispered seductively into his ear. Biting down on his lip, Eros pulled back and tilted his head to the side, observing Luke. “Something is bothering you, no? You seem rather...tense.”

“Well, now that you mention it, I do have this annoying little French mosquito pestering me.”

The brunet just grinned back at him. “It is not that.” He placed his hands on his hips, which were covered by a pair of cotton pants that clung to his body in all the right places. Mainly the ass. Not that Luke really noticed. There was also a hint of the brunet's nipple poking out from his sleeveless shirt. Another irrelevant fact. “What bothers the big American buffoon?”

Eros might be attractive, but he also had a loud personality. Too cheerful for working in the Lotus. It kind of reminded him of when the brat first started. Unintentionally, Luke's eyes drifted down Eros's body. Eros was about as thin as the brat was, but nowhere near as pale. He was also slightly taller than the kid, though he had a similar smile. There was just something about it, like there was still some hope there. Luke just couldn't understand how people could be cheerful, working in a place like this.

Luke's brow furrowed as his nose picked up on a strange smell. It was familiar, but wasn't something he smelled very often. He just couldn't put his finger on it. Where had he smelled this before?

“What are you even doing in here?” Luke finally sighed.

Eros shrugged with a smirk. “Just relaxing after work, is that a crime?”

“It is when I want to be alone.” Scooping the coins out of the machine's tray, Luke brushed past Eros and went to a shooting game he had been looking at earlier. He let out a sigh when Eros took a few steps after him. “Go back to your stupid dancing game.”

Eros hummed, following Luke until the blond came to a stop at his machine. Luke placed a coin into the slot and picked up the gun. Vivid green eyes stared at the screen as Luke began to pull the trigger and shoot the ducks on the screen. “That does not seem to be a good therapeutic technique. You are shooting a virtual bird.” There was a very dull tone to his voice, his eyebrow cocked high.

“Would you like for me to replace them with pictures of you and Kronos?” Luke growled, pulling the trigger again.

“So rude,” Eros pouted. His chin came to rest on Luke's shoulder, which the blond quickly rolled to get the brunet off of him. “That was not very nice either.” Leaning up, Eros blew on the back of Luke's ear. “Perhaps you should take your stress out in other ways.”

At hearing those words, Luke accidentally tugged the gun up and to the left, missing his target. With a huff, he put the plastic thing back in its holster and turned to glare at the brunet beside him. “And what, sensei, would that be?”

Placing his hands behind his head, which managed to reveal a hint of his stomach, Eros grinned. “Play the Dance Dance Revolution with me.”

“You've got to be kidding me,” Luke replied dryly. “I wouldn't be caught dead on that thing.”

Eros just smiled back at him, closing his eyes. Luke's eyes drifted down to the exposed portion of the brunet's stomach. A hint of a white waistband with red letters that had the name Andrew Christian written across them could be found there. There was something very alluring about Eros's tan stomach, though, Luke had to admit. The slight 'V' shape to his hips certainly did help.

“See something you like?” Eros had his eyes open again, now with a huge grin on his face. He had caught Luke staring and was probably never going to let him live it down. “Feel free to touch.” Biting down on his lip, he pulled down some of his cotton pants to reveal the tight pair of red underwear that lay underneath. Luke may have licked his lips. “Or we can arrange for you to bend me over those metal bars on that dancing game you seem to despise so much.”

Reaching out, Luke lifted Eros's pants back into place. “I'd rather have my nails ripped off of my fingers. Slowly.”

Eros wrinkled his nose. “T'es dégueulasse.” He let out a sigh and crossed his arms. “Well, you do know how to ruin the mood.”

Luke frowned as he leaned in. “There was no mood to begin with.” He grabbed his coins and made his way over to the DDR machine. “Let's just play your stupid game.” At the look of pure joy on Eros's face, Luke held up a hand. “But if I beat you, you leave me alone for the rest of my trip.”

Grinning wickedly, Eros held out his hand and shook on it. “This is a deal then.” As Luke went to pull away, though, Eros tightened his grip and pulled the blond back in. “However, if I have to have sex with me. Here, in the arcade.” Biting down on his lip, Eros wagged his eyebrows.

Luke narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip. “Deal.”

Really, Luke didn't care either way. Well, he very much did want for the French poodle to leave him alone, but sex was sex. It really didn't matter. It would be better than most of the people that Luke had to have sex with. At least Eros was attractive. And, right now, Luke could very much use the stress relief that came with good and angry sex.

But that didn't mean that he was not going to at least try to win. Because, like he said, it would mean he could be free of this annoying guy. However, he did not like the look on the brunet's face as Eros placed a coin into the machine. Stretching his arms over his head, Eros took his place on the left spot. Which meant that Luke was left with the right one.

“Fuck,” Luke panted as he stared at their scores.

Grinning, Eros patted him on the back. “Yes, it looks like we will be doing just that.”

He had completely decimated Luke at this game. Luke still had the look of disbelief on his face. Holy shit. Well, Luke might have gotten a little distracted halfway through, when he caught a very good view of Eros's ass. What? It was hard not to stare at it.

Letting out a long breath, Luke turned to Eros. “Fine,” he said, leaning in, “let's just get this over with.”

Eros placed a hand on Luke's chest and pushed the blond back. “Not quite so fast.” He smiled lazily as he stepped off the machine. “I want to play some more games first, then we can get down to pleasure.”

It was most certainly not what Luke had been expecting. “What?” He blinked a few times, unsure of if he had heard the brunet correctly. “I thought you wanted to have sex?”

Eros hummed to himself as he practically skipped over to another machine and deposited another coin. “There is all night for that.” With a sly grin, he turned and winked at the blond. “And I do mean all night.”

Luke looked away and coughed, fully aware that his cheeks were rather warm. He never blushed. Why the fuck was this asshole able to make him blush with such ease? It was like he was not even trying, yet Eros always seemed to get the reaction he was looking for from Luke. It was rather unfair.

Eros patted the spot next to him at the game he had chosen. “Play with me, you look like you could use the distraction.”

Letting out a grunt, Luke took the spot that was next to the brunet. “Why aren't you in your room, or something? Customers not wanting your ass tonight?”

Luke had only seen Eros irritated once before, and that had been this morning, when he chewed Luke out for pulling that guy off of him at the club. No gratitude at all. What a fucking asshole. But, right now, the brunet gave him such a look of loathing that it actually made Luke shut his mouth. Had Luke managed to strike a nerve?

Frowning, Luke glanced the brunet over. Okay, so he wasn't going to compliment the guy out loud, but anyone that didn't want a piece of Eros's ass was either blind or stupid. Luke wrinkled his nose. There was that smell again. Where was it coming from? What was it? Why did Luke know the smell in the first place?

After a few games, Eros dragged Luke over to the pinball machine. Luke was really not sure why he stuck around with the brunet, to be honest. Perhaps it was just better than the alternative of going back and being pestered by the twerp, or targeted by Kronos. At least Eros wasn't trying to pry into his problems or make him feel worse.

Blue eyes followed the metal ball as it slid through the bumpers. At the third groan from Eros, Luke arched an eyebrow. “You really kind of suck at this game.”

Blowing at a strand of hair in his face, Eros stepped aside and motioned to the pinball machine. “How about you try then?”

Shrugging, Luke inserted another coin and started the pinball machine. Eros hovered at his side, perhaps a little too close to go unnoticed by the blond. But this was an easy game for Luke, so it did not take him long to surpass the brunet's score. After he doubled it, Eros smacked him on the arm and stuck his tongue out at Luke.

“Show off,” Eros mumbled, shoving Luke to the side to try again.

It did not go well.

“Here,” Luke said, stepping behind the brunet and placing his hands on top of the ones belonging to the other Lost Boy. “Just watch the ball, I will hit the button. Just pay attention to when I hit the button, so you will know when to do it yourself.”

Eros turned his head a little to look at Luke as the blond inserted another coin and the machine sprang to life. There was a curious look in those green eyes, though Luke chose to ignore it the best he could. He wasn't really sure why he was being nice to the brunet. Perhaps it was because it was apparent that he was not the only one dealing with issues tonight.

Eros pouted, his brow furrowing. “How do you make it seem so easy?”

“I have a little brother,” Luke explained. “I used to take him to the arcade when we were younger. There were just days where I needed to get away from home, though Octavian eventually turned to books as an escape. I just preferred something a little more interactive, so I could let out my frustrations.” Clearing his throat, Luke stepped back. “Not that you really needed to know any of that.”

Eros smiled a little. “T'es vraiment mignon.”


A small giggle. “Nothing.” Eros pursed his lips. “My brothers were not as nice as you were to your brother. They found pleasure in terrorizing things, especially small children.”

Luke shrugged. “At least you had your parents to go to. I was the one that had to look after Octavian. Our mother was-”

“A bitch?” Eros arched a brow. “You assume that mine was not one?” He turned to face Luke, leaning back against the pinball machine and propping his hands on the glass. “My mother called me ugly and fat every time that I put anything like candy or junk food in my mouth. My father hit me, because I was 'too pretty to be a boy'. And when any of them weren't doing that, they ignored me.” The brunet scoffed. “I'm sure it took them a few days to even notice that I ran away.”

“Sounds like my father, at least the ignoring part.” Luke let out a breath. “I wish that my mother would have ignored us.”

Reaching up, Eros touched a finger to Luke's cheek and traced part of the thin scar on the blond's face. “She gave you this, no?” He asked. Luke just blinked, too entranced by those bright green eyes. “The way you speak about her, I could only assume that this is true.”

Frowning, Luke smacked Eros's hand away. “Yeah, she did.”

Eros smiled as Luke tried to pull away. “I do not think it looks ugly, just the circumstance in which you had to receive it.” A tan finger found its way underneath Luke's chin, urging the blond to look at him again. “I believe you still owe me something,” he whispered, their lips very close. There was a sly smile plastered across Eros's face as he guided Luke's mouth down to meet his.

Luke shut his eyes, his hands hovering awkwardly around Eros's waist. Eros did not waste any time at all in slipping his tongue into Luke's mouth. He didn't even want to object right now, Luke really just wanted a distraction.

And then it clicked.

The smell was coming from Eros's mouth. Not only that, but he recognized where he had smelled it before. He had been around the other Lost Kids when they had been sick, as well as himself. Vomit. Eros had thrown up at some point, probably even in the arcade's bathroom.

Pulling away, Luke's brow furrowed. A few things clicked in that moment. He might have been consumed with his food the other day, but he did not miss the looks Eros gave him while eating. He also had not missed how little the brunet ate. And what had he just said? Eros's parents had given him a lot of grief over his appearance.

Luke blinked a few times at the brunet, who stared back at him in confusion.

Eros had an eating disorder.

It wasn't something uncommon among the Lost Kids from around the world, but the ones that worked for Percy tended to get treated for it. Silena had been one of those cases, which was something that Luke would never forget. However, a lot of the cases that Luke heard about usually started after the Lost Kid started at the hotel. Eros, however, did not seem to be one of those cases. More than likely, it was something long present in the brunet.

“What is it?” Eros reached up and rubbed at his face. “Is there something there?” He asked, motioning to his face.

“No.” Luke shook his head, his brow still furrowed. “You're fine.” Letting out a breath, Luke leaned back in and sealed their lips together again. This was just a distraction, remember? There was no need to get emotionally invested here.

As Eros slid a hand to the back of Luke's neck, the blond took a firm grip on Eros's waist and slammed him back against the pinball machine. A deep moan escaped Eros's throat as Luke moved his mouth down to bite down on the brunet's neck, his hand tugging harshly at wavy brown hair.

Eros moaned into Luke's ear, “Cecil was right, you do like doing things rough.”

“Shut up,” Luke growled, smashing their lips together again.

Luke reached down and took a firm grip to the back of Eros's knee, lifting the brunet's leg up and wrapping it around his waist. A growl escaped Luke's mouth when Eros bit and sucked at his bottom lip. Hands wound tightly around Luke's neck, pulling the blond in closer to the brunet in front of him. With the smell of vomit long forgotten, Luke practically devoured Eros, a hand already down the back of the green-eyed boy's cotton pants.

A breathy gasp escaped Eros's throat as Luke brushed his finger against the brunet's entrance, causing Eros to arch into him. Eros tightened one of his hands into Luke's shirt, tugging at Luke's bottom lip. But it was Luke's turn to moan when Eros pressed a knee to Luke's crotch.

Pulling back, Eros's green eyes were heavily filled with lust. “Fuck,” he hissed, “he was definitely not lying.”

Luke's brow furrowed. “Who? What?”

Leaning up for another searing kiss, Eros reached down and cupped Luke's crotch, giving it a firm squeeze. “Nico m'a dit que tu étais plutôt bien foutu.”

Luke blinked once. “I caught the twerp's name.”

Eros just bit down on his own lip and unzipped Luke's pants. Wasting no time at all, the brunet pulled out Luke's length and gave it a few strokes. “I am not disappointed.” With a final tug to Luke's jeans, Eros managed to get them to fall around Luke's knees. “Now then, American boy, show me how good you are.”

After tossing Eros's shirt to the side, Luke took a moment to ogle the brunet. “Fuck, you're hot,” the blond breathed out.

Eros winked at the blond. “You aren't so bad yourself, big boy.” Biting down on his lip, Eros bent his finger in a 'come hither' motion. And who was Luke to decline such an offer?

With fierce determination, Luke lifted Eros up and wrapped the brunet's legs around his waist. The blond smashed their lips together once again, while Eros slipped his hands up Luke's shirt. Eros's eyes went wide as Luke slammed him down on the pinball machine. Luke's eyes shot open at the sound of glass cracking underneath Eros.

Chuckling, Eros leaned to the side, so that they could inspect the pinball machine. Well, the case would definitely need to be replaced, but it did not look like it would shatter any time soon. And it was rather hard to feel guilty about it when Eros was pulling him back in for another kiss. Eros's fingers tightened in the back of Luke's hair as their tongues met.

“I don't have a condom,” Luke mumbled into Eros's mouth.

With a quick peck, Eros began to dig around in his pocket. With a victorious grin, the brunet pulled forth a condom and handed it to Luke. “Always come prepared.”

Luke gave the green-eyed boy a dull look. “I can't imagine you as a Boy Scout.”

Rolling his hips, Eros managed to grind their erections together. “Would you want to see me in some of those shorts?” He winked up at the blond. “You can bend me over in some of those.”

“Shut up.” Luke sighed and worked on opening the condom wrapper. His brow furrowed as Eros slid out from underneath him, only to kneel in front of Luke. “What are you do- Ah!”

In one swift movement, Eros took a firm grip of Luke's arousal and put most of it in his mouth. Humming to himself, Eros bobbed his head a few times, using his hand to stroke Luke as he went up and down on it. Working in this business, Luke had gotten head by a lot of people, including both Lost Kids and customers, but Eros took the cake. How the fuck someone could be so good at this, Luke had no idea, but he wasn't about to complain.

“Um,” Luke just stared down at the brunet a moment, though his eyes soon rolled back, “I sort of need to put the condom on.”

Eros pulled back, Luke's arousal popping out of his mouth. “You have a very nice cock.” The way the brunet said it, and the look in those green eyes, kind of made Luke want to orgasm right there. This kid was like some incarnate of sex.

Taking mercy on him, Eros removed Luke from his mouth and turned around. Biting down on his lip, the brunet hooked his fingers into his cotton pants and underwear. While staring at Luke, Eros pulled them down and let them fall around his ankles. Luke's eyes wasted no time at all in taking in the view of Eros's perfectly sculpted butt.

Moaning, Eros wiggled his butt for Luke. “Fuck me.”

If possible, Luke hardened even more than he already was. Fumbling, Luke worked on rolling the condom onto his penis, while using his foot to spread Eros's legs. Eros leaned forward, pressing his face to the cracked glass. With a firm grip on the brunet's hips, Luke guided his length inside Eros.

“Fuck,” Luke hissed. He had to pause, his head falling onto the brunet's back.

Eros liked sex, right? How the fuck was he still so tight? Luke had fucked virgins before, and this was very close to how tight virgins tended to be. None of the Lost Kids were really loose back home, but this was like a whole new level. Well, Eros, like the twerp, did have thin hips, which could probably be held accountable for how tight the brunet was. But one thing was for sure: Eros's ass felt amazing.

Finally, Luke managed to get in to the hilt. He was already panting. Luke took a firm grip of the back of Eros's hair and jerked it back, causing Eros to wince and moan. “Harder,” Eros moaned.

“Don't complain to me about it in the morning then,” Luke murmured as he pulled back and slammed his hips into Eros's ass. The brunet's fingernails raked across the glass of the pinball machine and a near scream came from his throat. “Better?” Luke smirked.

“Yes!” Eros's eyes were tightly shut as he did his best to hold himself up, though Luke could already see the boy's legs shake. “More. Oh putain, je m'attendais pas à ça. T'es plus doué que prévu.”

Luke was not really sure what the green-eyed boy had said, but it sounded like Eros was enjoying himself, so he would take it as a compliment. Taking a firm grip of Eros's hips, Luke continued to thrust into Eros with full force. He had fucked plenty of people since he started working at the Lotus, but Eros might have been the best he had came across. And they had only just started.

Most people made Luke slow down, even in the kink rooms. They asked for it rough, but when Luke actually gave it to them, most took back their request. Not Eros, though. The boy continued to beg for more as Luke fucked him up against the shaking pinball machine. Luke's eyes flickered up to where it was hitting the wall. There was now a small dent forming there, which Luke could not bring himself to care about. If anything, he only made it hit the wall harder.

“Stop,” Eros instructed, breathing heavily. At first, Luke thought Eros was going to tell him to ease up like everyone else, but that was not the case. The brunet turned around and pulled Luke down for a kiss, wasting no time in slipping his tongue into the blond's mouth. While still kissing, Eros lifted himself onto the pinball machine, his ass hanging off the side. He bit down on his lip and placed his legs around Luke's waist. “Now you can go.”

Luke grinned wickedly as he slipped back inside Eros's warm entrance. He gripped Eros's shoulders and slammed the brunet back onto his dick. Eros's body arched, his mouth now hanging open in a breathless moan. As Eros writhed beneath him, Luke took the incentive to go in deeper and harder. The pinball machine rocked against the wall, groaning beneath the strain that Eros and Luke were putting it through.

“Luke,” Eros moaned, “keep going. Putain!”

Perhaps that was not the best request that the brunet could have given. Luke began to fuck the other Lost Boy so hard that his loud moans could probably be heard by someone passing by the arcade. And then the pinball machine let out a loud creak. By the time Luke realized what was happening, the back legs on the pinball machine collapsed and the machine fell backwards. Eros let out a yelp as he tumbled to the ground, hitting his head on the scoreboard as he went. Luke let out a long groan as his stomach made contact with the front of the pinball machine, dangling in the air now that the machine was on its back. From the floor, Eros snorted and then burst out in a fit of laughter.

Luke tossed the boy a glare as they both got to their feet. “I don't see what is so funny.”

Eros grinned and worked on getting his underwear back on. “I call that great sex.”

Frowning, Luke watched as the brunet got dressed. “So, what, we're just done? We didn't even finish?”

Leaning up on his tiptoes, Eros planted a kiss on the blond's lips. “Not here, silly boy, we must flee the scene of the crime.” The brunet tossed Luke's clothes at him. “Get dressed, we can continue back in your room.”

As long as they finished. As much as Luke hated to admit it, he really wanted to get back inside Eros's very fine ass. He wondered if he could have more of it during their stay here. His blue eyes studied Eros's body carefully as the boy finished getting his clothes on. However, it seemed to be the smile on the brunet's face that caught most of Luke's attention. Quickly shaking his head, Luke frowned.

He didn't have feelings for anyone. Those days were long over. Eros was just a pretty face with a nice ass, there was nothing else. Shaking those thoughts from his mind, Luke quickly dressed himself and left the arcade with Eros.

“Golf cart?” Eros asked, jumping onto the side of one that was parked just outside the arcade. Eros reminded Luke very much of a hyper child, though his body clearly did not belong to a child. “Take me away into the night.” Eros turned and winked at Luke.

Rolling his eyes, Luke crossed his arms. “It's just a short walk back to Gaea's mansion, we don't need one. And why are we going to my room?”

Eros batted his eyes, like he was trying to pull Luke in. “I would hate to wake up my roommate, especially after he surely has had such a hard day at work. Those sex deprived mothers are like animals, or so he says.” Eros casually waved his hand before climbing into the passenger seat, patting the seat beside him.

The look in those green eyes clearly said that their drive would not be an innocent one. And, well, who was Luke to say no to such an offer? Without any further argument, the blond climbed in and turned on the golf cart. Luke had barely driven away when Eros moved to unzip his pants.

It was rather hard to concentrate on driving with Eros's mouth around his dick. Eros was very talented with his mouth, Luke could definitely say that. One of Luke's hands moved from the wheel, taking a firm grip of those brown strands of hair. The green-eyed Lost Boy hummed in appreciation, sending vibrations around Luke's arousal. Without meaning to, Luke's head fell back with a moan. Fuck, Eros was like some kind of sex drug, Luke was most certain of it.

So, Luke might have not been paying very much attention to his driving. He also failed to notice that his foot pressed down on the accelerator a little harder. It was just a little hard to concentrate with Eros's mouth on his erection. And, well, when Luke finally did open his eyes, they were about to crash into the pond in the middle of the golf course.

It was far too late to salvage anything. Luke swerved as hard as he could, but the golf cart still managed to fall into the water. Eros quickly shot off of Luke's manhood, his eyes wide. The boy shrieked as they were both doused in cold water. Luke pushed the brunet out of the cart before swimming away himself.

When they were both back on dry land, Eros tossed the blond a dirty look. “Could you not pay attention?” Reaching down, the brunet wrenched the bottom of his shirt, trying to dry himself off. “Americans really are horrible drivers.”

Luke narrowed his gaze. “I'm not the one who had their mouth around the other person's cock.”

Eros just shrugged. “You were enjoying it.” Wrapping his arms around himself, Eros looked around. Luke frowned a little as he noted the small shivers coming from the brunet's body. Eros's brow furrowed as he looked up at Luke. “What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?”

The blond Lost Boy blinked, looking away and clearing his throat to hide a faint blush. He really needed to get a hold of himself. “Nothing. Come on, let's just get to my bed, so we can be done with this.” Grumbling under his breath, Luke zipped his pants back up.

Biting down on his lip, Eros followed after Luke with a sprint in his step. “You try to hide that you enjoyed it, but we both know you are not fooling anyone.” With his wicked grin, Eros surprised Luke by jumping on his back. The blond quickly tensed, his hands fumbling around Eros's legs. “Carry me.”

“Get off,” Luke growled, trying to give the brunet a dark look.

“It is your fault we are both wet, so you must carry me.”

Luke let out a sigh and continued on his way. It wouldn't have been so bad, but Eros did not seem to want to be innocent tonight. Luke nearly choked when the brunet's foot pressed firmly against his still hard crotch. “S-stop! I'm going to drop you!”

Eros hummed lightly in Luke's ear, though he did not remove his foot. His arms wound their way around Luke's neck and the brunet rested his chin on Luke's shoulder. “Then hold me tighter, beau gosse.”

With a sigh, Luke's shoulders slumped a little as the blond hefted the brunet up and got a better grip under Eros's legs. This boy would be the death of him, Luke was certain of it. At least he only had to put up with Eros for a few more days, right? “I fucking hate you,” Luke muttered as he opened the door to Gaea's mansion.

Once inside Luke's room, Eros wasted no time in stripping off his shirt and pants. He motioned for Luke to come closer, which the blond easily complied with. Luke's hands found their way around Eros's waist, while the brunet stripped him of his wet shirt. Once the shirt was off, Eros ran his hands along Luke's torso, moaning lightly. Reaching around further, Luke cupped Eros's ass in his hands and pulled the boy against his body.

At this rate, neither of them would be getting much sleep.

Luke slid his tongue into Eros's mouth, basking in the sweet moans that came from the brunet. His manhood hardened as his hands groped the brunet's small, firm butt through the wet fabric. With his thumbs, the blond peeled back Eros's underwear and pressed their erections together, until there was no space left between them.

Eventually, Eros had to pull back to catch his breath. The boy shivered in Luke's grasp, signaling to Luke that he was still cold from their wet state. Luke let go of the brunet. Eros gave him an odd look as he disappeared into the bathroom, returning a moment later with a towel.

“Here,” Luke said as he held out his hand.

Eros arched a brow, slowly reaching out to take the offered towel. “Merci.” As he toweled off his hair, Eros slipped his underwear off.

For whatever reason, Luke found the brunet fascinating to watch. And, while Eros had the towel over his head, Luke stepped forward and placed his hands on the green-eyed Lost Boy's waist. As the towel slipped from Eros's head, Luke leaned in and captured the brunet's lips. His hands caught the towel before it could hit the ground, reaching up to finish drying Eros's hair.

Pulling back with a smile, Eros patted Luke on the chest. “Je ne te prennais pas pour un romantique.”


Eros just smiled innocently. “Nothing,” he replied sweetly. He grabbed Luke by the back of the neck and pulled him in for another kiss.

The French boy managed to catch him by surprise, though, pushing Luke back until the blond made contact with the bed and fell onto it. With a wicked grin, Eros crawled on top of him and ground his hips into Luke. Luke's icy blue eyes stared up at Eros in hunger.

After putting on another condom, Luke slowly inserted himself back into Eros. The brunet slowly bounced up and down on his erection. However, Luke soon grew tired of the slow pace and grabbed Eros by the hips. Eros tossed his head back in a long moan as Luke gave him a hard thrust. Luke hissed as Eros's nails raked across his torso.

Looking down, the blond was a little impressed by the brunet's handiwork. This was who Luke was meant to have sex with. It was rather hot, having someone that could not only keep up with Luke's sex drive, but give it back to him in an equal amount.

He wanted—no, he needed to have more sex with this guy before he left.


Alors, on n'arrive pas à dormir?” ~ So, can't sleep?
“T'es dégueulasse.”
~You are so gross
“T'es vraiment mignon.”
~ You are really cute
Nico m'a dit que tu étais plutôt bien foutu.” ~ Nico told me that you were rather well-endowed (the expression is usually employed to say that a woman has nice boobs and butt, though in context the meaning is pretty clear)
“Oh putain, je m'attendais pas
à ça. T'es plus doué que prévu.” ~ Fuck, I wasn't expecting that. You are more skilled than I had imagined
Merci.” ~ Thank You
“Je ne te prennais pas pour un romantique.” ~ I didn't peg you as a romantic